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Tanzu Academy - Developer Sandbox Challenge

This challenge will get you familiar with the steps needed to run a native build on Tanzu Application Platform (TAP). We use the basics from the Native build with TAP demo, but here we use a different accelerator, the tanzu-java-web-app one. If you know how to "copy-and-paste", then you should be all set for this challenge.

This is a "cheat sheet" for the commands you need to run:

  1. Sign up and start a new sandbox lab
  2. Copy the link to "Tanzu Developer Portal" provided under "Getting started".
  3. Set the env var ACC_SERVER_URL to the link you just copied (replace the URL in the example with the one you just copied)
    export ACC_SERVER_URL=
  4. Generate a project from the spring-cloud-serverless accelerator
    tanzu accelerator generate tanzu-java-web-app --options '{"buildTool" : "maven",  "javaVersion" : "17",  "nativeBuild" : true,  "projectName" : "hello-native",  "springBootVersion" : "3.1"}'
  5. Unzip and cd to the app directory
    cd hello-native
  6. Deploy the native workload
    tanzu apps workload create hello-native -y -f config/workload-native.yaml --local-path .
  7. Play some elevator music while you wait for the build to finish (~15 min)
    tanzu apps workload get hello-native
  8. When the app becomes ready it will show a URL, capture that URL
    APP_URL=$(kubectl get -ojsonpath='{.status.url}')
  9. Invoke the app using curl
    curl -w'\n' $APP_URL