Integrating MongoDB Atlas with AWS infra Terraform module
This module supports persistency of MongoDB, by creating/restoring dump files to AWS s3 bucket, this is done by running a shell script upon apply and before destroy, the shell script starts a docker mongoDB docker image to prevent the need to install mongoDB tools locally, it will then read the needed parameters from AWS SSM Parameter store and run the restore/dump function. The module also supports starting with a copy of the DB from another created environment and/or AWS account (I.E. you can start a "DEV" environment with a copy of "Production" DB that resides on a different AWS account). The creation of dump files and restore/copy functions are triggered by terraform events (apply/destroy) based on the mongoDB cluster resource.
* an environment equals in it's name to the Terraform workspace it runs under so when referring to an environment or workspace throughout this document their value is actually the same.
The following resources will be created:
- MongoDB cluster
- MongoDB User with read/write permissions (including password)
- MongoDB Whitelist including IPs
- The following SSM Params will be created:
- /infra/<environment name>/db-name = the db name
- /infra/<environment name>/db-username = user name with access to db (encrypted)
- /infra/<environment name>/db-password = password for user with access to db (encrypted)
- /infra/<environment name>/db-host = host name of the db (encrypted)
- If you intend to copy a db from another workspace you first must either use this module to created the source DB or alternatively manually add these parameters to the SSM Parameter store
- Upon destroy if MongoDB dumps bucket does not exist it will be created
The module requires some configurations for Atlas MongoDB
- required_providers:
- source = "mongodb/mongodbatlas"
- version = "0.9.0"
- mongodbatlas public_key (api key for allowing Terraform to perform actions)
- mongodbatlas private_key (api key for allowing Terraform to perform actions)
- mongodbatlas atlasprojectid
module "mongodb" {
source = "toluna-terraform/terraform-aws-mongodb"
version = "~>0.0.1" // Change to the required version.
environment = local.environment
app_name = local.app_name
aws_profile = local.aws_profile
env_type = local.env_type
atlasprojectid = var.atlasprojectid
atlas_region = var.atlas_region
atlas_num_of_replicas = local.env_vars.atlas_num_of_replicas
backup_on_destroy = true
restore_on_create = true
allowed_envs = local.allowed_envs
aws_vpce =
db_name = local.app_name
init_db_environment = local.init_db_environment
init_db_aws_profile = local.init_db_aws_profile
atlas_num_of_shards = 1
mongo_db_major_version = "4.2"
disk_size_gb = 10
provider_disk_iops = 1000
provider_volume_type = "STANDARD"
provider_instance_size_name = "M10"
To run the mongorestore/mongodump script mnually (
- cd to the path containing your environment.json (see examples)
- -s|--service_name <SERVICE_NAME> -a|--action <mongo_backup/mongo_restore> -w|--workspace -e|--env_type <prod/non-prod> -p|--profile <AWS_PROFILE> -dbh|--dbhost -dbu|--dbuser db username -dbp|--dbpass db password -dbs|--source_db <source workspace to copy DB from on restore(optional)> -sdbu|--sdbuser source db user -sdbp|--sdbpass source db password -l|locaL [true||false] is script runing from local or remote system I.E. for backup --service_name myService --action mongo_backup --workspace my-data --env_type non-prod --profile my-aws-profile --dbhost mongodb+srv://my-mongodb-connection-string --dbuser myUser --dbpass myPassword -local true I.E. for restore --service_name myService --action mongo_restore --workspace my-data --env_type non-prod --profile my-aws-profile --dbhost mongodb+srv://my-mongodb-connection-string --dbuser myUser --dbpass myPassword --source_db test-data --sdbh sourceDBHOST --sdbuser sourceUser --sdbpass sourcePassword -local true I.E. for clone --service_name myService --action mongo_restore --workspace my-data --env_type non-prod --profile my-aws-profile --dbhost mongodb+srv://my-mongodb-connection-string --dbuser myUser --dbpass myPassword --source_db test-data --sdbh sourceDBHOST --sdbuser sourceUser --sdbpass sourcePassword -local true
backup_on_destroy = boolean (true/false) default = true
restore_on_create = boolean (true/false) default = true
init_db_environment = string the name of the source environment to copy db from
if restore_on_create = true the following flow is used:
│ Is s3 dump file found │
┌────────┐ │ ┌─────────┐
│ NO │ ◄────────────┴─────────────►│ YES │
└───┬────┘ └────┬────┘
│ │
▼ ▼
┌───────────────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────────┐
│ Is initial DB Environment set │ │Restore from s3 dump file │
└───────────────┬───────────────┘ └──────────────────────────┘
┌────────┐ │ ┌─────────┐
│ NO │ ◄───────────────┴──────────►│ YES │
└───┬────┘ └────┬────┘
│ │
▼ ▼
┌────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Start empty DB │ │ Restore from initial DB Environment │
└────────────────┘ └─────────────────────────────────────┘
- To force initialization from another environment DB you must remove the dump file of your target environment from s3 and set the init_db_environment variable to the name of the source environment you want to copy the db from.
- If backup_on_destroy = true, each time the MongoDB cluster is destroyed (including force update - force replace), a dump will be created and uploaded to s3, so if "force replace" is done the DB restored will be from latest point before update.
- To force a replacement of MongoDB cluster you can run terraform taint <module.mongodbatlas_cluster.main>
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 1.0.0 |
aws | >= 3.59 |
mongodbatlas | >= 0.9.0 |
Name | Version |
aws | >= 3.59 |
mongodbatlas | >= 0.9.0 |
random | >= 3.1.0 |
null | >= 3.1.0 |
Name | Source | Version |
mongodb | ../../ |
Name | Type |
mongodbatlas_cluster | resource |
aws_ssm_parameter | resource |
null_resource | resource |
mongodbatlas_project_ip_whitelist | resource |
mongodbatlas_database_user | resource |
random_password | resource |
No inputs.
Name | Value |
cluster_connection_string | cluster connection string( Stripped without "mongodb+srv://" ) |
s3_dump_file | Details about the dump file created |
env_type | The environment type created "prod/non-prod" |