diff --git a/.idea/vcs.xml b/.idea/vcs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94a25f7f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/vcs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tvb/simulator/plot/tools.py b/tvb/simulator/plot/tools.py
index 34595ba6d..c222faa61 100644
--- a/tvb/simulator/plot/tools.py
+++ b/tvb/simulator/plot/tools.py
@@ -35,24 +35,28 @@
.. moduleauthor:: Paula Sanz Leon
-import numpy
-import scipy as sp
-import networkx as nx
from tvb.basic.logger.builder import get_logger
+import time
+import utils
+import numpy
+import numpy as np
LOG = get_logger(__name__)
+# plotly import matplotlib altenetive and more friendly
+import plotly.offline
+import plotly.tools as tls
-##- matplotlib based plotting functions -##
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - matplotlib based plotting functions
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
-import matplotlib.colors as colors
+from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
+from matplotlib import colors
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import make_axes_locatable
@@ -67,12 +71,130 @@ def _blob(x, y, area, colour):
the given coordinates.
From : http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/HintonDiagrams
+ fig = pyplot.figure()
hs = numpy.sqrt(area) / 2
xcorners = numpy.array([x - hs, x + hs, x + hs, x - hs])
ycorners = numpy.array([y - hs, y - hs, y + hs, y + hs])
pyplot.fill(xcorners, ycorners, colour, edgecolor=colour)
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
+def longer_time_series(ts_int, tsr):
+ """
+ Create And Launch A TimeSeriesInteractive
+ :param ts_int: import tvb.simulator.plot.timeseries_interactive as ts_int
+ :param tsr: ime_series.TimeSeriesRegion()
+ :return:
+ """
+ tsi = ts_int.TimeSeriesInteractive(time_series=tsr)
+ tsi.configure()
+ tsi.show()
+def phase_plane_tool(ppi, epileptor):
+ """
+ Open the phase plane tool with the epileptor model
+ :param ppi: from tvb.simulator.plot.phase_plane_interactive import PhasePlaneInteractive as ppi
+ :param epileptor: epileptor = models.Epileptor(
+ :return:
+ """
+ ppi_fig = ppi(model=epileptor)
+ ppi_fig.show()
+def epi_time_series(tavg, t):
+ """
+ Triggering a seizure by stimulation
+ :param tavg: (np.max(tavg,0) - np.min(tavg,0 ))
+ :param t: sim.run()
+ :return:
+ """
+ # Plot raw time series
+ fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
+ pyplot.plot(t[:], tavg[:, 0, :, 0] + numpy.r_[:76], 'r')
+ pyplot.title("Epileptors time series")
+ # Show them
+ pyplot.show()
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
+def display_source_sensor(conn, sens_eeg, skin, sens_meg):
+ """
+ Display ROIs & M/EEG sensor positions
+ :param conn:
+ :param sens_eeg:
+ :param skin:
+ :param sens_meg:
+ :return:
+ """
+ fig = pyplot.figure()
+ ax = pyplot.subplot(111, projection='3d')
+ # ROI centers as black circles
+ x, y, z = conn.centres.T
+ ax.plot(x, y, z, 'ko')
+ # EEG sensors as blue x's
+ x, y, z = sens_eeg.sensors_to_surface(skin).T
+ ax.plot(x, y, z, 'bx')
+ # Plot boundary surface
+ x, y, z = skin.vertices.T
+ ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, z, triangles=skin.triangles, alpha=0.1, edgecolor='none')
+ # MEG sensors as red +'s
+ x, y, z = sens_meg.locations.T
+ ax.plot(x, y, z, 'r+')
+ # Plot using plotly
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
+def compare_inte(raws, names, exp, t, r_):
+ """
+ Often it is difficult to know which is the best integration method
+ for your simulation. TVB offers a handful of methods, with recently
+ added variable order methods which allow one to safely choose higher
+ time steps, as long as they remain smaller than the smallest time delay.
+ :param raws:
+ :param names:
+ :param exp:
+ :param t:
+ :param r:
+ :return:
+ """
+ n_raw = len(raws)
+ fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
+ for i, (raw_i, name_i) in enumerate(zip(raws, names)):
+ for j, (raw_j, name_j) in enumerate(zip(raws, names)):
+ pyplot.subplot(n_raw, n_raw, i * n_raw + j + 1)
+ if raw_i.shape[0] != t.shape[0] or raw_i.shape[0] != raw_j.shape[0]:
+ continue
+ if i == j:
+ pyplot.plot(t, raw_i[:, 0, :, 0], 'k', alpha=0.1)
+ else:
+ pyplot.semilogy(t, (abs(raw_i - raw_j) / raw_i.ptp())[:, 0, :, 0], 'k', alpha=0.1)
+ pyplot.ylim(exp(r_[-30, 0]))
+ pyplot.grid(True)
+ if i == 0:
+ pyplot.title(name_j)
+ if j == 0:
+ pyplot.ylabel(name_i)
+ if i == 0:
+ euler_raw = raw
+ else:
+ raw = abs(raw - euler_raw) / euler_raw.ptp() * 100.0
+ pyplot.tight_layout()
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
def hinton_diagram(connectivity_weights, num, maxWeight=None):
@@ -85,7 +207,7 @@ def hinton_diagram(connectivity_weights, num, maxWeight=None):
if not maxWeight:
maxWeight = 2 ** numpy.ceil(numpy.log(numpy.max(numpy.abs(connectivity_weights))) / numpy.log(2))
- #pyplot.fill(numpy.array([0,width,width,0]),numpy.array([0,0,height+0.5,height+0.5]),'gray')
+ # pyplot.fill(numpy.array([0,width,width,0]),numpy.array([0,0,height+0.5,height+0.5]),'gray')
weights_axes = weights_figure.gca()
@@ -100,12 +222,29 @@ def hinton_diagram(connectivity_weights, num, maxWeight=None):
_blob(_x - 1., height - _y + 0.0, min(1, -w / maxWeight), 'black')
return weights_axes
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(weights_figure)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
def plot_connectivity(connectivity, num="weights", order_by=None, plot_hinton=False, plot_tracts=True):
A 2D plot for visualizing the Connectivity.weights matrix
+ def plot_with_weights(weights):
+ """
+ Connectivity normalization
+ With significant variability between methods of obtaining structural connectivity,
+ it is often useful to normalize, in one sense or another, the connectivity when
+ comparing, for example, across subjects, or standardizing parameter ranges.
+ :param weights: mode e.g region default none
+ :output: 2d plot
+ """
+ conn = connectivity.Connectivity(load_default=True)
+ conn.configure()
+ conn.weights = weights
+ plot_connectivity(conn, num="tract_mode", plot_tracts=False)
labels = connectivity.region_labels
plot_title = connectivity.__class__.__name__
@@ -130,7 +269,8 @@ def plot_connectivity(connectivity, num="weights", order_by=None, plot_hinton=Fa
weights_axes = weights_figure.gca()
wimg = weights_axes.matshow(connectivity.weights[order_rows, order_columns])
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(weights_figure)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
if plot_tracts:
@@ -156,8 +296,6 @@ def plot_connectivity(connectivity, num="weights", order_by=None, plot_hinton=Fa
tracts_axes.set_xticklabels(list(labels[order]), fontsize=8, rotation=90)
def plot_local_connectivity(cortex, cutoff=None):
Display the local connectivity function as a line plot. Four lines are
@@ -190,7 +328,7 @@ def plot_local_connectivity(cortex, cutoff=None):
'-'] # : solid line -- black
- #If necessary, add a default LocalConnectivity to ``local_connectivity``.
+ # If necessary, add a default LocalConnectivity to ``local_connectivity``.
if cortex.local_connectivity is None:
LOG.info("local_connectivity is None, adding default LocalConnectivity")
cortex.local_connectivity = cortex.trait["local_connectivity"]
@@ -198,7 +336,7 @@ def plot_local_connectivity(cortex, cutoff=None):
if cutoff:
cortex.local_connectivity.cutoff = cutoff
- #We need a cutoff distance to work from...
+ # We need a cutoff distance to work from...
if cortex.local_connectivity.cutoff is None:
LOG.error("You need to provide a cutoff...")
@@ -206,44 +344,40 @@ def plot_local_connectivity(cortex, cutoff=None):
cutoff = cortex.local_connectivity.cutoff
cutoff_2 = 2.0 * cortex.local_connectivity.cutoff
- pyplot.figure(num="Local Connectivity Cases")
+ fig = pyplot.figure(num="Local Connectivity Cases")
pyplot.title("Local Connectivity Cases")
# ideally all these lines should overlap
- #What we want
+ # What we want
hi_res = 1024
step = 2.0 * cutoff_2 / (hi_res - 1)
hi_x = numpy.arange(-cutoff_2, cutoff_2 + step, step)
- cortex.local_connectivity.equation.pattern = numpy.abs(hi_x)
- pyplot.plot(hi_x, cortex.local_connectivity.equation.pattern, 'k',
+ pyplot.plot(hi_x, cortex.local_connectivity.equation.evaluate(numpy.abs(hi_x)), 'k',
linestyle=dashes[-1], linewidth=3)
- #What we'll mostly get
+ # What we'll mostly get
avg_res = 2 * int(cutoff / cortex.edge_length_mean)
step = cutoff_2 / (avg_res - 1)
avg_x = numpy.arange(-cutoff, cutoff + step, step)
- cortex.local_connectivity.equation.pattern = numpy.abs(avg_x)
- pyplot.plot(avg_x, cortex.local_connectivity.equation.pattern, 'b',
+ pyplot.plot(avg_x, cortex.local_connectivity.equation.evaluate(numpy.abs(avg_x)), 'b',
linestyle=dashes[0], linewidth=3)
- #It can be this bad
+ # It can be this bad
worst_res = 2 * int(cutoff / cortex.edge_length_max)
step = cutoff_2 / (worst_res - 1)
worst_x = numpy.arange(-cutoff, cutoff + step, step)
- cortex.local_connectivity.equation.pattern = numpy.abs(worst_x)
- pyplot.plot(worst_x, cortex.local_connectivity.equation.pattern, 'r',
+ pyplot.plot(worst_x, cortex.local_connectivity.equation.evaluate(numpy.abs(worst_x)), 'r',
linestyle=dashes[1], linewidth=3)
- #This is as good as it gets...
+ # This is as good as it gets...
best_res = 2 * int(cutoff / cortex.edge_length_min)
step = cutoff_2 / (best_res - 1)
best_x = numpy.arange(-cutoff, cutoff + step, step)
- cortex.local_connectivity.equation.pattern = numpy.abs(best_x)
- pyplot.plot(best_x, cortex.local_connectivity.equation.pattern, 'g',
+ pyplot.plot(best_x, cortex.local_connectivity.equation.evaluate(numpy.abs(best_x)), 'g',
linestyle=dashes[2], linewidth=3)
- #Plot the cutoff
+ # Plot the cutoff
ymin, ymax = pyplot.ylim()
pyplot.plot([-cutoff, -cutoff], [ymin, ymax], "k--")
pyplot.plot([cutoff, cutoff], [ymin, ymax], "k--")
@@ -252,24 +386,37 @@ def plot_local_connectivity(cortex, cutoff=None):
pyplot.xlabel("Distance from focal point")
pyplot.legend(("Theoretical", "Typical", "Worst", "Best", "Cutoff"))
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
- # set the linewidth of the first legend object
- #leg.legendHandles[0].set_linewidth(6.0)
- #leg.legendHandles[1].set_linewidth(6.0)
- #leg.legendHandles[2].set_linewidth(6.0)
- #leg.legendHandles[3].set_linewidth(6.0)
+def temp_avg_timeseries(TAVG, EEG, nodes, tt):
+ """
+ Temporal Averaged time-series
+ :param TAVG: numpy array
+ :param EEG: numpy array
+ :param tt: numpy array
+ :return: output: 2D time Series
+ """
+ fig = pyplot.figure()
+ pyplot.subplot(211)
+ pyplot.plot(tt, TAVG[:, 0, nodes, 0])
+ pyplot.title("Temporal Averaged time-series")
+ pyplot.subplot(212)
+ pyplot.plot(tt, EEG[:, 0, 60, 0], 'k')
+ pyplot.title("EEG")
+ pyplot.tight_layout()
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
def plot_pattern(pattern_object):
pyplot in 2D the given X, over T.
- pyplot.figure(42)
+ fig = pyplot.figure(42)
pyplot.plot(pattern_object.spatial_pattern, "k*")
- #pyplot.plot(pattern_object.space, pattern_object.spatial_pattern, "k*")
+ # pyplot.plot(pattern_object.space, pattern_object.spatial_pattern, "k*")
pyplot.plot(pattern_object.time.T, pattern_object.temporal_pattern.T)
@@ -279,9 +426,9 @@ def plot_pattern(pattern_object):
- #pyplot.show()
+ # plot on plotly
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
def show_me_the_colours():
@@ -298,19 +445,17 @@ def show_me_the_colours():
ax.text(0.05, 0.5, colours[k])
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(colours_fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
def plot_matrix(mat, fig_name='plot_this_matrix', connectivity=None, binary_matrix=False):
An embellished matshow display
- #NOTE: I could add more stuff in plot_connectivity, but I rather have
+ # NOTE: I could add more stuff in plot_connectivity, but I rather have
# a dummy function for displaying a pretty matrix with the
# value of each element.
- from matplotlib import colors
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(num=fig_name, figsize=(12,10))
@@ -338,42 +483,29 @@ def plot_matrix(mat, fig_name='plot_this_matrix', connectivity=None, binary_matr
width = mat.shape[0]
height = mat.shape[1]
- # for x in range(width):
- # for y in range(height):
- # ax.annotate(str(int(mat[x][y])),
- # xy=(y, x),
- # horizontalalignment='center',
- # verticalalignment = 'center',
- # fontsize=10)
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
def plot_3d_centres(xyz):
- import matplotlib as mpl
- from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- fig = plt.figure(1)
- fig.clf()
- ax = Axes3D(fig)
- ax.plot(xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2], 'o', alpha=0.6)
- ax.set_xlim([min(xyz[:, 0]), max(xyz[:, 0])])
- ax.set_ylim([min(xyz[:, 1]), max(xyz[:, 1])])
- ax.set_zlim([min(xyz[:, 2]), max(xyz[:, 2])])
- ax.set_xlabel('x [mm]')
- ax.set_ylabel('y [mm]')
- ax.set_zlabel('z [mm]')
+ """Plot 3D"""
+ fig = pyplot.figure(1)
+ fig.clf()
+ ax = Axes3D(fig)
+ ax.plot(xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2], 'o', alpha=0.6)
+ ax.set_xlim([min(xyz[:, 0]), max(xyz[:, 0])])
+ ax.set_ylim([min(xyz[:, 1]), max(xyz[:, 1])])
+ ax.set_zlim([min(xyz[:, 2]), max(xyz[:, 2])])
+ ax.set_xlabel('x [mm]')
+ ax.set_ylabel('y [mm]')
+ ax.set_zlabel('z [mm]')
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
def plot_tri_matrix(mat, figure=None, num='plot_part_of_this_matrix', size=None,
cmap=pyplot.cm.RdBu_r, colourbar=True,
color_anchor=None, node_labels=None, x_tick_rot=0,
- r"""Creates a lower-triangle of a square matrix. Very often found to display correlations or coherence.
+ """Creates a lower-triangle of a square matrix. Very often found to display correlations or coherence.
@@ -417,14 +549,9 @@ def channel_formatter(x, pos=None):
- w = fig.get_figwidth()
- h = fig.get_figheight()
ax_im = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
- N = mat.shape[0]
- idx = numpy.arange(N)
+ N = mat.shape[0]
if colourbar:
@@ -436,11 +563,11 @@ def channel_formatter(x, pos=None):
mat_copy = mat.copy()
- #Null the upper triangle, including the main diagonal.
+ # Null the upper triangle, including the main diagonal.
idx_null = numpy.triu_indices(mat_copy.shape[0])
mat_copy[idx_null] = numpy.nan
- #Min max values
+ # Min max values
max_val = numpy.nanmax(mat_copy)
min_val = numpy.nanmin(mat_copy)
@@ -455,14 +582,14 @@ def channel_formatter(x, pos=None):
color_min = color_anchor[0]
color_max = color_anchor[1]
- #The call to imshow produces the matrix plot:
+ # The call to imshow produces the matrix plot:
im = ax_im.imshow(mat_copy, origin='upper', interpolation='nearest',
vmin=color_min, vmax=color_max, cmap=cmap)
- #Formatting:
+ # Formatting:
ax = ax_im
- #Label each of the cells with the row and the column:
+ # Label each of the cells with the row and the column:
if node_labels is not None:
for i in range(0, mat_copy.shape[0]):
if i < (mat_copy.shape[0] - 1):
@@ -480,7 +607,7 @@ def channel_formatter(x, pos=None):
ax.set_ybound([-0.5, N - 0.5])
ax.set_xbound([-0.5, N - 1.5])
- #Make the tick-marks invisible:
+ # Make the tick-marks invisible:
for line in ax.xaxis.get_ticklines():
@@ -493,16 +620,16 @@ def channel_formatter(x, pos=None):
if colourbar:
- #Set the ticks - if 0 is in the interval of values, set that, as well
- #as the min, max values:
+ # Set the ticks - if 0 is in the interval of values, set that, as well
+ # as the min, max values:
if min_val < 0:
ticks = [color_min, min_val, 0, max_val, color_max]
- #set the min, mid and max values:
+ # set the min, mid and max values:
ticks = [color_min, min_val, (color_max- color_min)/2., max_val, color_max]
- #colourbar:
+ # colourbar:
cb = fig.colorbar(im, cax=ax_cb, orientation='horizontal',
@@ -521,11 +648,206 @@ def channel_formatter(x, pos=None):
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
return fig
+def plot_roi_corr_map(reg_name, conn, t, y, corrcoef):
+ """
+ Seed-region correlation maps
+ A common visualization of FC specific to a given is to pull out its
+ row of the FC matrix and plot a colormap on the anatomy. We can do this
+ will the simulated functional connectivity to identify which regions are
+ highly coordinated with the seed region.
+ :param reg_name: Reg/plot name
+ :param conn: connectivity e.g conn = connectivity.Connectivity(load_default=True)
+ :return: Output: 3d plot of the various angles of human brain
+ """
+ cs = []
+ for i in range(int(t[-1] / 1e3)):
+ cs.append(corrcoef(y[(t > (i * 1e3)) * (t < (1e3 * (i + 1)))].T))
+ cs = numpy.array(cs)
+ cs.shape
+ roi = numpy.find(conn.ordered_labels==reg_name)[0]
+ cs_m = cs[2:].mean(axis=0)
+ rm = utils.cortex.region_mapping
+ utils.multiview(cs_m[roi][rm], shaded=False, suptitle=reg_name, figsize=(10, 5))
+def plot_brain_network_model(tavg_time, tavg_data, ):
+ """
-def plot_fast_kde(x, y, kern_nx = None, kern_ny = None, gridsize=(500, 500),
+ """
+ TAVG = numpy.array(tavg_data)
+ tavg_time = numpy.array(tavg_time)
+ t_interval = numpy.arange(100)
+ # Plot raw time series
+ fig1 = pyplot.figure(1)
+ pyplot.plot(tavg_time[t_interval], TAVG[t_interval, 0, :, 0], 'k', alpha=0.05)
+ pyplot.plot(tavg_time[t_interval], TAVG[t_interval, 0, :, 0].mean(axis=1), 'k', linewidth=3)
+ pyplot.title("Temporal average -- State variable V")
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig1)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
+ fig2 = pyplot.figure(2)
+ pyplot.plot(tavg_time[t_interval], TAVG[t_interval, 1, :, 0], 'b', alpha=0.05)
+ pyplot.plot(tavg_time[t_interval], TAVG[t_interval, 1, :, 0].mean(axis=1), 'b', linewidth=3)
+ pyplot.title("Temporal average -- State variable W")
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig2)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
+ fig3 = pyplot.figure(3)
+ pyplot.plot(tavg_time[t_interval], TAVG[t_interval, 2, :, 0], 'r', alpha=0.05)
+ pyplot.plot(tavg_time[t_interval], TAVG[t_interval, 2, :, 0].mean(axis=1), 'r', linewidth=3)
+ pyplot.title("Temporal average -- State variable Z")
+ pyplot.xlabel('time [ms]', fontsize=24)
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig3)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
+def sim_sum_eeg(eeg, meg, seeg):
+ """
+ Cortical surface with subcortical regions,
+ sEEG, EEG & MEG, using a stochastic integration.
+ """
+ fig = pyplot.figure()
+ for i, mon in enumerate((eeg, meg, seeg)):
+ pyplot.subplot(3, 1, i + 1)
+ time, data = mon
+ pyplot.plot(time, data[:, 0, :, 0], 'k', alpha=0.1)
+ pyplot.ylabel(['EEG', 'MEG', 'sEEG'][i])
+ pyplot.tight_layout()
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
+def reg_red_wong_wang(colorbar, conn, imagesc, np2m):
+ """
+ perform a simulation with the reduced Wong-Wang model,
+ using the default connectivity.
+ :return:
+ """
+ fig = pyplot.figure('Position', [500, 500, 1000, 400])
+ pyplot.subplot(121, imagesc(np2m(conn.weights)), colorbar, pyplot.title('Weights'))
+ pyplot.subplot(122, imagesc(np2m(conn.tract_lengths)), colorbar)
+ pyplot.title('Tract Lengths (mm)')
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
+def matlab_two_ep_sim(gca, squeeze, signal):
+ """
+ erform a simulation with two Epileptors.
+ :return:
+ """
+ fig = pyplot.figure()
+ pyplot.subplot(311)
+ pyplot.plot(time, squeeze(signal(1, ':', 1, ':')), 'k')
+ pyplot.ylabel('x2(t - x1(t)')
+ pyplot.set(gca, 'XTickLabel', {})
+ pyplot.title('Two Epileptors')
+ # plot high-pass filtered LFP
+ pyplot.subplot(312)
+ [b, a] = buffer(3, 2/2000*5.0, 'high')
+ hpf = filter(b, a, squeeze(signal(1,':', 1,':')))
+ pyplot.plot(time, hpf(':',1),'k')
+ pyplot.plot(time, hpf(':', 2), 'k')
+ pyplot.set(gca, 'XTickLabel', {})
+ pyplot.ylabel('HPF LFP')
+ pyplot.subplot(313)
+ pyplot.plot(time, squeeze(signal(1,':', 2,':')), 'k')
+ pyplot.ylabel('Z(t)')
+ pyplot.xlabel('Time (ms)')
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
+def region_simulate(raw_data, tavg_data, raw_time, tavg_time):
+ """
+ presents the basic anatomy of a region simulation using
+ The Virtual Brain's (TVB's) scripting interface.
+ :return:
+ """
+ # Make the lists numpy.arrays for easier use.
+ RAW = numpy.array(raw_data)
+ TAVG = numpy.array(tavg_data)
+ # Plot raw time series
+ fig = pyplot.figure(1)
+ pyplot.plot(raw_time, RAW[:, 0, :, 0])
+ pyplot.title("Raw -- State variable 0")
+ # Plot temporally averaged time series
+ pyplot.figure(2)
+ pyplot.plot(tavg_time, TAVG[:, 0, :, 0])
+ pyplot.title("Temporal average")
+ # Show them
+ pyplot.show()
+ plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
+ plotly.offline.iplot(plotly_fig)
+def centres_cubic(self, number_of_regions=4, max_radius=42., flat=False):
+ """
+ The nodes are positioined in a 3D grid inside the cube centred at the origin and
+ with edges parallel to the axes, with an edge length of 2*max_radius.
+ """
+ # To cartesian coordinates
+ x = numpy.linspace(-max_radius, max_radius, number_of_regions)
+ y = numpy.linspace(-max_radius, max_radius, number_of_regions)
+ if flat:
+ z = numpy.zeros(number_of_regions)
+ else:
+ z = numpy.linspace(-max_radius, max_radius, number_of_regions)
+ self.centres = numpy.array([x, y, z]).T
+def three_d_dviewer():
+ """Viewing 3D Volumetric Data With Matplotlib"""
+ def remove_keymap_conflicts(new_keys_set):
+ for prop in pyplot.rcParams:
+ if prop.startswith('keymap.'):
+ keys = pyplot.rcParams[prop]
+ remove_list = set(keys) & new_keys_set
+ for key in remove_list:
+ keys.remove(key)
+ def multi_slice_viewer(volume):
+ remove_keymap_conflicts({'j', 'k'})
+ fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
+ ax.volume = volume
+ ax.index = volume.shape[0] // 2
+ ax.imshow(volume[ax.index])
+ fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', process_key)
+ def process_key(event):
+ fig = event.canvas.figure
+ ax = fig.axes[0]
+ if event.key == 'j':
+ previous_slice(ax)
+ elif event.key == 'k':
+ next_slice(ax)
+ fig.canvas.draw()
+ def previous_slice(ax):
+ volume = ax.volume
+ ax.index = (ax.index - 1) % volume.shape[0] # wrap around using %
+ ax.images[0].set_array(volume[ax.index])
+ def next_slice(ax):
+ volume = ax.volume
+ ax.index = (ax.index + 1) % volume.shape[0]
+ ax.images[0].set_array(volume[ax.index])
+def plot_fast_kde(x, sp, y, kern_nx = None, kern_ny = None, gridsize=(500, 500),
extents=None, nocorrelation=False, weights=None, norm = True, pdf=False, **kwargs):
A faster gaussian kernel density estimate (KDE). Intended for
@@ -578,7 +900,7 @@ def plot_fast_kde(x, y, kern_nx = None, kern_ny = None, gridsize=(500, 500),
A gridded 2D kernel density estimate of the input points.
- #---- Setup --------------------------------------------------------------
+ # ------------------------------- Setup ------------------------------------------
x, y = numpy.asarray(x), numpy.asarray(y)
x, y = numpy.squeeze(x), numpy.squeeze(y)
@@ -607,7 +929,7 @@ def plot_fast_kde(x, y, kern_nx = None, kern_ny = None, gridsize=(500, 500),
dx = (xmax - xmin) / (nx - 1)
dy = (ymax - ymin) / (ny - 1)
- #---- Preliminary Calculations -------------------------------------------
+ # ---- Preliminary Calculations -------------------------------------------
# First convert x & y over to pixel coordinates
# (Avoiding np.digitize due to excessive memory usage!)
@@ -667,12 +989,11 @@ def plot_fast_kde(x, y, kern_nx = None, kern_ny = None, gridsize=(500, 500),
# units as scipy.stats.kde.gaussian_kde's output.
norm_factor = 2 * numpy.pi * cov * scotts_factor**2
norm_factor = numpy.linalg.det(norm_factor)
- #norm_factor = n * dx * dy * np.sqrt(norm_factor)
norm_factor = numpy.sqrt(norm_factor)
if norm :
norm_factor *= n * dx * dy
- #---- Produce pdf --------------------------------
+ # --------------------- Produce pdf--------------------------------
if pdf:
norm_factor, _ = sp.integrate.nquad(grid, [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]])
@@ -686,5 +1007,4 @@ def plot_fast_kde(x, y, kern_nx = None, kern_ny = None, gridsize=(500, 500),
# Do some stuff that tests or makes use of this module...
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