The list only contains packages needed by the configuration and scripts of this repository.
It is not an exhaustive list of tools used on the system.
Versions listed are the ones as defined by Arch Linux packages.
The version URL links to the closest source code commit, tag or archive used.
Note that it is not an exact match as extra patches might be added by the distro during packaging.
Name | Purpose | Source | Version |
aerc | mail client | Sourcehut | 0.18.2 |
aria2 | download utility | GitHub | 1.37.0 |
bat | cat clone with syntax highlighting | GitHub | 0.24.0 |
bluez-obex | Bluetooth content sharing | | 5.79 |
bluez-tools | Bluetooth extra utilities | GitHub | 0.2.0 |
bluez-utils | Bluetooth utilities | | 5.79 |
coreutils | basic utilities | GNU | 9.5 |
ctags | sources indexation | GitHub | 1:6.1.0 |
curl | URL retrieval utility | GitHub | 8.11.1 |
entr | Run command on files change | GitHub | 5.6 |
fontconfig | fonts management | | 2:2.15.0 |
foot | terminal emulator | Codeberg | 1.19.0 |
fzf | fuzzy finder | GitHub | 0.57.0 |
gammastep | screen color temperature adjustment | GitLab | 2.0.9 |
git | version control | GitHub | 2.47.1 |
gnupg | OpenPGP client | GnuPG | 2.4.7 |
grim | screenshot utility | GitHub | 1.4.1 |
htop | system processes manager | GitHub | 3.3.0 |
httpie | HTTP client | GitHub | 3.2.3 |
i3blocks | window manager status line | GitHub | 1.5 |
imagemagick | image utilities | GitHub | |
imv | image viewer | Sourcehut | 4.5.0 |
isync | mailbox sync | SourceForge | 1.5.0 |
jq | JSON processor | GitHub | 1.7.1 |
khard | contacts management | GitHub | 0.19.1 |
less | pager | GitHub | 1:668 |
libnotify | desktop notifications sending | Gnome | 0.8.3 |
libqalculate | calculator | GitHub | |
libxml2 | XML parsing | Gnome | 2.13.5 |
light | backlight controller | GitHub | 1.2.2 |
mako | notifications daemon | GitHub | 1.9.0 |
mitmproxy | HTTP/HTTPS proxy | GitHub | 11.0.2 |
mpc | MPD command line client | GitHub | 0.35 |
mpd | music server | GitHub | 0.23.16 |
mpv | media player | GitHub | 1:0.39.0 |
neovim | text editor | GitHub | 0.10.3 |
networkmanager | network manager | | 1.50.1 |
opendoas | run commands as root | GitHub | 6.8.2 |
openssh | SSH client | GitHub | 9.9p1 |
otf-font-awesome | icons font | GitHub | 6.7.2 |
pass | password manager | | 1.7.4 |
pipewire-audio | audio support for Pipewire | freedesktop | 1:1.2.7 |
poweralertd | power notifications | Sourcehut | r44.2b54c64 |
pulsemixer | sound mixer | GitHub | 1.5.1 |
pv | pipeline progress display | Codeberg | 1.9.25 |
qrencode | QR Code library | GitHub | 4.1.1 |
qutebrowser | web browser | GitHub | 3.4.0 |
remind | calendar and alarms | | 5.0.6 |
ripgrep | files search | GitHub | 14.1.1 |
rsync | files syncing | | 3.3.0 |
scdoc | man page generator | Sourcehut | 1.11.3 |
sfeed | RSS and Atom parser | Codemadness | 2.1 |
slurp | region selection | GitHub | 1.5.0 |
sway | window manager | GitHub | 1:1.10 |
swaybg | desktop wallpaper | GitHub | 1.2.1 |
swayidle | idle management daemon | GitHub | 1.8.0 |
swaylock | screen locker | GitHub | 1.8.0 |
systemd | system and service manager | GitHub | 257.1 |
tmux | terminal multiplexer | GitHub | 3.5_a |
tmux-xpanes | terminal multiplexer divider | GitHub | 4.1.4 |
tofi | dynamic menu | GitHub | 0.9.1 |
translate-shell | translator | GitHub | |
upower | query power devices | | 1.90.6 |
vdirsyncer | contacts sync | GitHub | 0.19.3 |
w3m | web pager | Debian | 0.5.3.git20230713_1 |
wayprompt | prompt window | Sourcehut | 0.1.2 |
weechat | chat client | GitHub | 4.5.1 |
wf-recorder | screen recorder | GitHub | 0.5.0 |
wireplumber | session manager for Pipewire | freedesktop | 0.5.7 |
wl-clipboard | clipboard utilities | GitHub | 1:2.2.1 |
xdg-utils | applications manager | | 1.2.1 |
yubikey-manager | Yubikey manager | GitHub | 1:5.5.1 |
zathura | document viewer | | 0.5.11 |
zsh | shell | GitHub | 5.9 |
Some of the packages don't have their own dotfiles config for diversion reasons:
- configuration is only system wide (e.g., networkmanager)
- none is needed, use defaults (e.g., curl)
- config is part of another package (e.g., swaybg, needed for sway outputs style config)
Unless they have their own dotfiles config, the list doesn't include the following kind of required packages:
- POSIX utilities (e.g., sed)
- packages not required directly by our own config (e.g., gawk, dependency of translate-shell)
- standard Linux packages (e.g., util-linux)
- base Arch Linux packages (e.g., pacman)