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49 lines (33 loc) · 3.11 KB

File metadata and controls

49 lines (33 loc) · 3.11 KB

Test environments

  • Windows Server 2019 (CI (GitHub actions): release 4.3.2 and devel)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 (CI (GitHub actions), release 4.3.2 and devel)

New release 1.4.9

Breaking changes

  • Removed the condaFilepath argument in the session() function as this was causing issues during multiprocessing; To set the conda path now, use the condaFilepath() replacement method on the session object.
  • Deprecated datasheetRaster() so will now throw a warning if used (but will still work)
  • Deprecated raster objects as inputs to saveDatasheet() so will now throw a warning if used (but will still work)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug in ssimLibrary() where useConda argument is set to FALSE as default. This wrongly updates the SyncroSim library properties when running a Library in a conda environment from the UI.
  • Fixed issue where rsyncrosim "factors" erase column data if creating factor lookups fails.
  • Fixed bug when loading template libraries from addon packages.
  • Fixed bug that came up sometimes in datasheet() function when optional set to TRUE - this only came up sometimes because it had to do with the syncrosim validation type under the hood; if the validation was based on a core datasheet, then the function would fail.
  • Fixed bug when trying to retrieve datasheets for multiple scenarios at a time.

New features:

  • Added the new Folder class that allows users to retrieve folder data for a SyncroSim Library or Project, create new folders at the Project root or nested within other folders, and move Scenarios into folders.
  • Added the new published() function that allows a user to tag a folder for publication.
  • Added the new folderId() function that allows a user to assign a folder ID to a Scenario (moves the scenario into the specified folder), or retrieve the folder ID for a Scenario or Folder object.
  • Removed dependency on rgdal and raster functions (as these are now deprecated) and added terra dependency.
  • Updated saveDatasheet() to use terra spatRasters under the hood (raster objects still work as well, but will throw a warning)
  • Added new datasheetSpatRaster() function that works similarly to datasheetRaster(), but returns SpatRasters instead of raster objects and uses terra functions under the hood.

Minor improvements and fixes

  • Updated copyright

Upstream dependencies

The SyncroSim software is an upstream dependency as rsyncrosim provides an API for it. Therefore, all examples, all tests, as well as vignette code, requires SyncroSim to be installed to run. Therefore, all tests in the submitted package should not run (tagged with testthat::skip_on_cran()). In addition, all vignettes are only available on the rsyncrosim website and are set to not be included in the package build. Furthermore, examples in the documentation are prevented from being checked using \donttest{}.

R CMD check results

── R CMD check results ─────────────────────────────────── rsyncrosim 1.4.9 ──── Duration: 1m 30.8s

Warning messages: 0 errors ✔ | 0 warnings ✔ | 0 notes ✔