- Good TTS (in multiple languages, multipe voices) is not free.
- Open source
- There are open source options.
- I've burned dozens of hours testing them and the results are not good.
- Super double un plus good.
- If you get awesome reults please contact me, even to report it!
- Your time must be virtually free, or you are smarter then me.
- If you are starting a business proceed to Option 2
Kazoo uses an external API service [ispeech.org] when the functionality is called for.
- You will need to signup for an account and pay real money(TM) and comissions.
The TTS speech quality from ispeech.org is truely awesome.
- Think Star Trek Voice API.
If you buy the service and try the languages and so forth it works really well.
- Everybody should be impressed with the TTS.
Kazoo will cache a copy of the audio stream as a wav file inside of couchdb before you ever hear it.
- In general you "save money" because each IVR message is only purchased once, but used over and over.
If you need to add in a pause to the TTS enter that as ...
- IF you wanted to say "Hello" (pause) "thanks for calling".
- You send the TTS "Hello ... Thanks for calling".
Paying ispeech solves the TTS issue.
SIP trunks.