Kazoo has inbound and outbound faxing to/from PDF.
Faxing has progressed from 3.16 to 3.18 and now 3.19. Master is ahead of what you will discover here.
There are certainly more parts to faxing on Kazoo then are documented here. As they say, the best documentation is the source code..
- This should work with no problem. Assign a callflow with a DID number to go into "receive fax". The "receive fax" application will associate with a user record. The PDF will be delivered to the users email address.
- There is inbound faxbox funcationality also.
- You set this up the same way, just ue the "faxbox" callflow.
- The faxbox has extra functionality related to the "user app" in kazoo app store within your accounts.
- There is some code for an online fax document viewer. I think it's only in monster-ui and not kazoo-ui.
This is much much more complicated to setup.
This example shows some of the setup required. Depending on your needs there might be some steps left out..
You want to fax a pdf to +15147872030 for example.
You send an EMAIL to a faxbox like this
- +15147872030@4nfk24btd.fax.stormqloud.ca
- Include your document as an attachment
- PDF/PS/TIFF should all be ok
- Subject line, other text goes to /dev/null ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_device )
The faxbox has a personal individual unique dns name.
- Each user of the fax system will need a unique DNS domain record.
- I repeat, each faxbox requires a unique DNS MX record and name
- This means 4nfk24btd.fax.stormqloud.ca must resolve to a MX record and is unique per faxbox.
- Be RFC compliant, don;'t be lazy and go for A records for email!~
Make sure to turn on the specific user "fax notification" checkbox if you want return error/status messages.
Carrier flags can select a "fax specific" call path!
- If your regular SIP trunk provider doesn;t handle T38, you can ship it to second provider path
In my own case, I already restrict spam filtering for the fax domain. I'm skipping over it but it's needed in a serious setup. Kazoo isn;t built for spam filtering. It's done "upstream". Email me for more information or borrow from the installations that cover it.
Email always arrives on SMTP port 25.
- On Kazoo port 25 is running Postfix.
- Postfix uses the file
- Postfix uses the file
- On Kazoo port 25 is running Postfix.
This will require multiple configuration changes. The shortlist..
- DNS MX records, get the email to Kazoo server
- make sure you have gs (ghostscript) installed in /usr/bin/gs
These 2 links have much more information
Kazoo inbound fax service should already be running on your Kazoo servers on TCP PORT 19025. the difficultly is routing the right email to it.
Try this to verify the email to fax service itself is running:
[root@kaz ~]# telnet lh 19025
Connected to lh.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 kaz.prodosec.com Kazoo Email to Fax Server
- To get the email flowing into Kazoo you must hijack port 25 on your inbound MX mail server and point it into Kazoo instead of Postfix.
- The downside is that postfix is no longer running at port 25 on Kazoo servers. Many programs rely on that for outbound email delivery. Port 25 is SMTP standard!
This option is discouraged.
*Use Postfix to send inbound smtp traffic to kazoo and outbound traffic outbound.
*This is Postgres answering the SMTP TCP port 25 in a default Linux setup.
So your email arrives at port 25 by SMTP
Then Postgres uses the "transport" mechanism to push it to haproxy running on 2525
Haproxy does it's thing mapping the email onto port 19025
Got it? ;-)
[root@kaz ~]# telnet lh 25
Connected to lh.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 kaz.prodosec.com ESMTP Postfix
Now you need to make sure your Postgres SMTP server is answering EXTERNAL traffic.
In /etc/postfix/main.cf
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
Edit or create /etc/postfix/transport
# contents of /etc/postfix/transport
.k6.prodosec.com smtp:[]:2525
.yourdomain.com smtp:[]:2525
Listening ports for this can be changed in haproxy.cfg
log local0
log local1 notice
maxconn 4096
user haproxy
group haproxy
stats socket /tmp/haproxy.sock mode 777
log global
maxconn 2000
retries 3
timeout connect 6000ms
timeout client 12000ms
timeout server 12000ms
listen kazoo-fax-smtp
bind *:2525
mode tcp
no option http-server-close
maxconn 50
log global
option tcplog
timeout client 1m
timeout server 1m
timeout connect 5s
balance roundrobin
server k6.prodosec.com check check-send-proxy send-proxy
listen bigcouch-data
balance roundrobin
mode http
option httplog
server k6.prodosec.com
listen bigcouch-mgr
balance roundrobin
mode http
option httplog
server k6.prodosec.com
listen haproxy-stats
mode http
stats uri /
SIP Trunks stormqloud.ca