Kazoo runs Bigcouch which is a fork of CouchDB. (Ie CouchDB plus some extra stuff)
- BigCouch is a dead project!
- Bigcouch itself is very stable. This is one part of Kazoo system stack that ALMOST NEVER gets updated (there are no updates).
- The JSON files inside BigCouch get updated, the software itself, not so much
2600hz has said they intend to move back to CouchDB possibly for Kazoo 4.x
- most if not all BigCouch improvements have found their way back into mainstream CouchDB.
- See CouchDB 2.0 https://couchdb.apache.org/developer-preview/2.0/
- Futon has been replaced with Fauxton
- BigCouch and CouchDB as terms are used fairly interchangably..
- BigCouch is time tested at this point.
- IBM has announced a Cloudant beta of CouchDB 2.0 with all BigCouch features
- https://developer.ibm.com/clouddataservices/2016/03/18/cloudant-couchdb2dot0-sandbox/
- The work continues!
- There is no upgrade path current from Bigcouch to CouchDB
- CouchDB 2.0 is only for developers not production!
- most if not all BigCouch improvements have found their way back into mainstream CouchDB.
CouchDB stuff you should know, or be prepared to learn the hard way
- CouchDB databases don't shrink in space.
- Append only (only grows in size..)
- IE delete is really a soft delete, does not free disk space
- CouchDB tools work on databases. Kazoo will have hundreds..
- CouchDB databases don't shrink in space.
Things you cannot change easily after installation..
- Inside
you will find a section looking something like this.
- Inside
# Kazoo Single server ISO
#z=1 implicit default
# Kazoo single cluster(data center) install
# IE 3 Bigcouch server machines this is what you use
#z=1 implicit default
The paramters of [cluster] section are very hard to change without losing many nights sleep.
All BigCouchDB instances that are clustered need to have the SAME parameter values at the SAME time.
Look at this for a definition of the paramters
Changing q values?
- Clonetools to new cluster (yes you read that right)
- You need to make a new database and migrate your data over
- Changing the q value is NOT possible.
- q represets the static hash onto 1-X directories.
- Repeat, you cannot change. Make a new DB cluster an duse clonetools to move over
- See example below.
- q=1 vs q=3, maps the dataset onto different number of underlying directories.
[admin@bigcouch1 bigcouch]$ ll /srv/db/shards
total 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 bigcouch daemon 4096 Jul 4 01:53 00000000-ffffffff
[root@k3 ~]# ll /srv/db/shards/ total 12 drwxr-xr-x 5 bigcouch daemon 4096 Jun 29 02:36 00000000-55555554 drwxr-xr-x 5 bigcouch daemon 4096 Jun 29 02:36 55555555-aaaaaaa9 drwxr-xr-x 5 bigcouch daemon 4096 Jun 29 02:37 aaaaaaaa-ffffffff
* Zones
* You already are z=1 if z is undefined
* Appears you can split z=1 into z=2 etc
* https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/bigcouch-user/RtZF2YvXZAQ
* http://bigcouch.cloudant.com/api
* https://cloudant.com/blog/choosing-zone-configurations-for-bigcouch
* note: this article is with q=1!
* CloneTools..
* https://github.com/2600hz/community-scripts/tree/master/CloneTools
* If you need to change the parameters of [cluster]
* CouchDB replication
* This is unlikely to be that useful for Kazoo
* Replication is generally on a database by database basis.
* Your Kazoo CouchDB will have HUNDREDS of databsaes
* Not that useful for Kazoo cluster
* Special URLs for bigcouch (appear to be called global handlers)..
* You might want direct these to port 15984 instead..
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_membership
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_config
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_active_tasks
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_all_dbs
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_log
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_oath
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_replicate
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_restart
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_session
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_stats
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_system
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_utils
- http://kazoocloud.stormqloud.ca:5984/_uuids
* Fauxton can be install and appears to work as a replacement to Futon
* yum install npm
* npm install fauxton
* fauxton/bin/fauxton -c http://localhost:5984 -p 7999
* Things to look into one day..
* https://github.com/danielebailo/couchdb-dump/blob/master/bin/couchdb-dump.sh
* http://www.greenacorn-websolutions.com/couchdb/export-import-a-database-with-couchdb.php
* http://guide.couchdb.org/draft/replication.html