AsyncRequest class - An XMLHttpRequest wrapper with events and response parsing
class AsyncRequest extends EventDispatcher {
static unique_url( url, cache = false ) {} // string
constructor( options = null, parent = null, debug = null ) {}
url : string
user : string
pwd : string
method : string
cache : boolean
type : string
successStatus : Array
error : boolean
status : Number
statusText : string
readyState : Number
responseText : string
responseType : string
responseParsed : *
responseParsingError : *
send( data = null, modifyProcessed = null ) {} // void
abort() {} // void
_parse_auto() {} // void
_parse_html() {} // void
_parse_svg() {} // void
_parse_string() {} // void
_parse_json() {} // void
For more details check the AsyncRequest source file.
- error - Fired when the request failed or returned an error.
- success - Fired when the request was successful.
- complete - Fired when the request has completed.
- progress - Fired when upload progress is made.
- readystatechange - Fired when the XMLHttpRequest state changes.
JsonP class - Extension of the native Error with a previous implementation
class JsonP {
static getCallbackName( prefix = 'jsonPCallback_' ) {} // String
static promise( url, limit = 10000 ) {} // Promise
constructor( url, success, timeout = null, limit = 10000 ) {}
For more details check the JsonP source file.
LocationManager class - Class for handling urls, get params, push and replace states etc. The class extends EventDispatcher class.
class LocationManager extends EventDispatcher {
static decodeSearch( query ) {} // Object
static encodeSearch( data ) {} // String
constructor( protocols = null, debug = null ) {}
url( data, absolute = true ) {} // String
search( param = null ) {} // null|String|Object
update( state, title = null, data = null, replace = false ) {} // void
For more details check the LocationManager source file.
- location.pop - Fired right after default window.popstate event and contains original event information in event.detail.event.
- location.before.update - Fired before an url update is made with push or replace state, can be prevented by calling event.preventDefault().
- location.replace - Fired after history.replaceState() and contains title, url and state information.
- location.push - Fired after history.pushState() and contains title, url and state information.