- Abel Wang (@AbelSquidHead)
Cloud native is containers, microservices and serverless that run in multicloud environments and are managed through DevOps processes and principles. The relationship between DevOps and cloud native applications is not always clearly defined. In this episode, Abel joins us to explain the key aspects of the relationship and why DevOps are important to cloud native apps.
- what is devops why do I even care?
- Why is it so important for cloud native?
- How does cloud native devops different than any other devops?
- Some key DevOps concepts specific to To Cloud Native
- The idea of deploying just the microservice that changed is super enticing. But how do you make sure your app doesn't crater when you don't deploy everything at once?
- How do you maintain quality in these pipelines for your cloud native apps
- Just how much can you automate in your pipelines? Database, security, infrastructure (including things like dns) etc
- Some examples of Cloud Native pipelines