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Relocation Support

Sidclay da Silva

July 2020


This document contains the Capstone Report as the Week 5 peer-graded assignment for the Course IBM Applied Data Science Capstone on Coursera, which requires to develop a solution for the problem proposed by the learner in his Project Proposal assignment in Week 4, the stablished condition requires to make use of API Foursquare to solve the proposed problem.

Problem description

In our globalised world it is very common people moving around to take good opportunities, what could be a better position in their companies, new job offer, chance to learn from different cultures or improvements in quality life.

People who has already been in the situation of relocating to a unknown place, some times abroad, may have experienced the confusion and doubts to choose a place to live, near to work place or school? Near city downtown or peripheria? Decisions like this normally are also not comming alone, there are lots of stressing tasks to perform, all together.

To provide support to relocators, or relocation service providers, with the task of choosing a place, this project simulates a family relocation. Using the relocator profile, which includes venues categories priority list, and target location, a rank of different places will be provided to the relocator, giving some directions to support the evaluation process of choosing a place when relocating.

Interested audience

Relocation service providers, which is a very common service in metroplis, certainly would have great interest in a solution which improves and speeds up selecting possible location to present to their customers.

Input data and acquired data

Relocator profile - input data

Information required to rank locations, it has been arbitrary defined as following:

  • Family components

    2 adults

    2 kids in primary school age

    1 dog as pet

  • Family priorities

    Primary school for the kids

    Outdoor park to go with the kids, walk with the dog and jogging

    Supermarket for the daily life

    Pharmacy in case of emergencies, specially having kids

    Subway or metro station to avoid traffic

  • Housing wishes


    2 or 3 bedrooms

    80 m2 approximately

    1 garage spot

  • Rental budget

    BRL 2,000.00 / month

Based on relocator profile data has been defined as following:

Priority List

Used to select venues using their categories, it has been stored in a dictionay object containing venues categories according to the API Foursquare, the dictionary keys are CategoryId and dictionary values are categories names.

Fig. 1: Relocator priority list

Rental Budget

Used to indicate the districts the relocator can afford the monthly rent, it has been stored in variable containg the rental budget in Brazilian Reais per square meter - BRL/m2. Enabling some flexibility and opening more options to the relocator, a tolerance range for rental prices has alson been set to +-5%, also stored in variables.

Fig. 2: Relocator rental budget

Target location - input data

It has been arbitrary defined to São Paulo, Brazil.

According to the official tourism website of the capital city São Paulo ( there are over 12 million inhabitants, and it is 1,521 km2 wide (see referece 1). According to the text by Ellen Kershner published on 28 May 2020 in World Atlas website (, São Paulo metropolitan area holds the fourth largest population worldwide, over 22 million inhabitants, and it is one of the ten largest metropolis areas on the globe (see reference 2). It is the main financial and business location in South America, alone it responds for 11% of the Brazilian GDP.

Districts information - acquired data

The required data were city districts and/or neighborhoods. The main city of São Paulo is divided in 5 geographical regions, 32 boroughs, 96 districts and hundreds of neighborhoods. The city division, up to the district level, can be found in the official city townhall web site ( Its is stored in a XLSX table format into a HTML page (see reference 3).

Fig. 3: São Paulo, regions division, source Prefeitura de São Paulo

Data has been collected using Requests package and parsed with BeautifulSoap package by HTML parser. Cleaning and organizing data included removal of headers and footers rows, recognize data vs. column alignment, convert values from Brazilian standard format and treat cells with missing data. Due to the cofiguration of original table, for some rows region and borough were missing, they have been filled accordingly. Clean data have been stored in a Pandas DataFrame object.

Fig. 4: Districts dataframe

Districts rental prices - acquired data

The required data were mean rental price per square meter in Brazilian Reais (BRL/m2) per district and/or neighborhood. There are several real estate agencies websites in São Paulo, but to find a rental prices list per district or neighborhood is a hard task.

A mixed rental prices list per district and neighborhood could be found in a real estate agency website called Blog SP Imóvel (, which provides its services all around the city. It hosts additional four websites covering the regions of the city. Blog ZN Imóvel ( for region Norte, Blog ZS Imóvel ( for region Sul, Blog ZL Imóvel ( for region Leste and Blog ZO Imóvel ( for region Oeste.

The websites contain each of them a list mixed with districts and neighborhoods names, it is not the complete list of city neighborhoods, but all the districts are represented. Unfortunately there is a missing relation between districts and neighborhoods, what could not be found, and for this reason missing data occoured, and have been treated accordingly (see reference 4, 5, 6 and 7).

Fig. 5: Region Norte mean rental prices (BRL/m2), source Blog ZN Imóvel

Data has been collected using Requests package and parsed with BeautifulSoap package by HTML parser. Cleaning and organizing data included locating relevant data from parsed content, removal of headers and footers rows, convert values from Brazilian standard format and treat cells with missing data. Locations when not enough samples were available to have mean rental price were indicated with specific text in colum mean rental price, those observations have been removed as they could not be used. Clean data have been stored in a Pandas DataFrame object.

Fig. 6: Rental prices dataframe

When compared to the Districts dataframe missing values were also found, in this case the missing values were filled with the region mean rental price. Complete data have been added to Districts dataframe.

Fig. 7: Districts dataframe with mean rental prices (BRL/m2)

Districts geolocation - acquired data

Required data were districts coodinates (latitude and longitude) to allow venues search using API Foursquare. Geolocation data has been acquired with Geopy package, the geolocator has been called using districs and boroughs names, followed by the expression "São Paulo, BR". When the call returned None, a second call has been done removing boroughs name. Cleaning and organizing data included select only relevant information and assign them to the respective district. Clean data have been stored in a Pandas DataFrame object.

Fig. 8: Coordinates dataframe

Coodinates data have also been added to Districts dataframe.

Fig. 9: Districts dataframe with coodinates

Venues information - acquired data

Required data were venues categories per district. A collection of venues and their categories has been created with API Foursquare calls, data has been collect using Requests package and parsed with Json package. Cleaning and organizing data included select only venues relevant information, assign venues to the respective district and removal of not required venues categories, even when requesting the venues search with defined categories (Priority List), API Foursquare returned sub-categories into its response, when they do exist. Clean data have been stored in a Pandas DataFrame object.

Fig. 10: Venues dataframe

Data has been grouped by district and counted by venue category in pivot table format, what generated missing values as (NaN) when categories were not found in response for specific districs. Missing values were filled with 0 (zero).

Comparing Venues dataframe against Districts dataframe, a few missing districts were also found, in this case none of the required venues categories was returned in response by the API Foursquare. Missing districts were added to the venues counting having 0 (zero) for all venues categories, allowing them to be ranked later. Clean data have been stored in a Pandas DataFrame object.

Fig. 11: Venues count dataframe


Map of São Paulo

In case of relocation, it is important to have an overview of the target location. A map of São Paulo, with its districts grouped by colors, has been created to preview the possibilities and also to have an idea on how the districts are distributed across the city. The map has been created with Folium package, and districts have been added with circle markers with different colors, one color per region.

Region differenciation with colors has been done creating a color table based on region information from Districts dataframe. Region color data has also been added to Districts dataframe.

Fig. 12: Districts dataframe with region colors

Folium map of São Paulo showing districts with region specific color.

Fig. 13: Map of São Paulo

Exploratory data analysis on Districts dataframe

The first analysis has been done on how many districts each region counts, achieved with a bar plot created with Matplolib package. Regions Leste and Sul concentrate a huge portion of districts.

Fig. 14: Districts per region

Basic statistics have also been done in the dataframe, using Pandas package.

Fig. 15: Statistics of Districts dataframe

Interesting to notice the variation of rental prices across the city, what is expected for metropolis like São Paulo. The minimum mean rental price is BRL 17.70/m2 and the maximum BRL 33.50/m2, almost double. Mean at 25.78 is balanced with the median at 25.15. The range between Q1 = 23.05 and Q3 = 28.47 is not wide, but the relocator budget of BRL 25.00/m2 should not be an issue.

There is also huge variation in districts land area, ranging from 2.19 km2 to 208.19 km2, what has been considered when looking for venues with API Fousquare, as the radius cannot be the same for all districts, to minimize overlaping and skiping areas.

A histogram has been created with Matplotlib package to visualize the mean rental prices distribution and how the relocator budget is positioned in São Paulo market.

Fig. 16: Histogram of mean rental prices (BRL/m2)

The relocator budget is posioned on the central area of the mean rental prices histogram, unfortunately not very expressive area, but the tolerance range covers a better area of it. For better perspective, a mean rental prices histogram has been created for each region.

Fig. 17: Regions histogram of mean rental prices (BRL/m2)

From the regions histograms, it is visible that each region has a different rental prices range, with some overlaping in middle area, exception is Centro region (downtown), which has higher rental prices starting from BRL28.76/m2. The high frequency between 22.44 and 24.02, found in previous histogram, is concentrated in regions Leste and Norte. Looking only at the mean rental prices, except from Centro, all the other regions are candidates for relocation.

Create Districts Rank

The rank has been based on groups of districts, created on their similarities. To group them Machine Learning Techniques has been used, specific for this simulation Clustering Technique with DBSCAN algorithm - Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise. The choice for DBSCAN was done because it is capable to detect clusters with different densities, sizes and shapes, it does not require to define a number of clusters to start and it can also identify noise and outliers among the data.

The required data to run the clustering process have been combined in one dataframe, categories from Priority List each of the districts contain, what is available in Venues Count dataframe, and mean rental price per district, what is available in Districts dataframe. Both dataframes have been mergeded into a new dataframe using Pandas package.

Fig. 18: Clusters dataframe

Data have also been prepared for clustering as following:

  • District column has been removed, as it is not a feature value.

  • Venues categories counting has been converted to 0 or 1, to consider if venue category is available for each district.

    0 when counting = 0

    1 when counting > 0

  • Mean rental prices has been converted into three groups, to consider rental prices below, into or above the budget tolerance range.

    0 when below rental prices tolerance range (mean_price_sqm < 23.75)

    1 when into rental prices tolerance range (23.75 <= mean_price_sqm <= 26.25)

    2 when above rental prices tolerance range (mean_price_sqm > 26.25)

Additionally the column mean_price_sqm has been renamed to rental_group.

Fig. 19: Clusters dataframe after data preparation

Having data prepared, DBSCAN from SciKit-Learn package has been modeled with minimum samples equals three (min_sample = 3), to have at least three districts per cluster, and maximum distance between smaple equals to 0.5 (eps = 0.5), to have high level of similarity within cluster elements. Eight clusters and one outliers group have been defined.

Fig. 20: DBSCAN results


Cluster analysis

Initially the size of each cluster has been checked, first the defined clusters have been attached to Clusters dataframe and then it has been grouped by cluster_label to count the observations.

Fig. 21: Clusters size

DBSCAN has defined clusters with many different sizes, and outliers group -1 counted with 9 districts, about 9,3% of the districts.

As the features have been converted to 0 / 1 for venues categories and 0 / 1 / 2 for rental group, the clusters characteristcs could be easily analysed calculating the mean of each feature per cluster. It has been grouped again by cluster_label, but this time the mean has been calculated.

Fig. 22: Clusters characteristcs by mean
  • Venues Categories (Elementary School / Metro Station / Park / Pharmacy / Supermarket)

    mean = 0: cluster does not contain any district with such venue category, see elementary_school in cluster 2

    mean = 1: cluster contains only districts with such venue category, see elementary_school in cluster 0

  • Rental Group

    mean = 0: cluster contains only districts with in group 0, see cluster 3

    mean = 1: cluster contains only districts with in group 1, see cluster 5

    mean = 2: cluster contains only districts with in group 2, see cluster 1

  • Outliers

    mean < 0: districts which does not fit to any cluster

From the summary above the clusters could be defined, and the districts ranked, as following:

  • Outliers:

    Group -1

  • Priority List not satisfied:

    Cluster 1, missing Metro Station

    Cluster 2, missing Elementary School

    Cluster 3, missing Metro Station and Park

    Cluster 4, missing Metro Station

    Cluster 5, missing Metro Station

    Cluster 7, missing Park

  • Priority List satisfied:

    Cluster 0, Rental Group 2 (above rental price tolerance range)

    Cluster 6, Rental Group 0 (below rental price tolerance range)

    Cluster 8, Rental Group 1 (into rental price tolerance range)

Goal is to find districts containing the five categories in Priority List and rental prices into tolerance range, rental group 1. From the Districts Rank above, this goal is achieved by districts in cluster 8, which contains seven districts with all the required characteristics.

Clusters definition have been attached to Venues Count dataframe to allow selecting details about districts by cluster.

Fig. 23: Cluster 8, districts details

Map of São Paulo with selected districts

A map of São Paulo with selected districts infopoints provides a better visualization.

Fig. 24: Map of São Paulo with selected districts


One of the majors learned lessons within this project was its chronogram estimation, mainly the effort estimation, this is not an easy task and should be cautiosly performed. Learning about the problem in hand, searching for suitable data, handling data acquisition and cleaning took a huge portion of the time, as they were by far the hardest tasks to perform. From my side, these tasks have been underestimated, the lack of experience in such field was probably the reason. From the planning side, issues arised from the thecnical infrastructure, as I was using free web service with limited month machine run time to develop the project, I got out of resources and had to manage a new local environment, what also took me time. As expected internet and several forums have been handy to solve technical and coding issues. Fortunately I have been ahead of the course schedule and the deadline has not been compromised.

Because of its characteristics, this project did not offer the opportunity to perform fancy statistical or data analysis, what also includes data visualization, but it covered the major portion of the content learned during the whole specialization/certification.

Research on machine learning techniques to find the best fit for the project also brough huge opportunity for learning, during the time of the project I joined four data science online groups. During the clustering phase, the model tunning was a great joy, it was intersting trying to uderstand how DBSCAN managed the data.

Developing this project was a great learning opportunity and it brought me good practical experience.


In this project a simulation has been developed for a family relocation to one of the biggest cities in the world. Using the relocator profile as input and data acquired from different sources, a District Rank has been created to give the relocator, or relocation service provider, some directions on which districts satisfy the requirements of the relocator.

The input data was done arbitrary considering a hypotetical family and target location, data about city and rental prices have been found and scraped from internet (see references). This simulation has made use of geolocation data to define location coordinates and to retrieve venues information from API Foursquare. Having the required data, DBSCAN algorithm, a machine learning technique, has been used to cluster districts and create the Districts Rank. From 96 districts in the target location, seven matched the relocator requirements and have been presented in table format and displayed on a map.

The project has successfully achieved its goal.

Future directions

I have already been more then once in the position of relocating with my family, wife and kids, to unknown places. This project solves a real world problem people faces every day around the world.

This simulation has proved itself as a good solution for the proposed problem, and it could be enhanced to become a configurable and flexible tool with market value. If operated by relocation service providers, dynamic values as mean rental prices could be maintained by users or service administrators.

It could also aggregate more parameters such as not wanted venues categories, eg. cemitery, measuring distances from a defined point, eg. work place, and even searching for rental advertisements after creating the districts rank.

It has great potencial for future developments.


  1. Cidade de São Paulo, Dados e Fatos

  2. WorldAtlas, The Largest Cities In The World By Population

  3. Prefeitura de São Paulo (SP) Regiões, Prefeituras Regionas e Distritos, as of in June 2020.

  4. Blog ZN Imóvel, list from 26 February 2020

  5. Blog ZS Imóvel, list from 6 March 2020

  6. Blog ZL Imóvel, list from 28 February 2020

  7. Blog ZO Imóvel, list from 28 February 2020