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A goatee is the perfect complement for handlebar mustaches. :-{>~
GoateeRulesheets are the combination of goatee-script and the syntax of css.
#selector, .another-selector {
test: 1 + 2 * 3 ; /* line-breaks are optional */
an-attribute: 'tester'.replace('r','d') ; aProperty: null
Also see “goatee.js”, “goatee-script.js” and “goatee-rules.js”.
$ npm install -g goatee-rulesheet
$ goatee-rulesheet -h
Usage: goatee-rulesheet [statements]... [options]
statements string passed from the command line to evaluate
-r STATEMENT, --run STATEMENT string passed from the command line to
-h, --help display this help message
-i, --interactive run an interactive `goatee-rules` read-
execute-print-loop (repl)
-m MODE, --mode MODE [c]ompile, [e]valuate, [p]rint, [r]ender
or [s]tringify statements, default: [eval]
-c, --compress compress the abstract syntax tree (ast)
--nodejs OPTION pass one option directly to the 'node'
binary, repeat for muliple options
-v, --version display the version number and exit
If called without options, `goatee-rules` will run interactive.
Read the annotated sources.
node.js (≥ 0.10)
$ npm install goatee-rulesheet.js --save
$ git clone https://github.com/sjorek/goatee-rulesheet.js $ cd goatee-rulesheet.js $ npm install
$ PATH=$PATH:./node_modules/.bin gulp
$ set path=%PATH%;.\node_modules\.bin
$ setx path "%PATH%"
$ gulp
(not tested yet)
… Zachary Carter and all contributors of jison parser generator
… Jeremy Ashkenas and all contributors of Coffee-Script as a source of inspiration