These instructions assume you have a fresh and clean install of Ubuntu 18.04 and VMware.
Create a VM with Ubuntu 18.04 called ubuntu-master and a user "fluffi" with password "fluffi"
Make sure ubuntu-master has at least 1.5 GB of memory for every core installed
Create another VM with Ubuntu called ubuntu-runner and a user "fluffi" with password "fluffi"
To create a new network in VMware, you need to open the Virtual Network Editor (can be opened from windows search or in VMware)
Click on "Add Network..." with the following settings (In this case we called it VMnet15):
Next, you will have to add the network we created to your master and runner machine
Open the Virtual Machine Settings, click on "Add..." and select the Network Adapter as shown below:
Select the custom network (here: VMnet15):
After adding it, your settings should look like this:
3. Follow the Getting Started Guide
Note that you do not need to customize dnsmasq files and smb files for a local setup with VMs
You only have to add the credentials "fluffi" to the linux:vars in the hosts file located at FLUFFI/srv/fluffi/data/polenext/projects/1/hosts
After following the guide and running the containers you should be able to access the fluffi web interface on web.fluffi:8880 on your master machine
Prepare the runner machine:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt install openssh-server
$ hostnamectl set-hostname runner
- Test the connection to the master machine on your runner with:
$ ping gm.fluffi
Make sure to run the build after the initial build with sudo ./ DEPLOY_TO_FTP=TRUE
- When restarting the VM you need to run a restart for networkd again:
$ sudo systemctl restart systemd-networkd
- Create a text file called population.txt and run:
$ gzip population.txt
This will create a zip file called population.txt.gz
Go to web.fluffi:8880 on your master machine and create a location called testLocation
Now go to Fuzzjobs > Create Fuzzjob and create a fuzzjob called gzip with the following settings:
Add population.txt.gz file as your population and save the fuzzjob by clicking "FLUFFI FUZZ!"
Edit the existing target module by typing in "gzip" as a Module Name and leave the path as it is
To fuzz gzip, we need to see what libraries gzip uses:
$ cd /bin
$ ldd gzip
Output: (0x00007fffce5ab000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f999901d000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f9999677000)
The first one ( is not relevant because it is a virtual library that is automatically mapped in the address space of a process by the kernel, see vdso(7).
Now we have to dig deeper about linked files of
$ ls -ahl /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Dec 7 08:38 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ->
Add the file /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ as a target module in your fuzzjob gzip.
We will do the same procedure for the last file
$ ls -ahl /lib64/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 Dec 7 08:38 /lib64/ -> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Add the file /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ as a target module in your fuzzjob gzip.
Go to http://web.fluffi:8880/systems on your master machine
Remove the dummy windows and linux machines by deleting them in the systems view
Add your runner machine by clicking on "Add System" and type in the hostname "runner" and select "Linux"
After adding your runner machine, a periodic task called checkHostsAlive which is executed every 5 minutes should detect it
Refresh the systems view in the web gui after 5 minutes and check the Status for your machine "runner" under the Group "Linux"
If the Status is OK, you can click on the hostname "runner" and click on "Start Setup" (URL: http://web.fluffi:8880/systems/view/runner/linux)
This will redirect you to polemarch:
- Go to the History and see if the task was OK
Now you can go back to your runner machine in the systems view (http://web.fluffi:8880/systems/view/runner/linux) and deploy it with the architecture x64
Lastly, go to step 4. Configure Instances in the systems view and add LocalManagers, Generators, RUnners and Evaluators as shown below:
- and click on "Save Config"