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ether_sky - When bad debts are cleared, there will be some untracked funds #130

sherlock-admin2 opened this issue May 4, 2024 · 2 comments
Has Duplicates A valid issue with 1+ other issues describing the same vulnerability Medium A valid Medium severity issue Reward A payout will be made for this issue Sponsor Confirmed The sponsor acknowledged this issue is valid Will Fix The sponsor confirmed this issue will be fixed


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sherlock-admin2 commented May 4, 2024



When bad debts are cleared, there will be some untracked funds


In the market, all funds should be tracked accurately, whether they are currently held, borrowed by borrowers, or repaid in the future.
To ensure this, the market has a sophisticated tracking system that functions effectively.
However, when bad debts are cleared, there will be some untracked funds in the market.

Vulnerability Detail

Users have the option to deposit into the market directly or into specific fixed rate pools.
When borrowers borrow funds from the fixed rate pool, they are backed by the fixed deposits first.
If there is a shortfall in funds, the remaining debt is supported by floating assets.
The movement of funds between fixed borrowers and fixed depositors is straightforward outside of the tracking system.
The tracking system within the market primarily monitors funds within the variable pool itself.
To simplify the scenario, let's assume there are no fixed depositors involved.

First, there are extraordinary earnings, including variable backup fees, late fixed repayment penalties, etc.
The earnings accumulator is responsible for collecting these earnings from extraordinary sources and subsequently distributing them gradually and smoothly.
For this purpose, there is a earningsAccumulator variable.

function depositAtMaturity(
  uint256 maturity,
  uint256 assets,
  uint256 minAssetsRequired,
  address receiver
) external whenNotPaused whenNotFrozen returns (uint256 positionAssets) {
    earningsAccumulator += backupFee;

When users deposit funds into the variable pool, the floatingAssets increase by the deposited amounts as well as any additional earnings from the earnings accumulator.

function afterDeposit(uint256 assets, uint256) internal override whenNotPaused whenNotFrozen {
  uint256 treasuryFee = updateFloatingDebt();
  uint256 earnings = accrueAccumulatedEarnings();  // @audit, here
  floatingAssets += earnings + assets;  // @audit, here

Funds borrowed by variable rate borrowers are tracked using the floatingDebt variable, while funds borrowed by fixed rate borrowers are tracked using the floatingBackupBorrowed variable.
Additionally, there is an unassignedEarnings variable for each maturity pool, which represents upcoming fees from borrowers.
These earnings are added to the floatingAssets whenever there are changes in the market, such as borrowers repaying their debt , depositors withdrawing their funds etc.

function depositAtMaturity(
  uint256 maturity,
  uint256 assets,
  uint256 minAssetsRequired,
  address receiver
) external whenNotPaused whenNotFrozen returns (uint256 positionAssets) {
  uint256 backupEarnings = pool.accrueEarnings(maturity); // @audit, here
  floatingAssets += backupEarnings;

While this variable is important, it is not directly involved in the tracking system.

Let's describe the vulnerability.
A user deposits 5 DAI into the DAI market.
When clearing the bad debt, the amount is deducted from the earnings accumulator.

function clearBadDebt(address borrower) external {
  if (totalBadDebt != 0) {
    earningsAccumulator -= totalBadDebt;  // @audit, here
    emit SpreadBadDebt(borrower, totalBadDebt);

For testing purpose, ALICE borrows funds at a fixed rate and repays them after maturity, and the penalty fee from this is added to the earnings accumulator.

function noTransferRepayAtMaturity(
  uint256 maturity,
  uint256 positionAssets,
  uint256 maxAssets,
  address borrower,
  bool canDiscount
) internal returns (uint256 actualRepayAssets) {
  if (block.timestamp < maturity) {
    if (canDiscount) {
    } else {
      actualRepayAssets = debtCovered;
  } else {
    actualRepayAssets = debtCovered + debtCovered.mulWadDown((block.timestamp - maturity) * penaltyRate);

    // all penalties go to the earnings accumulator
    earningsAccumulator += actualRepayAssets - debtCovered;  // @audit, here

Consequently, the DAI market has enough earningsAccumulator for clearing upcoming bad debt in the test. (see below log)

earningsAccumulator before clear bad debt       ==>   112859178081957033645

Now this user borrows 1 DAI from the DAI market at a specific maturity.
At this point, there is no bad debt in the market and the current tracking values are as follows:

floatingAssets before clear bad debt            ==>   5005767123287671232800
floatingDebt before clear bad debt              ==>   0
floatingBackupBorrowed before clear bad debt    ==>   1000000000000000000
earningsAccumulator before clear bad debt       ==>   112859178081957033645
owed weth balance before clear bad debt         ==>   1000000000000000000 7671232876712328
calculated dai balance before clear bad debt    ==>   5117626301369628266445
dai balance before clear bad debt               ==>   5117626301369628266445

The current DAI balance is equal to floatingAssets - floatingDebt - floatingBackupBorrowed + earningsAccumulator.
Everything is correct.

Now, consider 1 DAI equals to 5000 WETH.
Given sufficient collateral, this user can borrow 5000 WEHT from the WETH market.
If the price of DAI drops to 1000 WETH, this user can be liquidated.

When borrowers borrow fixed rate funds, the principal is backed by floating assets(assuming no fixed rate depositors), and the fee is added to the unassignedEarnings of that maturity pool.

function borrowAtMaturity(
  uint256 maturity,
  uint256 assets,
  uint256 maxAssets,
  address receiver,
  address borrower
) external whenNotPaused whenNotFrozen returns (uint256 assetsOwed) {
    uint256 backupDebtAddition = pool.borrow(assets);  // @audit, here
    if (backupDebtAddition != 0) {
      uint256 newFloatingBackupBorrowed = floatingBackupBorrowed + backupDebtAddition;
      if (newFloatingBackupBorrowed + floatingDebt > floatingAssets.mulWadDown(1e18 - reserveFactor)) {
        revert InsufficientProtocolLiquidity();
      floatingBackupBorrowed = newFloatingBackupBorrowed; // @audit, here

    // if account doesn't have a current position, add it to the list
    FixedLib.Position storage position = fixedBorrowPositions[maturity][borrower];
    if (position.principal == 0) {
      Account storage account = accounts[borrower];
      account.fixedBorrows = account.fixedBorrows.setMaturity(maturity);

    // calculate what portion of the fees are to be accrued and what portion goes to earnings accumulator
    (uint256 newUnassignedEarnings, uint256 newBackupEarnings) = pool.distributeEarnings(
    if (newUnassignedEarnings != 0) pool.unassignedEarnings += newUnassignedEarnings;  // @audit, here

    fixedBorrowPositions[maturity][borrower] = FixedLib.Position(position.principal + assets, position.fee + fee);

These unassignedEarnings are later added to the floatingAssets whenever changes occur in the pool.
However, when clearing bad debt, the sum of principal and fee is deducted from the earningsAccumulator if it's enough to cover the bad debt.
The floatingBackupBorrowed is reduced as principal (means that these funds returns to the variable pool), but there is no provision for the fee.

function clearBadDebt(address borrower) external {
  while (packedMaturities != 0) {
    if (packedMaturities & 1 != 0) {
      FixedLib.Position storage position = fixedBorrowPositions[maturity][borrower];
      uint256 badDebt = position.principal + position.fee; // @audit, here
      floatingBackupBorrowed -= fixedPools[maturity].repay(position.principal); // @audit, here
    packedMaturities >>= 1;
    maturity += FixedLib.INTERVAL;
  if (totalBadDebt != 0) {
    earningsAccumulator -= totalBadDebt; // @audit, here
    emit SpreadBadDebt(borrower, totalBadDebt);

In reality, the fee is reflected in the unassignedEarnings of that maturity pool, requiring an appropriate mechanism to update these unassignedEarnings.
If this user is the last user of this maturity pool, there is no way to convert these unassignedEarnings to the tracking system.
Consequently, funds equal to the unassignedEarnings remain untracked and unused.
Or if this user is not the last user of this maturity pool, these untracked unassignedEarnings can be allocated to late fixed depositors.
Below are tracking states in the DAI market after liquidation:

floatingAssets after clear bad debt             ==>   5057139572755893855767
floatingDebt after clear bad debt               ==>   0
floatingBackupBorrowed after clear bad debt     ==>   0
earningsAccumulator after clear bad debt        ==>   55421917808101804495
owed weth balance after clear bad debt          ==>   0 0
calculated dai balance after clear bad debt     ==>   5112561490563995660262
dai balance after clear bad debt                ==>   5112569161796872372590
difference          ==>   7671232876712328
cleared fee         ==>   7671232876712328
unassignedEarnings  ==>   7671232876712328

The difference between the actual DAI balance and tracked balance is equal to the unassignedEarnings.

Please add below test to the Market.t.sol.

function testClearBadDebtBeforeMaturity() external {
  market.deposit(5 ether, address(this));
  market.deposit(5_000 ether, ALICE);
  marketWETH.deposit(100_000 ether, ALICE);

  uint256 maxVal = type(uint256).max;
  market.borrowAtMaturity(4 weeks, 1_00 ether, maxVal, ALICE, ALICE);

  vm.warp(12 weeks);
  market.repayAtMaturity(4 weeks, maxVal, maxVal, ALICE);

  uint256 maturity_16 = 16 weeks;
  market.borrowAtMaturity(maturity_16, 1 ether, maxVal, address(this), address(this));
  (uint256 principal_before, uint256 fee_before) = market.fixedBorrowPositions(maturity_16, address(this));
  uint256 calculatedBalanceBefore = market.floatingAssets() - market.floatingDebt() - market.floatingBackupBorrowed() + market.earningsAccumulator();

  console2.log("floatingAssets before clear bad debt            ==>  ", market.floatingAssets());
  console2.log("floatingDebt before clear bad debt              ==>  ", market.floatingDebt());
  console2.log("floatingBackupBorrowed before clear bad debt    ==>  ", market.floatingBackupBorrowed());
  console2.log("earningsAccumulator before clear bad debt       ==>  ", market.earningsAccumulator());
  console2.log("owed weth balance before clear bad debt         ==>  ", principal_before, fee_before);
  console2.log("calculated dai balance before clear bad debt    ==>  ", calculatedBalanceBefore);
  console2.log("dai balance before clear bad debt               ==>  ", asset.balanceOf(address(market)));

  uint256 borrowAmount = 5000 ether;
  marketWETH.borrowAtMaturity(maturity_16, borrowAmount, borrowAmount * 2, address(this), address(this));

  daiPriceFeed.setPrice(1_000e18);, 1_000_000 ether);
  weth.approve(address(marketWETH), maxVal);

  marketWETH.liquidate(address(this), maxVal, market);

  (uint256 principal_after, uint256 fee_after) = market.fixedBorrowPositions(maturity_16, address(this));
  uint256 calculatedBalanceafter = market.floatingAssets() - market.floatingDebt() - market.floatingBackupBorrowed() + market.earningsAccumulator();

  console2.log("floatingAssets after clear bad debt             ==>  ", market.floatingAssets());
  console2.log("floatingDebt after clear bad debt               ==>  ", market.floatingDebt());
  console2.log("floatingBackupBorrowed after clear bad debt     ==>  ", market.floatingBackupBorrowed());
  console2.log("earningsAccumulator after clear bad debt        ==>  ", market.earningsAccumulator());
  console2.log("owed weth balance after clear bad debt          ==>  ", principal_after, fee_after);
  console2.log("calculated dai balance after clear bad debt     ==>  ", calculatedBalanceafter);
  console2.log("dai balance after clear bad debt                ==>  ", asset.balanceOf(address(market)));

  (, , uint256 unassignedEarnings_after, ) = market.fixedPools(maturity_16);
  console2.log("difference          ==>  ", asset.balanceOf(address(market)) - calculatedBalanceafter);
  console2.log("cleared fee         ==>  ", fee_before);
  console2.log("unassignedEarnings  ==>  ", unassignedEarnings_after);


This vulnerability can happen under normal situation and there should be no untracked funds in the market.
Nobody will detect these untracked funds and they won't be used.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


function clearBadDebt(address borrower) external {
  if (msg.sender != address(auditor)) revert NotAuditor();

  floatingAssets += accrueAccumulatedEarnings();
  Account storage account = accounts[borrower];
  uint256 accumulator = earningsAccumulator;
  uint256 totalBadDebt = 0;
  uint256 packedMaturities = account.fixedBorrows;
  uint256 maturity = packedMaturities & ((1 << 32) - 1);
  packedMaturities = packedMaturities >> 32;
  while (packedMaturities != 0) {
    if (packedMaturities & 1 != 0) {
      FixedLib.Position storage position = fixedBorrowPositions[maturity][borrower];
      uint256 badDebt = position.principal + position.fee;
      if (accumulator >= badDebt) {
        RewardsController memRewardsController = rewardsController;
        if (address(memRewardsController) != address(0)) memRewardsController.handleBorrow(borrower);
        accumulator -= badDebt;
        totalBadDebt += badDebt;
        floatingBackupBorrowed -= fixedPools[maturity].repay(position.principal);
        delete fixedBorrowPositions[maturity][borrower];
        account.fixedBorrows = account.fixedBorrows.clearMaturity(maturity);

        emit RepayAtMaturity(maturity, msg.sender, borrower, badDebt, badDebt);

+        if (fixedPools[maturity].borrowed == position.principal) {
+          earningsAccumulator += fixedPools[maturity].unassignedEarnings;
+          fixedPools[maturity].unassignedEarnings = 0;
+        }
    packedMaturities >>= 1;
    maturity += FixedLib.INTERVAL;
  if (account.floatingBorrowShares != 0 && (accumulator = previewRepay(accumulator)) != 0) {
    (uint256 badDebt, ) = noTransferRefund(accumulator, borrower);
    totalBadDebt += badDebt;
  if (totalBadDebt != 0) {
    earningsAccumulator -= totalBadDebt;
    emit SpreadBadDebt(borrower, totalBadDebt);

Or we need more sophisticated solution.

@github-actions github-actions bot added Medium A valid Medium severity issue Has Duplicates A valid issue with 1+ other issues describing the same vulnerability labels May 8, 2024
@sherlock-admin3 sherlock-admin3 added Sponsor Confirmed The sponsor acknowledged this issue is valid Will Fix The sponsor confirmed this issue will be fixed labels May 13, 2024
@sherlock-admin3 sherlock-admin3 changed the title Trendy Cedar Wasp - When bad debts are cleared, there will be some untracked funds ether_sky - When bad debts are cleared, there will be some untracked funds May 17, 2024
@sherlock-admin3 sherlock-admin3 added the Reward A payout will be made for this issue label May 17, 2024
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The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

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The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.

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Has Duplicates A valid issue with 1+ other issues describing the same vulnerability Medium A valid Medium severity issue Reward A payout will be made for this issue Sponsor Confirmed The sponsor acknowledged this issue is valid Will Fix The sponsor confirmed this issue will be fixed
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