We hope you find our current version of our library useful. At the same time, we encourage you to ask not what Gpytoolbox can do for you, but what you can do for Gpytoolbox.
Since Gpytoolbox is a very young library, we want to make it as easy as possible
for others to contribute to it and help it grow. You can contribute by adding a
new function in a new file inside src/gpytoolbox/
, or by adding to existing
functions, and submitting a Pull
We also want to make the contribution process as unintimidating as possible. We will gladly review and edit your code to make sure it acommodates to our standards and we have set up many tests that will let us know if your contribution accidentally breaks anything. If there's any functionality that is not already in this library, is remotely related to geometry processing, and you have used or used in any of your past projects, we encourage you to submit it as-is in a Pull Request. We will gladly credit you in the individual function as well as on this home page.
Note that the code that you contribute will be licensed under the MIT license. Everybody will be able to use this code as long as they credit gpytoolbox (and not you individually).