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MailTM Wrapper

MailTmWrapper is a Python library designed to interact with the Mail.TM API, providing an easy-to-use interface for creating temporary email accounts and managing email messages programmatically. This wrapper simplifies operations such as generating tokens, retrieving messages, and managing accounts.

🔥 Features

  • Create and manage temporary email accounts.
  • Generate tokens for authenticated API requests.
  • Fetch, read, and delete email messages.
  • Retrieve domains and account information.
  • Minimal dependencies and easy integration.
  • Supports custom proxy configurations for network flexibility.

⚙️ Installation

To install the package locally, clone the repository and run:

pip install .

You can also install it via pip from PyPI:

pip install MailTmWrapper

🔧 Usage

Importing the Package

from mailtmwrapper import MailTM

Creating an Account

You can create a temporary email account using the create_account method:

token = MailTM().create_token(email, password)
mail = MailTM(token) # token is optional

# Create a new temporary email account
account = mail.create_account()
email = account['address']
password = account['password']
print(f"Temporary email: {email}")

If you prefer, you can specify a custom email address and password:

account = mail.create_account(email="", password="CustomPassword123?")

Generating a Token

To perform authenticated operations, generate a token using the create_token method:

token = mail.create_token(email, password)
print(f"Generated token: {token}")

Fetching Emails

Retrieve the list of email messages associated with your account:

messages = mail.get_messages()
print("Messages:", messages)

You can also fetch specific message details by ID:

message_id = messages['hydra:member'][0]['id']
message_details = mail.get_message_by_id(message_id)
print("Message details:", message_details)

Deleting Emails

Delete an email message by its ID:

message_id = "your_message_id"
success, status_code = mail.delete_message(message_id)
if success:
    print("Message deleted successfully.")
    print(f"Failed to delete message. Status code: {status_code}")

Managing Accounts

Retrieve Account Information

Get account details using the get_me method:

account_info = mail.get_me()
print("Account info:", account_info)

Delete an Account

Delete the temporary email account:

success, status_code = mail.delete_account(account_id="your_account_id")
if success:
    print("Account deleted successfully.")
    print(f"Failed to delete account. Status code: {status_code}")

Working with Domains

Retrieve Available Domains

Fetch the list of domains supported by Mail.TM:

domains = mail.get_domains()
print("Domains:", domains)

Fetch Domain Details

Get details of a specific domain by its ID:

domain_id = "your_domain_id"
domain_details = mail.get_domain_by_id(domain_id)
print("Domain details:", domain_details)

Full Example

Here is a full example combining account creation, token generation, and email fetching:

from mailtm_wrapper import MailTM

mail = MailTM()

# Create a temporary account
account = mail.create_account()
email = account['address']
password = account['password']
print(f"Temporary email: {email}")

# Generate a token
token = mail.create_token(email, password)
print(f"Generated token: {token}")

# Fetch messages
messages = mail.get_messages()
print("Messages:", messages)

# Retrieve message details
if messages['hydra:member']:
    message_id = messages['hydra:member'][0]['id']
    message_details = mail.get_message_by_id(message_id)
    print("Message details:", message_details)

# Delete the account
success, status_code = mail.delete_account(account_id=account['id'])
if success:
    print("Account deleted successfully.")
    print(f"Failed to delete account. Status code: {status_code}")

❗ Requirements

MailTmWrapper requires:

  • requests to send requests to the Mail.TM API. To install dependencies manually, run:
pip install requests

©️ License

MailTmWrapper is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details. Mail.TM.

🖥️ Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request.

👤 Author

MailTmWrapper is developed and maintained by sexfrance. Mail.TM is developed and maintained by MailTM.