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Lighthouse service

CI Code style: black codecov

A Flask Eve API to search through data provided by Lighthouse Labs. The data is populated in a mongodb by the crawler.

Table of Contents

A note on Docker

Most of the notes in this readme are split into 'Option A - using Docker' and 'Option B - without Docker' sections.

Most of us have found we have to use Docker to develop locally due to an issue with 'pyodbc', which was ultimately caused by our HomeBrew installation not being in the root directory. These errors appeared once the SQL Server dependency was introduced to the project.

Details of the pyodbc error:

ImportError: dlopen(/Users/.../.local/share/virtualenvs/lighthouse-e4xstWfp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/, 2): Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/unixodbc/lib/libodbc.2.dylib

This may be solved by recompiling pyodbc linked against your homebrew version of unixodbc.


If you still experience issues loading the MSSQL drivers themselves, you might need to use the docker container approach.

Option A - using Docker

Requirements for Development

A Docker installation is required.

Getting Started

Configuring the Environment

Various environment variables are set in the docker-compose file.

Setup Steps

  1. To start the database dependencies used by Lighthouse and also by Crawler there is a separate configuration for Docker Compose. This is shared with Crawler so if you start these dependencies here, there's no need to also attempt to do so in the Crawler repository. They are the same resources in both and the second one to be started will show exceptions about ports already being allocated:


    When you want to shut the databases back down, you can do so with:



  1. Start the Lighthouse service specified in the docker-compose.yml from the root of the repository (this builds the docker image if it does not exist, then starts it up):

    docker-compose up

    or, to force a rebuild of the image:

    docker-compose up --build

    This will keep running continuously in your terminal window, so to execute further commands you'll need to open a new terminal window or tab.

    To stop the lighthouse service container, press Ctrl-C back in the original window.

    If you would prefer it to run in background mode, add -d when starting, and stop the container using docker-compose down.

  2. Start a bash session in the container with:

    docker exec -ti lighthouse-lighthouse-1 bash

    Warning! The names that Docker generates for containers might not be consistent over time. If this doesn't work for you, check the name of the container using docker ps. The container name above is based on docker-compose version 2.

    After this command you will be inside a bash session inside the container of lighthouse, and will have mounted all source code of the project from your hosting machine. The container will map your port 8000 with the port 8000 of Docker (configured in docker-compose.yml).

  3. Now that you are inside the running container, initialize the MySQL and SQLServer development databases:

    python ./
    python ./

You should be able to access the app with a browser going to your local port 8000 (go to http://localhost:8000)


Once you have got the lighthouse container running and started a bash session within it, you can run tests (flags are for verbose and exit early):

python -m pytest -vx

Option B - without Docker

Requirements for Development

The following tools are required for development:

  • python (use pyenv or something similar to install the python version specified in the Pipfile)
  • mongodb
  • MySQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server

Getting Started

Configuring the Environment

Non-sensitive environment variables can be stored in the .flaskenv file. These will be read by the python-dotenv library when the app is run. Currently, these config variables are defined there:


Setup Steps

  • Use pyenv or something similar to install the version of python defined in the Pipfile:

    brew install pyenv
    pyenv install <python_version>
  • Use pipenv to install the required python packages for the application and development:

    pipenv install --dev
  • Sqlserver dependencies (assumes MacOS and homebrew) Official instructions You may experience difficulties if you have brew installed in your home directory. If this is the case, the Docker container approach may work better.

    brew tap microsoft/mssql-release
    brew update
    HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_FILTERING=1 ACCEPT_EULA=Y brew install msodbcsql17 mssql-tools unixodbc
  • Installing MongoDB


  1. Enter the python virtual environment using:

    pipenv shell
  2. Run the app using:

    flask run


Testing Requirements

Verify the credentials for the required databases in the test settings file lighthouse/config/

Running Tests

Run the tests using pytest (flags are for verbose and exit early):

python -m pytest -vx

A wrapper is provided with pipenv (look in the Pipfile's [scripts] block for more information):

pipenv run test

NB: Make sure to be in the virtual environment (pipenv shell) before running the tests.

Formatting, Type Checking and Linting

Black is used as a formatter, to format code before committing:

black .

Mypy is used as a type checker, to execute:

mypy .

Flake8 is used for linting, to execute:


A little convenience script can be used to run the formatting, type checking and linting:



This project uses a Docker image as the unit of deployment. Update .release-version with major/minor/patch. On merging a pull request into develop or master, a release will be created along with the Docker image associated to that release.

NB: When deploying a release you do not need to proceed it with a v as in Rails apps. If the deployment fails you can use the following command to check why

ssh journalctl

You can filter by arbitrary time limits using the --since command e.g. with "1 hour ago" You can also grep to limit by the release version you are looking for e.g. grep 2.21.1


The service has the following routes:

Endpoint Methods Rule
health_check GET /health
home GET /
imports|item_lookup GET /imports/<regex("[a-f0-9]{24}"):_id>
imports|resource GET /imports
plates.create_plate_from_barcode POST /plates/new
plates.find_plate_from_barcode GET /plates
priority_samples|item_lookup GET, PATCH, PUT /priority_samples/<regex("[a-f0-9]{24}"):_id>
priority_samples|item_post_override POST /priority_samples/<regex("[a-f0-9]{24}"):_id>
priority_samples|resource GET, POST /priority_samples
reports.create_report_endpoint POST /reports/new
reports.delete_reports_endpoint POST /delete_reports
reports.get_reports GET /reports
schema|item_lookup GET /schema/<regex("[a-f0-9]{24}"):_id>
schema|resource GET /schema
static GET /static/<path:filename>

Scheduled Jobs

This service runs a scheduled job to create a report (in .xlsx format) for use by the SSRs.

It is disabled by default. The config for the job can be found in config/



pyodbc Errors

If you experience:

ImportError: dlopen(/Users/.../.local/share/virtualenvs/lighthouse-e4xstWfp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/, 2): Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/unixodbc/lib/libodbc.2.dylib

or similar when importing pyodbc, you may need to recompile pyodbc linked against your homebrew version of unixodbc.

If you still experience issues loading the MSSQL drivers themselves, you might need to use the docker container approach.

Updating the Table of Contents

To update the table of contents after adding things to this README you can use the markdown-toc node module. To run:

npx markdown-toc -i --bullets="-" --