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A comprehensive guide to writing simplifications for Kontrol

Writing Simplifications

What are simplifications?

Symbolic execution in K in general and in Kontrol in particular is performed on a symbolic state consisting of:

  1. a configuration, which is a collection of cells; and
  2. a path condition, which is a set of Boolean constraints on the symbolic variables present in the configuration.

The purpose of simplifications, as their name suggests, is to simplify the job of the symbolic execution engine. They describe ways of getting the configuration and/or the path condition into a preferred format or state mathematical theorems that are either too complicated for the SMT solver to reason about both automatically and tractably or too simple for us to even want to call the SMT solver. Simplifications are K rewrite rules that have the [simplification] attribute, and their general form is:

rule LHS => RHS requires C1 andBool ... andBool CN [simplification]

meaning that all occurrences of the term LHS in the current symbolic state should be replaced with the term RHS when the Boolean constraints C1, ..., CN are entailed by the current path condition PC, that is, when $$ \mathtt{PC} \implies \mathtt{C1} \wedge \ldots \wedge \mathtt{CN} $$

Importantly, a simplification is sound if and only if $$ \mathtt{C1} \wedge \ldots \wedge \mathtt{CN} \implies \mathtt{(LHS \Leftrightarrow RHS)} $$ meaning that the LHS and the RHS of the simplification have to be equivalent under assumptions C1, ..., CN, that is, that a simplification must not lose information. This is essential to keep in mind, especially since the K rewrite symbol => can easily be misunderstood as implication in this context, and implications both can lose information and are commonly used in program verification (for instance, as forward consequence in various program logics). This means that, for example:

rule A:Int >=Int 42 => A >=Int 0 [simplification]

would not be a sound simplification, whereas

rule A:Int +Int 0 => A [simplification]

on the other hand, would.

Simplifications by example

Let us now take a look at a number of illustrative examples of simplifications that Kontrol uses, starting from:

rule [plus-group-conc]:
  (A +Int B) +Int C => A +Int (B +Int C)
  [simplification(40), symbolic(A), concrete(B, C)]

which is simple, yet fairly instructive. Let us examine its attributes, which tell us:

  1. That the label/identifier of the simplification is plus-group-conc.
  2. That the simplification is of priority 40, meaning that it is of higher priority than the default (which is 50). Assigning higher priority to simplifications allows us, for example, to put terms into a canonical form before applying other simplifications (see (S2) below), whereas assigning lower priority allows us to have last-resort simplification, only to be used if all others fail.
  3. That the simplification is to be applied only if A is symbolic and B and C are concrete. This also reveals the purpose of the simplification, which is to simplify the addition by grouping the concrete operands together in order for them to be added up, producing a two-term addition instead of the three-term addition we started from.

At this point, we need to take a closer look at how the above simplification will be processed by the backend, revealing important principles that a Writer of Simplifications must remember.

  1. The LHS of a simplification is matched syntactically. For example, for simplification plus-group-conc to be applied, we have to syntactically have a term of the form (A +Int B) +Int C, where A is symbolic and B and C are concrete.

  2. Functions with all concrete parameters are always evaluated before any other simplification is applied. This means, for example, that the term 1 +Int 2 will always be evaluated to 3 without any other simplification applied to it beforehand. Interestingly, if we look at the simplification plus-group-conc above, this means that the attribute symbolic(A) is redundant. In particular, given that B already has to be concrete, if A were also concrete the expression A +Int B would get fully evaluated first and the term would no longer syntactically match the LHS of the simplification. In the development, we choose to keep the attribute symbolic(A) explicit for clarity. All of this tells us that when writing simplifications with a specific goal in mind, we have to ask ourselves: "What happens if some of the symbolic variables in my simplification were concrete?", and it turns out that sometimes further simplifications are required in such cases, as we will see later on.

  3. The direction of simplification is always bottom-up. This means that the backend will simplify a given term starting from the atoms, moving left-to-right and bottom-to-top: for example, given the term A +Int ((B +Int C) +Int D), the order of simplification would be: A, B, C, B +Int C, D, ((B +Int C) +Int D), A +Int ((B +Int C) +Int D). The simplification passes are repeated for as long as one successful simplification or concrete evaluation can be performed. This means that we have to be careful not to introduce circular simplifications, an example of which would be:

rule X +Int Y => Y +Int X [simplification]

Now, given all of the above, let us try to use plus-group-conc to simplify the term

X +Int (((Y +Int 5) +Int 3) +Int Z)

First, going bottom-up, we spot that the (LHS of the) simplification can be matched against the sub-term (Y +Int 5) +Int 3, with the corresponding substitution equalling {A: Y, B: 5, C: 3}, and since the binding for A is symbolic and the bindings for B and C are concrete, we can apply the simplification to obtain

X +Int ((Y +Int (5 +Int 3)) +Int Z)

In the next pass (always bottom-up), we first concretely evaluate 5 +Int 3, obtaining

X +Int ((Y +Int 8) +Int Z)

and then, as part of the same pass, we match the sub-term (Y +Int 8) +Int Z against plus-group-conc with the substitution {A: Y, B: 8, C: Z}, but cannot apply the simplification as the obtained binding for C is not concrete.

As our next example, we consider the simplification

rule [mul-conc-left]:
  A *Int B => B *Int A
  [simplification(30), concrete(B)]

which normalizes multiplication by moving concrete operands to the left. First, note that this is not a circular simplification on its own. This is because, as discussed above, if B is concrete then for the simplification to be applied A must be symbolic. Once the simplification is applied, A will end up on the RHS of the multiplication, which must be concrete if the simplification is to be applied again, producing a contradiction. Second, this normalization choice allows us to minimize duplication of simplifications, as illustrated by the following simplification:

rule [div-group-conc]:
  (A *Int B) /Int C => B *Int (A /Int C)
  requires notBool C ==Int 0 andBool A modInt C ==Int 0
  [simplification, concrete(A, C), preserves-definedness]

which, similarly to plus-group-conc, groups concrete operands for evaluation, but this time in the context of integer division, /Int. Unsurprisingly, the simplification can be applied only if C is different from zero, that is, if the division on the LHS is defined, and also if C divides A.

First, note that duplicating this simplification so that B is concrete instead of A:

rule [div-group-conc-b]:
  (A *Int B) /Int C => A *Int (B /Int C)
  requires notBool C ==Int 0 andBool B modInt C ==Int 0
  [simplification, concrete(B, C), preserves-definedness]

is not necessary because of mul-conc-left. In fact, such a simplification would never be applied. To understand why this is so, consider, for example, the term

(X *Int 6) /Int 2

to which we would expect div-group-conc-b to apply. However, given that simplifications are performed bottom-up, we will first get to apply mul-conc-left to X *Int 6, obtaining

(6 *Int X) /Int 2

to which div-group-conc would then apply, but not div-group-conc-b.

Second, note that this simplification has the preserves-definedness attribute. This attribute should be used when either the LHS or the RHS contains a partial function, but we are certain that both the LHS and RHS are defined for all use cases. In this case, the partial function is /Int and both the LHS and the RHS are guaranteed to be defined given the notBool C ==Int 0 requirement.

More advanced simplifications: Handling the tension between byte arrays and integers

In EVM, data can be stored in two ways---as 32-byte (or 256-bit) integers (for example, in the word stack or in storage) or as byte arrays (for example, in the memory)---and the language semantics often needs to switch between these views and manipulate the associated data. The KEVM functions relevant for this part of the symbolic reasoning of Kontrol are:

  • #asWord(B:Bytes) : Bytes -> Int, which denotes the unsigned integer represented by the lowest 32 bytes (or 256 bits) of byte array B. This function is total.
  • #buf(WIDTH:Int, VALUE:Int) : Int -> Int -> Bytes, which denotes a byte array (or buffer) WIDTH bytes long, the contents of which, when interpreted as an unsigned integer, equal VALUE. For example, #buf(1, 9) represents a single byte with contents 00001001. For #buf to be well-defined, the following conditions need to be met:
    1. 0 <=Int WIDTH, unsurprisingly stating that buffers cannot have negative length;
    2. 0 <=Int VALUE <Int 2 ^Int (8 *Int WIDTH), meaning that the value held in the buffer must fit into the buffer.
  • lengthBytes(B:Bytes): Bytes -> Int denotes the length of the byte array B. This function is total and it is guaranteed to be non-negative.
  • +Bytes : Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes denotes byte array concatenation. This function is total and is the key function in the representation of symbolic byte arrays. It is right-associative, is always normalized to this form, and also all consecutive concrete byte arrays in a concatenation are joined into a larger concrete byte array using the simplification
rule [bytes-concat-left-assoc-conc]:
  B1:Bytes +Bytes (B2:Bytes +Bytes B3:Bytes) =>
    (B1 +Bytes B2) +Bytes B3
    [simplification(40), concrete(B1, B2), symbolic(B3)]
  • #range(B:Bytes, START:Int, WIDTH:Int) denotes a slice of the byte array starting from (0-indexed) byte START and WIDTH bytes long, with zero-padding if the slice goes beyond the length of the byte array. This function is total, returning the the empty byte array when START <Int 0 or WIDTH <Int 0.
  • B:Bytes [ START:Int := B':Bytes ] denotes an update of the byte array B from (0-indexed) byte START with byte array B'. This function is total, returning the the empty byte array when START <Int 0.

Let us now take a look at a number of simplifications that capture how these functions operate and interact with each other in the context of symbolic reasoning, starting from #asWord and #buf.

  1. Leading zeros in a byte array do not affect its integer representation:
rule [asWord-trim-leading-zeros]:
  #asWord ( BZ +Bytes B ) => #asWord ( B )
  requires #asInteger ( BZ ) ==Int 0
  [simplification(40), concrete(BZ), preserves-definedness]
  1. Only the last 32 bytes of a byte array count towards its integer representation:
rule [asWord-trim-overflowing]:
  #asWord ( B ) => #asWord ( #range(B, lengthBytes(B) -Int 32, 32) )
  requires 32 <Int lengthBytes(B)
  [simplification(40), preserves-definedness]
  1. Slicing a byte array from the right does not affect its integer representation if all of the higher bytes are zeros, version 1:
rule [asWord-range]:
  #asWord ( #range ( B:Bytes, S, W ) ) => #asWord ( B )
  requires 0 <=Int S andBool 0 <=Int W
   andBool lengthBytes(B) <=Int 32
   andBool lengthBytes(B) ==Int S +Int W
   andBool #asWord ( B ) <Int 2 ^Int ( 8 *Int W )
  [simplification, concrete(S, W), preserves-definedness]
  1. #asWord is the left-inverse of #buf for 32-byte unsigned integers:
rule [asWord-buf-inversion]:
  #asWord ( #buf ( W:Int, X:Int ) ) => X
  requires 0 <=Int W andBool 0 <=Int X
   andBool X <Int minInt ( 2 ^Int (8 *Int W), pow256 )
  [simplification, concrete(W), preserves-definedness]
  1. #buf is the left-inverse of #asWord up to mismatches in byte array length:
rule [buf-asWord-invert-lr-len-leq]:
  #buf (W:Int , #asWord(B:Bytes)) => #buf(W -Int lengthBytes(B), 0) +Bytes B
  requires lengthBytes(B) <=Int W andBool W <=Int 32
  [simplification, concrete(W)]

rule [buf-asWord-invert-lr-len-gt]:
  #buf (W:Int , #asWord(B:Bytes)) => #range(B, lengthBytes(B) -Int W, W)
  requires 0 <=Int W andBool W <Int lengthBytes(B)
    andBool lengthBytes(B) <=Int 32
    andBool #asWord(B) <Int 2 ^Int (8 *Int W)
  [simplification, concrete(W), preserves-definedness]
  1. When the slice is limited to the first +Bytes-junct:
rule [range-included-in-cHead]:
  #range(B1:Bytes +Bytes _:Bytes, S:Int, W:Int) => #range(B1, S, W)
  requires S +Int W <=Int lengthBytes(B1)
  1. When the slice is limited to the second +Bytes-junct:
rule [range-outside-cHead]:
  #range(B1:Bytes +Bytes B2:Bytes, S:Int, W:Int) =>
    #range(B2, S -Int lengthBytes(B1), W)
  requires lengthBytes(B1) <=Int S
  1. When the slice includes the entire first +Bytes-junct:
rule [range-includes-cHead]:
  #range(B1:Bytes +Bytes B2:Bytes, 0, W:Int) =>
    B1 +Bytes #range(B2, 0, W -Int lengthBytes(B1))
  requires lengthBytes(B1) <=Int W
  1. When the slice starts within the first +Bytes-junct:
rule [range-inside-cHead-concat]:
  #range(B1:Bytes +Bytes B2:Bytes, S:Int, W:Int) =>
    #range(#range(B1, S, lengthBytes(B1) -Int S) +Bytes B2, 0, W)
  requires 0 <Int S andBool S <=Int lengthBytes(B1)
  1. Expressing a slice of a slice into a single slice:
rule [range-of-range]:
  #range(#range(B:Bytes, S1:Int, W1:Int), S2:Int, W2:Int) =>
    #range(B, S1 +Int S2, minInt(W2, W1 -Int S2)) +Bytes
      #buf(maxInt(0, W2 -Int (W1 -Int S2)), 0)
  requires 0 <=Int S1 andBool 0 <=Int W1
   andBool 0 <=Int S2 andBool 0 <=Int W2
  1. Slicing a byte array from the right does not affect its integer representation if all of the higher bytes are zeros, version 2:
rule [range-buf-value]:
  #range (#buf(W1:Int, X:Int), S2:Int, W2:Int) => #buf(W2, X)
  requires 0 <=Int X andBool X <Int 2 ^Int (8 *Int W2)
   andBool 0 <=Int S2 andBool 0 <=Int W2 andBool W1 ==Int S2 +Int W2
  [simplification, concrete(W1, S2, W2), preserves-definedness]
  1. When a byte array update is limited to the first +Bytes-junct:
rule [memUpdate-concat-in-left]:
  (B1 +Bytes B2) [ S := B ] => (B1 [ S := B ]) +Bytes B2
  requires 0 <=Int S
   andBool S +Int lengthBytes(B) <Int lengthBytes(B1)
  1. One byte array update subsumes another if it, intuitively speaking, starts earlier and ends later:
rule [memUpdate-subsume]:
  B:Bytes [ S1:Int := B1:Bytes ] [ S2:Int := B2:Bytes ] => B [ S2 := B2 ]
  requires 0 <=Int S2 andBool S2 <=Int S1
   andBool S1 +Int lengthBytes(B1) <=Int S2 +Int lengthBytes(B2)

Expert simplifications: Automating storage slot updates

In EVM, contract fields are stored in storage slots, each of which holds 32 bytes, and each of which may contain multiple fields, depending on their size. A general slot update is of the form

(SHIFT:Int *Int VALUE:Int) |Int (MASK:Int &Int #asWord(SLOT:Bytes))


  • SLOT is a byte array representing the slot to be updated;
  • VALUE is an integer representing the value to which a contract field in that slot should be updated;
  • MASK is a bit-mask that is used to zero the part of the slot corresponding to the contract field to be updated; and
  • SHIFT is a power of two that is used to shift the value so that it aligns with the part of the slot corresponding to the contract field to be updated.

For example, if we were updating a given 8-byte uint64 field stored in a given slot starting from byte 8 (note that byte indices are computed from right to left), this would be achieved as follows, taking:

  • MASK ==Int 115792089237316195423570985008687907852929702298719625576012656144555070980095, that is, ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0000000000000000ffffffffffffffff in hex; and
  • SHIFT ==Int 2 ^Int 32
32                      8        0
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| : SLOT
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxx| : MASK &Int #asWord(SLOT)

|000000000000000000000000yyyyyyyy| : VALUE
|0000000000000000yyyyyyyy00000000| : SHIFT *Int VALUE

|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxx| : (SHIFT *Int VALUE) |Int (MASK &Int #asWord( SLOT:Bytes ))

Kontrol is able to automate this reasoning without resorting to SMT bit-level reasoning through its simplifications. Let us now understand how this is done, recalling the general form:

(SHIFT *Int VALUE) |Int (MASK &Int #asWord(SLOT))

and noting that MASK and SHIFT are always concrete, as they are generated by the Solidity compiler and are part of the contract bytecode. Therefore, our simplifications have to account for the cases in which at least one of VALUE and SLOT is symbolic.

Identifying slot masks

We start by understanding how to capture slot masks correctly. A 32-byte (that is, 256-bit) integer MASK is a slot mask if and only if it is of the binary form:

|-------32 bytes / 256 bits-------|


  1. all bits of SHIFT and REST, if any, are ones;
  2. all bits of WIDTH are zeros, and WIDTH is not of length zero; and
  3. SHIFT and WIDTH are aligned to bytes, that is, their length is divisible by 8.

Now, to identify the length of SHIFT, we could use an auxiliary function that returns the index of the first 0 bit of a given 256-bit integer, and to identify the length of WIDTH, we could similarly use a function that returns the index of the first 1 bit. We proceed to define these as follows:

syntax Int ::= #getFirstOneBit(Int)  [function, total]
syntax Int ::= #getFirstZeroBit(Int) [function, total]

rule [gfo-succ]:
  #getFirstOneBit(X:Int) => log2Int(X &Int ((maxUInt256 xorInt X) +Int 1))
  requires #rangeUInt(256, X) andBool X =/=Int 0

rule [gfo-fail]: #getFirstOneBit(_:Int) => -1 [owise]

rule [gfz-succ]:
  #getFirstZeroBit(X:Int) => #getFirstOneBit(maxUInt256 xorInt X)
  requires #rangeUInt(256, X)

rule [gfz-fail]: #getFirstZeroBit(_:Int) => -1 [owise]

leaving the correctness check of the success cases as an exercise to the reader, and noting that we return -1 to indicate failure when the argument is outside of the range [0, pow256) and also treat trying to find the first one-bit of 0 and the first zero-bit of maxUInt256 as failures.

With these functions in place, we can now identify the length of SHIFT of a mask, in bits and in bytes, straightforwardly as follows:

syntax Int ::= #getMaskShiftBits(Int)  [function, total]
syntax Int ::= #getMaskShiftBytes(Int) [function, total]

rule [gms-bits]: #getMaskShiftBits(X:Int) => #getFirstZeroBit(X)

rule [gms-bytes-succ]:
  #getMaskShiftBytes(X:Int) => #getFirstZeroBit(X) /Int 8
  requires #getMaskShiftBits(X) modInt 8 ==Int 0

rule [gms-bytes-fail]: #getMaskShiftBytes(_:Int) => -1 [owise]

noting that if #getMaskShiftBits fails, so will #getMaskShiftBytes since -1 modInt 8 =/=Int 0.

Computing the length of WIDTH, on the other hand, is slightly more involved:

syntax Int ::= #getMaskWidthBits(Int)  [function, total]
syntax Int ::= #getMaskWidthBytes(Int) [function, total]

rule [gmw-bits-succ-1]:
  #getMaskWidthBits(X:Int) => 256 -Int #getMaskShiftBits(X:Int)
  requires 0 <=Int #getMaskShiftBits(X)
   andBool 0 ==Int X >>Int #getMaskShiftBits(X)

rule [gmw-bits-succ-2]:
  #getMaskWidthBits(X:Int) => #getFirstOneBit(X >>Int #getMaskShiftBits(X))
  requires 0 <=Int #getMaskShiftBits(X)
   andBool 0 <Int X >>Int #getMaskShiftBits(X)

rule [gmw-bits-fail]: #getMaskWidthBits(_:Int) => -1 [owise]

rule [gmw-bytes-succ]:
  #getMaskWidthBytes(X:Int) => #getMaskWidthBits(X) /Int 8
  requires #getMaskWidthBits(X) modInt 8 ==Int 0

rule [gmw-bytes-fail]: #getMaskWidthBytes(_:Int) => -1 [owise]

because we need to separately treat the case in which the REST part of the mask is empty, that is, when #getFirstOneBit(X >>Int #getMaskShiftBits(X)) ==Int 0. If we did not, then #getFirstOneBit(X >>Int #getMaskShiftBits(X)) would return -1 erroneously.

Now, we are able to state formally what it means for a 256-bit integer to be a valid slot mask:

syntax Bool ::= #isMask(Int) [function, total]

rule [is-mask-true]:
  #isMask(X:Int) =>
    maxUInt256 ==Int
      X |Int ( 2 ^Int ( #getMaskShiftBits(X) +Int #getMaskWidthBits(X) ) -Int 1 )
  requires 0 <=Int #getMaskShiftBytes(X)
   andBool 0 <=Int #getMaskWidthBytes(X)

rule [is-mask-false]: #isMask(_:Int) => false [owise]

Let us inspect the is-mask-true rule in more detail, in the light of the three requirements given above. Given that 0 <=Int #getMaskShiftBytes(X) and 0 <=Int #getMaskWidthBytes(X) hold by the requires clause, then:

  1. all bits of SHIFT, if any, are ones;
  2. all bits of WIDTH are zeros, and WIDTH is not of length zero; and
  3. SHIFT and WIDTH are aligned to bytes meaning that what is left is to show that all bits of REST, if any, are ones. This is achieved by the check
maxUInt256 ==Int
  X |Int ( 2 ^Int ( #getMaskShiftBits(X) +Int #getMaskWidthBits(X) ) -Int 1 )

where, since having ( 2 ^Int ( #getMaskShiftBits(X) +Int #getMaskWidthBits(X) ) -Int 1 ) will set all of the bits corresponding to SHIFT and WIDTH to one, the only way for the bitwise-or to equal maxUInt256 is if all the remaining bits, which correspond to REST, are also ones.

Identifying value shifts

In addition to identifying masks, we also need to identify when SHIFT (as per the general slot update) is a valid shift, and this is when it is a byte-aligned power of two:

syntax Bool ::= #isByteShift(Int) [function, total]

rule #isByteShift(X) => X ==Int 2 ^Int log2Int(X)
                andBool log2Int(X) modInt 8 ==Int 0
  requires 0 <Int X andBool X <Int pow256

rule #isByteShift(_) => false [owise]

Executing slot updates

Now we are in the position to write slot update simplifications. Before doing so, we recall their general form once more:

(SHIFT *Int VALUE) |Int (MASK &Int #asWord(SLOT))

First, we consider the case in which SLOT is symbolic, where we have to write a simplification that captures the effect of the mask, zeroing the appropriate part of the slot:

// 1. Slot masking using &Int
// 32                               0
// |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| SLOT
// |--REST--||---WIDTH---||--SHIFT--| MASK
// ==================================
// |xxxxxxxxxx00000000000xxxxxxxxxxx|
rule [mask-b-and]:
  MASK:Int &Int SLOT:Int =>
    #asWord (
      #buf ( 32, SLOT )
      [ 32 -Int ( #getMaskShiftBytes(MASK) +Int #getMaskWidthBytes(MASK) )
          := #buf ( #getMaskWidthBytes(MASK), 0 ) ]
    requires #isMask(MASK) andBool #rangeUInt(256, SLOT)
    [simplification, concrete(MASK), preserves-definedness]

and we unpack it in full detail. As slot updates are morally performed on byte arrays, we move from integers to byte arrays by constructing #buf(32, SLOT), a 32-byte byte array that when interpreted as an unsigned integer yields SLOT. Note that #buf(32, SLOT) is well-defined due to the #rangeUInt(256, SLOT) hypothesis, which tells us that SLOT fits into 32 bytes. Then, we use the byte array update, B [ I := B' ], which pastes byte array B' into byte array B starting from index I, to set WIDTH bytes to 0 starting from 32 -Int (SHIFT +Int WIDTH), which achieves the desired effect. Finally, we convert the byte array back to an integer using #asWord.

This, in general, results in a term of the form

#asWord ( B1 +Bytes ... +Bytes BI +Bytes            [P1]
          #buf(#getMaskWidthBytes(MASK), 0) +Bytes  [P2]
          BI+1 +Bytes ... +Bytes BN )               [P3]

Such a term, which we denote by MASKED_SLOT, can be divided into three parts:

  1. [P1]: the part of the slot before the part to be updated (possibly empty): B1 +Bytes ... +Bytes BI;
  2. [P2]: the part of the slot to be updated, now zeroed: #buf(#getMaskWidthBytes(MASK), 0); and
  3. [P3]: the rest of the slot (possibly empty): BI+1 +Bytes ... +Bytes BN.

This form, however, could end up being structured in less appealing ways if, for example, BI or BI+1 are concrete. In that case, the bytes-concat-left-assoc-conc simplification from the previous part will fire and bring them together into a single concrete byte array, obfuscating the zeroed part. In the worst case, when both [P1] and [P3] are concrete, the masking will result in just a concrete number.

Continuing, we are now dealing with a term of the form


and write simplifications that pinpoint into which part of a byte array concatenation the bitwise-or should propagate, should MASKED_SLOT have that form:

// 2a. |Int and +Bytes, update propagates to left
rule [bor-update-to-left]:
  A |Int #asWord ( B1 +Bytes B2 ) =>
    #asWord ( #buf ( 32 -Int lengthBytes(B2), (A /Int (2 ^Int (8 *Int lengthBytes(B2)))) |Int #asWord ( B1 ) ) +Bytes B2 )
  requires #rangeUInt(256, A)
   andBool A modInt (2 ^Int (8 *Int lengthBytes(B2))) ==Int 0
   andBool lengthBytes(B1 +Bytes B2) <=Int 32
   [simplification(40), comm, preserves-definedness]

// 2b. |Int of +Bytes, update propagates to right
rule [bor-update-to-right]:
  A |Int #asWord ( B1 +Bytes B2 ) =>
    #asWord ( B1 +Bytes #buf ( lengthBytes(B2), A |Int #asWord ( B2 ) ) )
  requires 0 <=Int A
   andBool A <Int 2 ^Int (8 *Int lengthBytes(B2))
   andBool lengthBytes(B2) <=Int 32
   [simplification(40), comm, preserves-definedness]

In particular, the bitwise-or should propagate to the left if A (which here corresponds to SHIFT *Int VALUE) has no bits set in its last LEN bytes (where LEN denotes the length of B2), and to the right if A fits into LEN bytes.

Ideally, these simplifications would be sufficient for the general form of slot updates. However, recall that we also have in action the built-in simplifications for #asWord and #buf reasoning from the previous part. So, for example, if we had a slot with three pieces of information, X, Y, and Z as follows:

[E1]: #asWord(#buf(10, X) +Bytes #buf(10, Y) +Bytes #buf(12, Z))

and we wanted to update Y to some value W, after the masking, and noting that SHIFT ==Int 2 ^ 96, we would have

[E2]: ((2 ^Int 96) *Int W) |Int ( #asWord(#buf(10, X) +Bytes #buf(10, 0) +Bytes #buf(12, Z)) )

and after applying bor-update-to-right, we would have

#asWord(#buf(10, X) +Bytes #buf(22, ((2 ^Int 96) *Int W) |Int #asWord (#buf(10, 0) +Bytes #buf(12, Z))))

but then asWord-trim-leading-zeros would fire, creating

[E3]: #asWord(#buf(10, X) +Bytes #buf(22, ((2 ^Int 96) *Int W) |Int #asWord (#buf(12, Z))))

after which asWord-buf-inversion would fire, resulting in

[E4]: #asWord(#buf(10, X) +Bytes #buf(22, ((2 ^Int 96) *Int W) |Int Z))

To account for these cases, we now need the following simplification:

// 32                               0
// |0000000000000000000000yyyyyyyyyy| Y
// |00000000000000000000010000000000| SHIFT
// ==================================
// |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyy|
rule [bor-update-with-shift]:
  ( SHIFT *Int X ) |Int Y =>
    #asWord ( #buf( 32 -Int ( log2Int(SHIFT) /Int 8 ), X ) +Bytes
              #buf( log2Int(SHIFT) /Int 8, Y ) )
  requires #isByteShift(SHIFT)
    andBool 0 <=Int X andBool X <Int 2 ^Int (8 *Int (32 -Int ( log2Int(SHIFT) /Int 8 )))
    andBool 0 <=Int Y andBool Y <Int SHIFT
    [simplification(42), concrete(SHIFT), comm, preserves-definedness]

which structures the (part of the) slot by putting X into the bytes above the SHIFT if Y is unaffected by the bitwise-or. When this rule fires on our example, we get:

[E5]: #asWord(#buf(10, X) +Bytes #buf(22, #asWord(#buf(20, W) +Bytes #buf(12, Z))))

which will require some further massaging later. Right now, it is important to note that we also have to have another rule for this case, in which the SHIFT is not explicit because the updating value is concrete:

rule [bor-update-without-shift]:
  X |Int Y =>
    #asWord ( #buf ( 32 -Int #getFirstOneBit(X) /Int 8, X /Int ( 2 ^Int ( 8 *Int ( #getFirstOneBit(X) /Int 8 ) ) ) ) +Bytes
              #buf ( #getFirstOneBit(X) /Int 8, Y ) )
  requires #rangeUInt(256, X) andBool 0 <=Int #getFirstOneBit(X)
   andBool 0 <=Int Y andBool Y <Int 2 ^Int ( 8 *Int ( #getFirstOneBit(X) /Int 8 ) )
   [simplification(42), concrete(X), preserves-definedness]

and in which we require that the first one-bit of X (which we can compute, as X is concrete), is in a byte that is higher than the bytes occupied by Y.

Returning to [E5], we note that we have this term:

#buf(22, #asWord (#buf(20, W) +Bytes #buf(12, Z)))

where a buffer of size 22 contains the value described by a buffer of size 32. This is a result of the padding-to-32-bytes introduced by bor-update-with-shift and bor-update-without-shift, which is needed since we do not know a priori how wide VALUE is. To reconcile these buffer sizes, we have the following simplification:

rule [buf-asWord-crop]:
  #buf (W:Int , #asWord(B:Bytes)) => #range(B, lengthBytes(B) -Int W, W)
  requires 0 <=Int W andBool W <=Int 32 andBool W <Int lengthBytes(B)
   andBool #asWord ( #range(B, 0, lengthBytes(B) -Int W) ) ==Int 0
  [simplification, concrete(W), preserves-definedness]

which isolates the part of the longer buffer that fits into the shorter one, assuming the value in it indeed fits the shorter one. When this simplification fires on [E5], we obtain

[E6]: #asWord(#buf(10, X) +Bytes #range(#buf(20, W) +Bytes #buf(12, Z), 10, 22))

which then, through the range-inside-cHead-concat simplification, becomes

[E7]: #asWord(#buf(10, X) +Bytes #range(#range(#buf( 20, W ), 10, 10) +Bytes #buf(12, Z), 0, 22))

then, using range-buf-value, simplifes to

[E8]: #asWord(#buf(10, X) +Bytes #range(#buf(10, W) +Bytes #buf(12, Z), 0, 22))

and which then, through a number of further built-in #range-related simplifications, simplifies to the desired

[E9]: #asWord(#buf(10, X) +Bytes #buf(10, W) +Bytes #buf(12, Z))

We conclude with the final piece of the slot update puzzle, which is an additional simplification that splits the shift from the value in the case that the part of the slot being processed during the update is zero-valued (for example, if Z ==Int 0 in the running example above):

rule [buf-split-on-shift]:
  #buf ( W, SHIFT *Int X ) =>
    #buf( W -Int ( log2Int(SHIFT) /Int 8 ), X ) +Bytes #buf( log2Int(SHIFT) /Int 8, 0)
  requires 0 <=Int W andBool W <=Int 32 andBool #isByteShift(SHIFT)
   andBool 0 <=Int X andBool X <Int 2 ^Int (8 *Int (W -Int ( log2Int(SHIFT) /Int 8)))
   [simplification, concrete(W, SHIFT), preserves-definedness]