-h , --help |
Show this help message and exit |
--verbose , -v |
Verbose output |
--debug |
Debug output |
Directories to lookup K definitions in |
--main-module MAIN_MODULE |
Name of the main module |
--syntax-module SYNTAX_MODULE |
Name of the syntax module |
--md-selector MD_SELECTOR |
Code selector expression to use when reading markdown. |
--depth DEPTH |
Maximum depth to execute to |
--require REQUIRES |
Extra K requires to include in generated output |
--module-import IMPORTS |
Extra modules to import into generated main module |
--output-definition DEFINITION_DIR, --definition DEFINITION_DIR |
Path to kompile definition to |
--backend BACKEND |
K backend to target with compilation |
--type-inference-mode TYPE_INFERENCE_MODE |
Mode for doing K rule type inference in |
--emit-json |
Emit JSON definition after compilation |
-ccopt CCOPTS |
Additional arguments to pass to llvm-kompile |
--no-llvm-kompile |
Do not run llvm-kompile process |
--with-llvm-library |
Make kompile1 generate a dynamic llvm library |
--enable-llvm-debug |
Make kompile generate debug symbols for llvm |
--llvm-kompile-type LLVM_KOMPILE_TYPE |
Mode to kompile LLVM backend in |
--llvm-kompile-output LLVM_KOMPILE_OUTPUT |
Location to put kompiled LLVM backend at |
--read-only-kompiled-directory |
Generated a kompiled directory that K will not attempt to write to afterwards |
-O0 |
Optimization level 0 |
-O1 |
Optimization level 1 |
-O2 |
Optimization level 2 |
-O3 |
Optimization level 3 |
--enable-search |
Enable search mode on LLVM backend krun |
--coverage |
Enable logging semantic rule coverage measurement |
--gen-bison-parser |
Generate standalone Bison parser for program sort |
--bison-lists |
Disable List{Sort} parsing to make grammar LR(1) for Bison parser |
--llvm-proof-hint-instrumentation |
Enable proof hint generation in LLVM backend kompilation |
--no-exc-wrap |
Do not wrap the output on the CLI |
--foundry-project-root FOUNDRY_ROOT |
Path to Foundry project root directory |
--target {KompileTarget.HASKELL,KompileTarget.MAUDE} |
[haskell|maude] |
--regen |
Regenerate foundry.k even if it already exists |
--rekompile |
Rekompile foundry.k even if kompiled definition already exists |
--no-forge-build |
Do not call 'forge build' during kompilation |