- Run tests:
npx hardhat test
- Install hardhat to local environment
npm install --save-dev hardhat
- Create sample project use hardhat
npx hardhat init
- Fix issue on file
npx eslint --fix .
- Review issue on file
npm run lint
- Check formatting for solidity file
npx prettier --check "**/*.sol"
- Modify formatting issue inside solidity file
npx prettier --write "**/*.sol"
- Run tests coverage
npx hardhat coverage
- Run tests with code coverage:
poetry run coverage run -m pytest
- Run tests:
poetry run pytest
- Run tests with coverage:
poetry run pytest --cov
- Run tests with output capturing disabled:
poetry run pytest -s
- Run specific file:
poetry run pytest -k
- Run tests until failure:
poetry run pytest -x
- Run tests paralel:
poetry run pytest -n auto
- Format code using Black:
poetry run black .
- Generate html for covering tests:
poetry run pytest --cov=./ --cov-report=html
- Check code formatting is needed or not:
poetry run black . --check
- Sor t imports using isort with Black profile:
poetry run isort . --profile black
- Check code style with Flake8:
poetry run flake8 .
- Check code bug:
poetry run bandit .
- Run all the tests in the apps.users.tests module:
poetry run test apps.users.tests
- Run all the tests found within the 'apps' package:
poetry run test apps
- Run just one test case class:
poetry run test apps.users.tests.UsersManagersTests
- Run just one test method:
poetry run test apps.users.tests.UsersManagersTests.test_create_user
- Return migration data without creating the migration file,like mock migration file.Migration not affect to database:
poetry run makemigrations --dry-run --verbosity 3
- Run pre commit hooks
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
- Generate api schema
poetry run spectacular --file schema.yml
- Configure waitress
poetry run waitress-serve --listen=*:8000 config.wsgi:application
- Stress test using Apache Benchmark
ab -n 400 -c 10