- update root repo path
- fix getDiff() time computing bug
- fix bug for monthy(day of week) - allday recurring event
- allday correction in getElapsedInstances() method
- allday correction in getElapsedInstances() method
- adding gd:originalEvent support to atom lib
- restoring getRecurrenceObj build proccess
- apply new repeat-on control for jumping vector
- weekly mode: set default start day when is undefined from ical
- change rrule detection
- incremenet 'UNTIL' value one day
- pass day week number for monthly BYDAY recurrence mode
- incremenet an day to TEND for all-day event
- fixing name vars errors
- fix BYMONTHDAY value
- remove time dependecy
- add utc parameter to UTCTime string method. Cleaning
- refact passing options for genRecurrenceString() and genEvent() methods
- fix bugs cause methods names
- add UTCTime() build date format
- add parsing ISO functions
- add parseISO8601() and toISOString() util methods
- fix variable name error.
- remove not used functions
- add options parameter to genRecurrenceString() add genEvent()
- expose atom and rfc2445 module
- replace native Array indexOf method by util.array.indexOf function
- not use reserver 'const' word
- Fix. walking on the week.
- add new seed weekly test files
- changing rule for build dist
- add client-side builded file
- add test rule to build client-side library using browserbuild
- removing form lib/ working both-sides
- finally renames Carilu by caTools
- updates tests
- fix version number
- Expose 'util'.
- Fix package.json 'main' field.
- Renamed index to lib/calendar-tools
- Added expresso as a developer dependency.
- add default recurrence values
- minor improvement in applyTXCorrection()
- apply tz correction weekly mode
- add dylight correction in getElapsedInstance()
- git add gitDiff(), getTZDiff() and applyTZCorrection()
- Dylight correction when a new instance is cloned
- replace diff in days computing by _date.getDiffInDays()
- testing elpased monthly day of week
- fix recurrence montly - day of week.
- add getDiff() method.
- add defined recurrence condition when an instance is cloned
- normalize: add recurrence default property
- monthly - day of week. date control when date number not exists in the next month
- getDaysInMonth accept Date parameter
- Daylight saving time nightmare correction
- store previous instance
- add client-side fullcalendar example
- weekly - avoid falling into the void
- getInstances() accepts start, end period dates
- remove collection
- doc
- add example, API doc, etc
- normalize() - remove all-day correction
- weekly - avoid falling into the void
- getInstances() accepts start, end period dates
- add getSeed() method
- addNoRec condition
- add collection property
- integrate Seed class with Instance
- add instance.js class
- timezone: add systemTZCorrection and offsetCorrection
- no-recurrence events setting by options param
- process no-recurrence events
- Readming
- add isLeapYear() and getDateInMonth() date functions
- remove lib/index.js
- rename test file
- add getFormattedTime() date function()
- fixed worng ISO8601 call
- removign old code. Add getCountdown()
- add/testing getElapsedInstances()
- clearTime() clone supported
- calen is officially killed
- atom: doc
- RFC2445 refact: add atom lib
- RFC2445 refact: rename getRecurrenceXML by genRecurrenceString
- RFC2445 refact: getAllDay()
- RFC2445 refact: remove getAllday function
- RFC2445 refact: getFrequency() tests passed
- RFC2445 refat: add getFrequency() function
- RFC2445 refat: remove functions from calen to rfc2445
- refact: add rfc2445.js new lib file.
- refact: moving usefull parsing date functions from calen to util
- refact: moving usefull string function from calen to util
- util: add daysMap to date constants
- util: exports date constants
- util: rename getEventDuration() by getDuration()
- atom: genEvent()
- atom: rename to genEvent() method
- RFC2445 refact
- recurrence: normalized lib
- recurrence: nromalized all tests
- util: rename getEventDuration() by getDuration()
- recurrence: remove util methods
- util: renames names method
- Initial release