- Add a master js to generate common elements
- Header
- Home Button
- Home Menu on press of escape
- Complete README
- Translate README in English (while keeping French)
- Fix images not loading on pages
- Add Favicon
- +/- buttons
- positions
- Navigating through the different pages
- Dynamic aspect ratio for apps
- Add modals for warnings (photosensitivity and app status)
- Channel prompt before opening
- Loader
- Add favicon
- Add gif
- Add favicon
- Add favicon
- Add Burger Menu
- Content
- f changeState
- Gameplay :
- Movable Cards
- Check placable card
- Card distribution
- Add Favicon
- Optimize to generate each frame faster
- Header with sliders and buttons
- pause button style
- control the ratio of black pixels
- number of pixels
- Concentric circles progressing to show time span.
- Playable conway's game of life
- grid
- calculate cell next stage
- One and two player version of the game OVO
- 6x6 board
- movable eggs with a color "underneath"
- Clasic brick breaker
- moving ball
- bricks on top of the screen
- a bar to throw the ball back to the bricks
- Menu to start a new game
- Classic Minesweeper game
- Generating a grid with mines
- Clicking a box shows numbers of mines in the 8 surrounding boxes
- If there's no mine around, show boxes until there is
- Tetris Game
- Gamezone
- keyboard controls
- xinput controls
- A simple app to create quiz and share it with your friends using a string
- Create a quiz
- Create a question
- Add choices
- Choose possible answers
- Save a quiz
- Export JSON of questions to a base64 string
- Create a question
- Play a quiz
- Enter a base64 string
- Play pre-made quizs
- A simplier version of the binding of isaac
- A double pendulum simulation to demonstrate chaos theory
- Style
- playerCards
- polish
- Dark Mode
- playerCards
- Add Favicon
- Player Class
- @ updateDisplay (to prevent from regenerating everything)
- localStorage to save data between sessions
- f saveLocal : Saves data in localStorage
- f loadLocal : Load data from the localStorage
- f changeTheme
- Rounds
- Confirm Scores for this round
- Save round to players and save players state to localStorage
- Display game stats
- Add favicon
- !!! Find a way to limit infinite loop on the recursion
- Displays all the infos the browser can get from your device
- App to take notes
- Add a new tab
- Close a tab
- Write things
- Save current content to localStorage
- Save file to computer
- (Bonus : handle markdown syntax highlighting)
- (Bonus : handle markdown rendering)
- (Bonus Bonus : handle many languages syntax highlighting)
- 3 tracks
- deafult keyboard config
- menu
- song selection
- keyboard settings