This tool support the following policies: policy
instance_idle: Monitor the idle instances based on the instance metrics for the last 7 days.
- CPU Percent < 2%
- Network < 5KiB
instance_run: List the running ec2 instances.
unattached_volume: Identify and remove the available EBS volumes.
zombie_cluster_resource: Identify the non-live cluster resource and delete those resources by resolving dependency. We are deleting more than 20 cluster resources.
- Ebs, Snapshots, AMI, Load Balancer
- VPC, Subnets, Route tables, DHCP, Internet Gateway, NatGateway, Network Interface, ElasticIp, Network ACL, Security Group, VPC Endpoint
- S3
- IAM User, IAM Role
ip_unattached: Identify the unattached public IPv4 addresses.
zombie_snapshots: Identify the snapshots, which are abandoned by the AMI.
unused_nat_gateway: Identify the unused NatGateway by monitoring the active connection count.
s3_inactive: Identify the empty s3 buckets, causing the resource quota issues.
empty_roles: Identify the empty roles that do not have any attached policies to them.
ebs_in_use: list in use volumes.
tag_resources: Update cluster and non cluster resource tags fetching from the user tags or from the mandatory tags
tag_non_cluster: tag ec2 resources (instance, volume, ami, snapshot) by instance name
tag_iam_user: update the user tags from the csv file
cost_explorer: Get data from cost explorer and upload to ElasticSearch
gitleaks: scan GitHub repository git leak (security scan)
cost_over_usage: send mail to aws user if over usage cost
- instance_idle: Monitor the idle instances based on the
instance metrics.
- CPU Percent < 2%
- Network < 5KiB
- unattached_volume: Identify and remove the available disks.
- ip_unattached: Identify the unattached public IPv4 addresses.
- unused_nat_gateway: Identify the unused NatGateway by monitoring the active connection count.
- tag_baremetal: Tag IBM baremetal machines
- tag_vm: Tga IBM Virtual Machines machines
- tag_resources: Tag IBM resources list of supported IBM Resources
- resource_instances
- virtual_servers
- schematics_workspaces
- classic_baremetals
- classic_virtual_machines
Environment Variables required:
KeyName | Value | Description |
IBM_CUSTOM_TAGS_LIST | string | pass string with separated with comma. i.e: "cost-center: test, env: test" |
RESOURCE_TO_TAG (optional) | string | pass the resource name to tag. ex: virtual_servers |
IBM_CLOUD_API_KEY | string | IBM Cloud API Key |
IBM_API_KEY | string | IBM Classic infrastructure key ( SoftLayer ) |
IBM_API_USERNAME | string | IBM API Username ( SoftLayer ) |
IBM_ACCOUNT_ID | string | IBM Account Id |
# Run tag_resources policy in IBM Cloud
podman run --rm --name cloud-governance \
-e policy="tag_resources" \
-e account="${ACCOUNT_NAME}" \
-e IBM_CUSTOM_TAGS_LIST="cost-center:675, env:test" \