Using a terminal window, log into your openshift cluster.
From the 'admin' menu option, choose 'Copy login command'.
A login screen will appear. Click the 'rhsso' option.
Login with your cluster username and password.
After logging in, copy the 'oc login' token.
Paste the token into your terminal window and press the 'enter' key.
Press 'Y' to use the insecure connections? (y/n). You are now logged into your openshift cluster, from your terminal window.
In the terminal window, 'git clone' and follow the README.
In your terminal window, run the below README instructions.
Change into the 'mlflow-on-ocp' directory and execute the crunchy_subscription.yaml script.
The script will create a 'crunchy-postgres-operator' in your cluster.
You can verify this by checking your cluster for the newly installed operator. Go to Operators-> Installed Operators and search for 'Crunchy Postgres'.
Next execute the '' script.
If you recieve an error message, 'Permission denied', you will need to change the permissions on the file to allow execution. Use the command 'CHMOD +x filename'
Upon successful deployment, you will see the following execution messages appear:
We are now ready to deploy the Golden Path Template. We will be using Developer Hub in order to do this. Let's get your Developer Hub instance started in the next section.