The deployment process of cucumber-jvm
is based on
Deploying to OSSRH with Apache Maven.
Is the build passing?
git checkout master
Also check if you can upgrade any dependencies:
make update-dependency-versions
Remove the empty sections in the changelog. Don't commit these but run:
make release
Wait for the release to show up on maven central. Then update the dependency in example projects:
Update the cucumber-jvm version in the documentation project:
The cucumber-jvm version for the docs is specified in the docs versions.yaml
All done! Hurray!
To make a release you must have the
GPG private key imported in gpg2.
gpg --import
Additionally upload privileges to the Sonatype repositories are required. See the OSSRH Guide for instructions. Then an administrator will have to grant you access to the cucumber repository.
Finally both your OSSRH credentials and private key must be setup in your ~/.m2/settings.xml
for example: