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Kai Li stepperpig
// i write words. [()] syntax enjoyer

Madison, WI

marii¨ mnyrop

@NYULibraries Queens, NY

Moritz Mähr maehr
#DH #STS #NLP #SNA #graphs #DigitalHistory #HistoryOfComputing 👷 associate researcher @DHBern and digital lead @Stadt-Geschichte-Basel

@DHBern & @Stadt-Geschichte-Basel Bern & Basel

Duncan Paterson duncdrum

@StaatsbibliothekBerlin Berlin, DE

Joe Wicentowski joewiz

Arlington, Virginia

Annerose Tartler annerosetartler
This is my new open github account for showcasing my code and collaborating.

Austrian National Library Vienna, Austria

Riia Järvenpää rialistic
Riia of Helsinki. Currently: trying to learn to use computers.

This account is for personal projects Helsinki

Amanda Wyatt Visconti amandavisconti
Director of the Scholars' Lab


Olia wwweather
Philosopher, writess, foodie


Zhihui (Jerry) Zou zzou21
I study History, Computational Media, and Digital Humanities.
Sven Lieber SvenLieber
PhD in Information Engineering Technology, working on Linked Data at the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR). Weekly FAIR data updates

Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) Ghent, Belgium

Friederike Jürcke fjuercke

Cambridge, United Kingdom

thhaase thhaase
I study computational social science

Linköping University Norrköping

Markus Lang markushlang

Heidelberg, Germany

Katharina Brunner cutterkom
investigative data journalist @br-data, archivist @forummuenchen
Johannes Breuer jobreu
Senior researcher & team leader at @gesiscss

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Cologne, Germany

Qilin Liu OdessyLiu
MA student @ubc Digital Humanities

University of British Columbia Kelowna

Loren Lee leeloren
Doctoral Candidate of French Literature

University of Virginia

Dayan Surendranathan dayanadithyan
Mathematician by night, tech policy professional by day.

LIRNEasia Colombo, Sri Lanka

c_ringwald datalogism
Phd student at the Wimmics lab, in charge of the FrenchDBpedia Chapter

INRIA Sophia Antipolis

Beatriz btrzleal
#SocialSciences #Rprograming
Israel Aquino iaquinoc

UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil

vanessa vanessak1997
DH librarian in training

Mannheim, DE

ReDHumus redhumus

ReDHumus Colombia

J. Turek JTurek708
Big fan of data, dogs and pizza. Not necessarily in that order.
Esmael Mohammed eusme
Software Engineer , Co-Founder of Qualliaware Software S.C

Qualliaware Software SC Addis Ababa, Ethiopia