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Roelof roheve

Utrecht, Netherlands

Ben Costerton Bencosterton
Broadcast Engineer


Talida Ganciu talidag

Asociatia Oportunitati si Cariere Brasov

Ramazan rgunindi
C#, Go, Java, and Awk languages. "Bigger the interface the weaker the abstraction” —Rob Pike


Andrew Hamill TheDoktorr
Physics @ Lancs Uni

Lancaster, United Kingdom

Papiris ruzko
Open everything.

Ludvigsen Ingeniørskap og Fri Teknologi

hx skandix
Living in a Paradoxical level-crossing feedback loop. 🏳️‍🌈 Staff Engineer @uiano freelance audio tech

@uiano Grimstad

Rolf Aleksejunas Øvrum Christensen aleksejunas
Frontend | App Developer | Linux Aficionado Oslo, Norway

Jonas Dautel SNRSE

ByteHive Germany

nikeedev nikeedev
I'm a teenager boy which loves coding. I code different software, I’m a self taught developer and upper 2ndary school student. I mostly code in different langs

student under a tree 🌲

Felicia Lansborg Rabbagasta
UX/Tjenestedesigner @ NRK Marienlyst


Signar Kamparås Zingo21
Student at the University of Skövde
