What do I need to do to test...
...changes to
...changes to
or any control plane operator
Ensure the
environment variable points to a management cluster with no HyperShift installed yet. -
Build HyperShift.
# requires go v1.22+ $ make build
Install HyperShift in development mode which causes the operator deployment to be deployment scaled to zero so that it doesn't conflict with your local operator process.
$ bin/hypershift install --development
Run the HyperShift operator locally.
$ bin/hypershift-operator run
Build and push a custom image build to your own repository.
make IMG=quay.io/my/hypershift:latest docker-build docker-push
Install HyperShift using the custom image:
$ bin/hypershift install --hypershift-image quay.io/my/hypershift:latest
(Optional) If your repository is private, create a secret:
oc create secret generic hypershift-operator-pull-secret -n hypershift --from-file=.dockerconfig=/my/pull-secret --type=kubernetes.io/dockerconfig
Then update the operator ServiceAccount in the hypershift namespace:
oc patch serviceaccount operator -n hypershift -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "hypershift-operator-pull-secret"}]}'
Build and push a custom release image to your own repository.
Create a guest cluster using the custom image:
$ bin/hypershift create cluster openstack --release-image quay.io ...
Complete Prerequisites with a public Route53 Hosted Zone, for example with the following environment variables:
BASE_DOMAIN="my.hypershift.dev" BUCKET_NAME="my-oidc-bucket" AWS_REGION="us-east-2" AWS_CREDS="my/aws-credentials" PULL_SECRET="/my/pull-secret" HYPERSHIFT_IMAGE="quay.io/my/hypershift:latest"
Install the HyperShift Operator on a cluster, filling in variables such as the S3 bucket name and region based on what was done in the prerequisites phase and potentially supplying a custom image.
$ bin/hypershift install \ --oidc-storage-provider-s3-bucket-name "${BUCKET_NAME}" \ --oidc-storage-provider-s3-credentials "${AWS_CREDS}" \ --oidc-storage-provider-s3-region "${AWS_REGION}" \ --hypershift-image "${HYPERSHIFT_IMAGE}"
Run the tests.
$ make e2e $ bin/test-e2e -test.v -test.timeout 0 \ --e2e.aws-credentials-file "${AWS_CREDS}" \ --e2e.pull-secret-file "${PULL_SECRET}" \ --e2e.aws-region "${AWS_REGION}" \ --e2e.availability-zones "${AWS_REGION}a,${AWS_REGION}b,${AWS_REGION}c" \ --e2e.aws-oidc-s3-bucket-name "${BUCKET_NAME}" \ --e2e.base-domain "${BASE_DOMAIN}"
On MacOS, get a nice PDF of the graph:
brew install graphviz
go get golang.org/x/exp/cmd/modgraphviz
go mod graph | modgraphviz | dot -T pdf | open -a Preview.app -f
After making changes to types in the api
package, make sure to update the
associated CRD files:
$ make api
To update third-party API types (e.g. sigs.k8s.io/cluster-api
), edit the dependency
version in go.mod
and then update the contents of vendor
$ go mod vendor
Then update the associated CRD files:
$ make api
Create a directory that will be the parent of the hypershift code repository:
$ mkdir hypershift_ws
Under that directory, either move an existing hypershift repository or just clone hypershift again
$ cd hypershift_ws
$ git clone git@github.com:openshift/hypershift
Initialize the go workspace
$ go work init
$ go work use ./hypershift
$ go work use ./hypershift/api
$ go work sync
$ go work vendor
Now when running vscode, open the workspace directory to work with hypershift code.