This file contains a collection of tips
If you have previously used the devspace_openstack_ip
, the above command might fail with the message
host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.\r\nHost key verification failed.\r\n", "unreachable": true}
To fix the issue, remove the entry from ~/.ssh/known_hosts
and run the playbook again.
The following error can occur:
org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.scripts.UnapprovedUsageException: script not yet approved for use
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.scripts.ScriptApproval.using(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsFlowDefinition.create(
To fix the issue, go to Trigger > Configure
and select Use Groovy Sandbox
When the latest Java 8 version is not used, the following error will occur:
Installing JDK jdk-8u121-oth-JPR
Downloading JDK from
Oracle now requires Oracle account to download previous versions of JDK. Please specify your Oracle account username/password.
ERROR: Unable to install JDK unless a valid Oracle account username/password is provided in the system configuration.
Finished: FAILURE
To fix the issue:
- Click on
Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration
- Click on
JDK installations...
- Select the latest JDK 8 using the selection box
- Log in:
ssh omero@devspace_openstack_ip
- Access the docker container
docker exec -ti devspace_omero_1 bash
- Logs are under
Log in:
ssh omero@devspace_openstack_ip
Copy the logs from the container
docker cp devspace_omero_1:/home/omero/workspace/OMERO-server/OMERO.server/var/log .
Copy the logs to your machine
scp -Cr omero@devspace_openstack_ip:/home/omero/log /local/path/for/log
- Follow the same steps as above using the container
- Logs are under
By default the OMERO-push job does not merge the open PRs of ome/scripts. If you need to use non-released version of the scripts you will need to:
- Fork the ome/scripts repository
- Edit the merge command of the OMERO-push job and replace
- Log in
ssh omero@devspace_openstack_ip
- Open
and add the key(s)
Both BioFormats-push and OMERO-push can be modified to only merge the desired PR
Below is an example on how to only include PRs opened against ome/openmicroscopy with --training
in their description
Click on
OMERO-push > Configure
Go to
and entermerge develop -Dnone -Itraining --no-ask --reset --shallow
Due to Recent change in RSA SSH host key
In a terminal, Run:
mv ~/.ssh/known_hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts.bak ssh -T