EspPlcTimers2 is based on the EspPlcTimer class which is a derived class of the genericTimer class
class genericTimer {
struct timer t;
uint32_t lastTime;
genericTimer(timerType type);
genericTimer(timerType type, uint32_t preset);
void updateTimer();
void preset(uint32_t time);
bool q();
uint32_t et();
void tin(bool timerIn);
bool tin();
class espPlcTimer: public genericTimer {
espPlcTimer(timerType type);
espPlcTimer(timerType type, uint32_t preset);
The timers are declared using the constructors of the espPlcTimer class:
espPlcTimer t1(TON, 20000); //TON timer, 20s
espPlcTimer t2(TOFF); // TOFF timer, 10s
This causes an implicit call to the constructors of the genericTimer class
The genericTimer class provides all its public methods.
The update method is used implicitly in the FREE RTOS update function. Therefore, its use is not necessary in the implementation of the program.
void preset(uint32_t time);
Load the timer with a new "preset" time. "time" is specified in ms.
void reset();
Force to count from the beginning.
bool q();
Returns a boolean that is the current state of the timer output
uint32_t et();
Returns a 32-bit integer with the current count of the timer. Time is specified in ms.
The count is done backwards, from the preload value to zero.
"tin" is the timer activation input.
"tin" has a set method and a get method.
counter activation input.
void tin(bool timerIn);
Takes a boolean that is used to activate the timer.
bool tin();
returns a boolean that is the current state of the timer activation input.