All Uniswap pairs consist of ETH (treated as the base currency) paired with an ERC20 token (treated as the quote currency).
Returns data for the top ~100 Uniswap pairs, sorted by ETH liquidity. Results are cached for 15 minutes.
"ETH_0x...": { // the asset ids of ETH and ERC20 tokens, joined by an underscore
"last_price": "1.234", // denominated in tokens/ETH
"base_volume": "123.456", // denominated in ETH
"quote_volume": "1234.56" // denominated in tokens
// ...
Returns the top ~100 assets supported by Uniswap, which consist of ETH and ERC20 tokens. The assets are sorted by ETH liquidity in their ETH pair. Results are cached for 24 hours.
// ...,
"0x...": { // "ETH" or the address of the ERC20 token
"name": "...", // not necesssarily included for ERC20 tokens
"symbol": "...", // not necesssarily included for ERC20 tokens
"id": "0x...", // asset id, "ETH" or the address of the Uniswap exchange for the ERC20 token
"maker_fee": "0", // always 0
"taker_fee": "0.003", // always 0.003 i.e. .3%
// ...
Returns data for the top ~100 Uniswap pairs, sorted by ETH liquidity. Results are cached for 15 minutes.
"ETH_0x...": { // the asset ids of ETH and ERC20 tokens, joined by an underscore
"base_name": "Ether", // always "Ether"
"base_symbol": "ETH", // always "ETH"
"base_id": "ETH", // always "ETH"
"quote_name": "...", // not necesssarily included
"quote_symbol": "...", // not necesssarily included
"quote_id": "0x...", // the asset id of the ERC20 token
"quote_token_address": "0x...", // the address of the ERC20 token
"last_price": "1.234", // denominated in tokens/ETH
"base_volume": "123.456", // denominated in ETH
"quote_volume": "1234.56" // denominated in tokens
// ...
Returns simulated orderbook data for the given Uniswap pair. Since Uniswap has a continuous orderbook, fixed amounts in an interval are chosen for bids and asks, and prices are derived from the Uniswap formula. Results are cached for 240 minutes.
: The asset ids of ETH and an ERC20 token, joined by an underscore, e.g.ETH_0x...
"timestamp": 1234567, // UNIX timestamp
"bids": [
["12", "1.2"], // denominated in ETH, tokens/ETH
["12", "1.1"], // denominated in ETH, tokens/ETH
// ...
"asks": [
["12", "1.3"], // denominated in ETH, tokens/ETH
["12", "1.4"], // denominated in ETH, tokens/ETH
// ...
Returns all trades in the last 24 hours for the given Uniswap pair. Results are cached for 15 minutes.
: The asset ids of ETH and an ERC20 token, joined by an underscore, e.g.ETH_0x...
"trade_id": "...",
"price": "1.234", // denominated in tokens/ETH
"base_volume": "123.456", // denominated in ETH
"quote_volume": "1234.56", // denominated in tokens
"trade_timestamp": 1234567, // UNIX timestamp
"type": "buy" // "buy" or "sell"
// ...