- tests: add tests run to CI
- tests: add models tests and e2e tests
- tests: add fixtures
- lint: fix mypy typing
- org-invite: fix organization invitte payload
- cipher-collections: fix method changing collections of a cipher
- sync-seat-null: Seats value can be null
- lint: import fix
- lint: remove unused import
- bitwarden: fix List model and refresh master_ke when refresh token
- typing: fix mypy tiping and checks
- default-values: remove mutable default values
- camelcase-api-field: Allow parsing of API result with camel-cased field follow vaultwarden 1.31 changes
- typing: remove 'Optional' typing
- ci: trigger CI only when targeting main brancha
- pydantic: Rework Bitwarden Client with pydantic classes + Usage
- init: first version open-sourced
- license: fix license property and license classifier = fix typo
- tests: fix unit tests