- Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equation by
- Regula-Falsi method,
- Newton Raphson’s method.
- Gauss Seidal iteration method to solve a system of equations and convergence (without proof)
- Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formula.
- Lagrange interpolation,
- Newton’s divided difference and central differences.
- Regula Falsi RVS - RG- YouTube
- Newton Raphson RVS - NR- YouTube
- Gauss Seidal RVS - GS- YouTube
- Newton Fwd and Bwd Interpolation RVS - N Fwd/Bwd- YouTube
- Sterlings / Gauss Fwd/Bwd Neeraj Saxena
- Lagrange Interpolation RVS - Lagrange- YouTube
- Newton Divided diffrence RVS - N div d- YouTube
Malayalam Playlist : RVS Math Academy- YouTube
Hindi Playlist : Electronic 4 U- YouTube | Dream Maths- YouTube | Dr.Purohit- YouTube
Numerical differentiation at the tabulated points with forward, backward and central differences.
Numerical integration with
trapezoidal rule,
Simpson’s 1/3 rule,
Simpson’s 3/8 rule.
Taylor series method.
Euler method,
Modified Euler method,
Runge–Kutta method of second and fourth order for solving 1st order ordinary differential equation.
- Random variable (discrete and continuous) Expectation-mean and variance of probability distribution.
- Binomial, Poisson and Normal distribution and Fitting of this Distribution to the given data.
- Binomial : RVS- Binomial
- Poisson : RVS - Poisson
- Curve fitting
- fitting of straight line
- parabola
- exponential.
ktu has discrete and continuos in separate modules , so also see this video for continous prob distrib
- Population and Sample-Sampling Distribution (of mean and variance)
- Testing of Hypothesis-level of significance,
- Z-test statistic,
- Chi square test for variance,
- goodness of fit and F-test .
- Erwin Kreyzig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10E
- Grewal, B.S, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43
- Kandaswamy, P., Thilagavathy,K., Gunavathy,K., Numerical methods.
- Richard A. Johnson. Irvin Miller and John E. Freund. Probability and statistics for engineers, 8E