Provides reporting from Clickup timelines data
This service pulls data from the Click-up project management software via and API and stores the data in a SQL database that is accessible to the Planning tools reports.
- NICE.Timelines.Common - contains models, constants and extension methods common to all projects
- NICE.Timelines.ConsoleApp - Entry point, calls the ClickUp API
- NICE.Timelines.DB - Converts and saves the ClickUp data to the database, contains models and migrations for Entity Framework
- NICE.Timelines.Test - low-level unit tests, run via xUnit, asserted with Shouldly.
- .NET Core 5
- SQL Server as our database
- Entity Framework Core as an ORM
- EF Core In-Memory Database Provider for integration tests
- Install SQL Server and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
- Clone the project at
- Open NICE.Timelines.sln
- Ensure NICE.Timelines.ConsoleApp is set as the startup project
- Update the values secrets.json file
- Press F5 to run the project in debug mode
The application's uses appsettings.json to store configuration. However, since this is a public repository, confidential configuration information is stored in secrets.json In order to run the application correctly (with it having access to a database and clickup api), you'll need to acquire (from another dev) or create a secrets.json file with the correct configuration information in. For more information see:
We use Code first Entity Framework migrations to update the consultations database
- add a new property to the relevent class in NICE.Timelines.DB > Models
- in visual studio go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console
- in the package manager console window run the command Add-Migration [give your migration a useful name] eg Add-Migration AddTaskCreationDate
This will create a new migrations script in NICE.Timelines.DB > Migrations - when NICE.Timelines.ConsoleApp is next run the changes in the migration script will be applied to SQL.
A new column will be created in EFMigrationHistory to flag that the migration has been run.
For Developer notes see Confluence > Contacts Data Base / Planning Tool Home > Timelines Dev Notes