For asynchronous processing, Javarel Framework is using Quartz scheduler.
To do something asynchronously, we just need to define two classes:
Defines job type and how it should be scheduled.
@Component(immediate = true)
class UpdateSchedule : BaseSchedule<UpdateJob>() {
override val jobType: KClass<UpdateJob>
get() = UpdateJob::class
override fun schedule(): ScheduleBuilder<*> {
return repeat { it.withIntervalInHours(6) }
What is more, you can use above methods to schedule job in other ways:
repeat { it.withIntervalInSeconds(30).withRepeatCount(10) }
cron("0 0 0/1 1/1 * ? *")
daily { it.onMondayThroughFriday() }
calendar { it.withIntervalInDays(1).inTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST")) } }
Job is being created for each schedule occurrence.
Mark fields with @Osgi
annotation to inject services that will help you with your job processing.
class UpdateJob : Job {
private lateinit var db : DatabaseAdmin
companion object {
val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
override fun execute(context: JobExecutionContext) {"Checking for system update...")
// TODO Implement system update functionality"Nothing to update")