diff --git a/content/en/docs/Usage/configuration-options.md b/content/en/docs/Usage/configuration-options.md index 7bcfdef..42b72c8 100644 --- a/content/en/docs/Usage/configuration-options.md +++ b/content/en/docs/Usage/configuration-options.md @@ -105,94 +105,94 @@ make it all uppercase. Ex: `ND_LOGLEVEL=debug`. See below for all available opti ### Basic configuration -| In config file | As an env var | Description | Default Value | -|-------------------------|-------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------| -| | `ND_CONFIGFILE` | Load configurations from an external config file | `"./navidrome.toml"` | -| MusicFolder | `ND_MUSICFOLDER` | Folder where your music library is stored. Can be read-only | `"./music"` | -| DataFolder | `ND_DATAFOLDER` | Folder to store application data (DB) | `"./data"` | -| CacheFolder | `ND_CACHEFOLDER` | Folder to store cache data (transcoding, images...) | `"/cache"` | -| LogLevel | `ND_LOGLEVEL` | Log level. Useful for troubleshooting. Possible values: `error`, `warn`, `info`, `debug`, `trace` | `"info"` | -| Address | `ND_ADDRESS` | Address the server will bind to. Can be an IPv4 or IPv6. Also supports `unix:/path/to/file` for Unix socket files | `` and `::` (all IPs) | -| BaseUrl | `ND_BASEURL` | Base URL to configure Navidrome behind a proxy (examples: `/music`, `https://music.example.com`) | _Empty_ | -| Port | `ND_PORT` | HTTP port Navidrome will listen to | `4533` | -| EnableInsightsCollector | `ND_ENABLEINSIGHTSCOLLECTOR` | Controls whether the server will run its [Anonymous Data Collection][insights] feature to help improve the project. | `true` | +| In config file | As an env var | Description | Default Value | +|-------------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------| +| | `ND_CONFIGFILE` | Load configurations from an external config file | `"./navidrome.toml"` | +| MusicFolder | `ND_MUSICFOLDER` | Folder where your music library is stored. Can be read-only | `"./music"` | +| DataFolder | `ND_DATAFOLDER` | Folder to store application data (DB) | `"./data"` | +| CacheFolder | `ND_CACHEFOLDER` | Folder to store cache data (transcoding, images...) | `"/cache"` | +| LogLevel | `ND_LOGLEVEL` | Log level. Useful for troubleshooting. Possible values: `error`, `warn`, `info`, `debug`, `trace` | `"info"` | +| Address | `ND_ADDRESS` | Address the server will bind to. Can be an IPv4, IPv6 or a UNIX socket file (`unix:/path/to/file`) | `` and `::` (all IPs) | +| BaseUrl | `ND_BASEURL` | Base URL to configure Navidrome behind a proxy (examples: `/music`, `https://music.example.com`) | _Empty_ | +| Port | `ND_PORT` | HTTP port Navidrome will listen to | `4533` | +| EnableInsightsCollector | `ND_ENABLEINSIGHTSCOLLECTOR` | Controls whether the server will run its [Anonymous Data Collection][insights] feature to help improve the project. | `true` | ### Advanced configuration -| In config file | As an environment variable | Description | Default Value | -|------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| -| AlbumPlayCountMode | `ND_ALBUMPLAYCOUNTMODE` | Change how album play count is computed. When set to `"normalized"`, album play count will be divided by the number of album tracks | `"absolute"` | -| AuthRequestLimit[\*][limit-login-attempts] | `ND_AUTHREQUESTLIMIT` | How many login requests can be processed from a single IP during the `AuthWindowLength`. Set to `0` to disable the limit rater | `5` | -| AuthWindowLength[\*][limit-login-attempts] | `ND_AUTHWINDOWLENGTH` | Window Length for the authentication rate limit | `"20s"` | -| AutoImportPlaylists | `ND_AUTOIMPORTPLAYLISTS` | Enable/disable `.m3u` playlist auto-import | `true` | -| DefaultPlaylistPublicVisibility | `ND_DEFAULTPLAYLISTPUBLICVISIBILITY` | Set imported playlists as public by default | `false` | -| ArtistArtPriority[\*][artistcoverart] | `ND_ARTISTARTPRIORITY` | Configure the order to look for artist images. | `artist.*, album/artist.*, external` | -| Backup.Path | `ND_BACKUP_PATH` | Path to store backups. Set to `""` to disable backups | `""` (disabled) | -| Backup.Schedule | `ND_BACKUP_SCHEDULE` | Schedule for automatic backups. Use [Cron syntax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron#CRON_expression) | `""` (disabled) | -| Backup.Count | `ND_BACKUP_COUNT` | Number of backups to keep | `0` (disabled) | -| CoverArtPriority[\*][albumcoverart] | `ND_COVERARTPRIORITY` | Configure the order to look for cover art images. Use special `embedded` value to get embedded images from the audio files | `cover.*, folder.*, front.*, embedded, external` | -| CoverJpegQuality | `ND_COVERJPEGQUALITY` | Set JPEG quality percentage for resized cover art images | `75` | -| DefaultDownsamplingFormat | `ND_DEFAULTDOWNSAMPLINGFORMAT` | Format to transcode to when client requests downsampling (specify maxBitrate without a format) | `opus` | -| DefaultLanguage | `ND_DEFAULTLANGUAGE` | Sets the default language used by the UI when logging in from a new browser. This value must match one of the file names in the [resources/i18n][i18n]. Ex: for Chinese Simplified it has to be `zh-Hans` (case sensitive) | `"en"` | -| DefaultTheme | `ND_DEFAULTTHEME` | Sets the default theme used by the UI when logging in from a new browser. This value must match one of the options in the UI | `Dark` | -| EnableArtworkPrecache | `ND_ENABLEARTWORKPRECACHE` | Enable image pre-caching of new added music | `true` | -| EnableCoverAnimation | `ND_ENABLECOVERANIMATION` | Controls whether the player in the UI will animate the album cover (rotation) | `true` | -| EnableDownloads | `ND_ENABLEDOWNLOADS` | Enable the option in the UI to download music/albums/artists/playlists from the server | `true` | -| EnableExternalServices | `ND_ENABLEEXTERNALSERVICES`. | Set this to `false` to completely disable ALL external integrations, including the [anonymous data collection][insights] and the nice login background images) | `true` | -| EnableFavourites | `ND_ENABLEFAVOURITES` | Enable toggling "Heart"/"Loved" for songs/albums/artists in the UI (maps to "Star"/"Starred" in Subsonic Clients) | `true` | -| EnableGravatar | `ND_ENABLEGRAVATAR` | Use [Gravatar](https://gravatar.com/) images as the user profile image. Needs the user's email to be filled | `false` | -| EnableLogRedacting | `ND_ENABLELOGREDACTING` | Whether or not sensitive information (like tokens and passwords) should be redacted (hidden) in the logs | `true` | -| EnableMediaFileCoverArt[\*][mediafilecoverart] | `ND_ENABLEMEDIAFILECOVERART` | If set to false, it will return the album CoverArt when a song CoverArt is requested | `true` | -| EnableReplayGain | `ND_ENABLEREPLAYGAIN` | Enable ReplayGain options in the UI | `true` | -| EnableSharing | `ND_ENABLESHARING` | Enable the Sharing feature | `false` | -| EnableStarRating | `ND_ENABLESTARRATING` | Enable 5-star ratings in the UI | `true` | -| EnableTranscodingConfig[\*][transcoding] | `ND_ENABLETRANSCODINGCONFIG` | Enables transcoding configuration in the UI | `false` | -| EnableUserEditing | `ND_ENABLEUSEREDITING` | Enable regular users to edit their details and change their password | `true` | -| FFmpegPath | `ND_FFMPEGPATH` | Path to `ffmpeg` executable. Use it when Navidrome cannot find it, or you want to use a specific version | _Empty_ (search in the PATH) | -| GATrackingID | `ND_GATRACKINGID` | Send basic info to your own Google Analytics account. Must be in the format `UA-XXXXXXXX` | _Empty_ (disabled) | -| HTTPSecurityHeaders.CustomFrameOptionsValue | `ND_HTTPSECURITYHEADERS_CUSTOMFRAMEOPTIONSVALUE` | Allows the `X-Frame-Options` header value to be set with a custom value. Ex: `"SAMEORIGIN"` | `"DENY"` | -| IgnoredArticles | `ND_IGNOREDARTICLES` | List of ignored articles when sorting/indexing artists | `"The El La Los Las Le Les Os As O A"` | -| ImageCacheSize | `ND_IMAGECACHESIZE` | Size of image (art work) cache. Set to `"0"` to disable cache | `"100MB"` | -| Jukebox.Enabled | `ND_JUKEBOX_ENABLED` | Enable Jukebox mode (play audio on server's hardware) Click [here][jukebox-mode] for details | `false` | -| Jukebox.AdminOnly | `ND_JUKEBOX_ADMINONLY` | By default, Jukebox mode is only available to Admins. Set this option to `false` to allow any valid user to control it | `true` | -| Jukebox.Devices | _(cannot be set as an environment variable)_ | List of devices that can be used by the Jukebox. Click [here][jukebox-config] for details | _Empty_ (auto detect) | -| Jukebox.Default | `ND_JUKEBOX_DEFAULT` | Device to use for Jukebox mode, if there are multiple Jukebox.Devices entries. Click [here][jukebox-config] for details | _Empty_ (auto detect) | -| LastFM.Enabled | `ND_LASTFM_ENABLED` | Set this to `false` to completely disable Last.fm integration | `true` | -| LastFM.ApiKey[\*][lastfm-integration] | `ND_LASTFM_APIKEY` | Last.fm API Key | _Empty_ | -| LastFM.Secret[\*][lastfm-integration] | `ND_LASTFM_SECRET` | Last.fm API Secret | _Empty_ | -| LastFM.Language | `ND_LASTFM_LANGUAGE` | [Two letter-code for language][language-codes] to be used to retrieve biographies from Last.fm | `"en"` | -| ListenBrainz.BaseURL | `ND_LISTENBRAINZ_BASEURL` | Set this to override the default ListenBrainz base URL (useful with self-hosted solutions like Maloja[\*][maloja] | `https://api.listenbrainz.org/1/` | -| ListenBrainz.Enabled | `ND_LISTENBRAINZ_ENABLED` | Set this to `false` to completely disable ListenBrainz integration | `true` | -| MaxSidebarPlaylists | `ND_MAXSIDEBARPLAYLISTS` | Set the maximum number of playlists shown in the UI's sidebar. Note that a very large number can cause UI performance issues. | `100` | -| MPVPath | `ND_MPVPATH` | Path to `mpv` executable. Used for [Jukebox mode][jukebox-mode] | _Empty_ (search in PATH) | -| MPVCmdTemplate | `ND_MPVCMDTEMPLATE` | Cmd template used to construct the call of the `mpv` executable. Used for [Jukebox mode][jukebox-cmd] | `mpv --audio-device=%d --no-audio-display --pause %f --input-ipc-server=%s` | -| PasswordEncryptionKey[\*][encrypt-passwords] | `ND_PASSWORDENCRYPTIONKEY` | Passphrase used to encrypt passwords in the DB. Click [here][encrypt-passwords] for details | - | -| PlaylistsPath | `ND_PLAYLISTSPATH` | Where to search for and import playlists from. Can be a list of folders/globs (separated by `:` (or `;` on Windows). Paths **MUST** be relative to `MusicFolder` | `".:**/**"` (meaning `MusicFolder` and all its subfolders) | -| PreferSortTags | `ND_PREFERSORTTAGS` | Use Sort_* tags to sort columns in the UI. | `false` | -| Prometheus.Enabled | `ND_PROMETHEUS_ENABLED` | Enable extra endpoint with [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/overview/) metrics. | `false` | -| Prometheus.MetricsPath | `ND_PROMETHEUS_METRICSPATH` | Custom path for Prometheus metrics. Useful for blocking unauthorized metrics requests. | `"/metrics"` | -| RecentlyAddedByModTime | `ND_RECENTLYADDEDBYMODTIME` | Uses music files' modification time when sorting by "Recently Added". Otherwise use import time | `false` | -| ReverseProxyUserHeader[\*][reverse-proxy-auth] | `ND_REVERSEPROXYUSERHEADER` | HTTP header containing user name from authenticated proxy | `"Remote-User"` | -| ReverseProxyWhitelist[\*][reverse-proxy-auth] | `ND_REVERSEPROXYWHITELIST` | Comma separated list of IP CIDRs which are allowed to use reverse proxy authentication, empty means "deny all" | _Empty_ | -| Scanner.Extractor[\*][extractors] | `ND_SCANNER_EXTRACTOR` | Select metadata extractor implementation. Options: `taglib` or `ffmpeg` | `"taglib"` | -| Scanner.GenreSeparators | `ND_SCANNER_GENRESEPARATORS` | List of separators to split genre tags | `";/,"` | -| Scanner.GroupAlbumReleases | `ND_SCANNER_GROUPALBUMRELEASES` | "true" groups albums with the same Artist + Album Title as one album; "false" splits re-issues (=different Release Date) into separate albums | `false` | -| ScanSchedule | `ND_SCANSCHEDULE` | Configure periodic scans using ["cron" syntax](https://crontab.guru). To disable it altogether, set it to `"0"` | `"@every 1m"` | -| SearchFullString | `ND_SEARCHFULLSTRING` | Match query strings anywhere in searchable fields, not only in word boundaries. Useful for languages where words are not space separated | `false` | -| SessionTimeout | `ND_SESSIONTIMEOUT` | How long Navidrome will wait before closing web ui idle sessions | `"24h"` | -| ShareURL | `ND_SHAREURL` | Base URL for shared links. Useful when your server address is not a public (ex: when using Tailscale). See discussion [here][share-url] | _Empty_ (use server address) | -| SmartPlaylistRefreshDelay | `ND_SMARTPLAYLISTREFRESHDELAY` | How often to refresh Smart Playlists. | `"5s"` | -| Spotify.ID[\*][spotify-integration] | `ND_SPOTIFY_ID` | Spotify Client ID. Required if you want Artist images | _Empty_ | -| Spotify.Secret[\*][spotify-integration] | `ND_SPOTIFY_SECRET` | Spotify Client Secret. Required if you want Artist images | _Empty_ | -| SubsonicArtistParticipations | `ND_SUBSONICARTISTPARTICIPATIONS` | When requesting artist's albums, include albums where the artist participates (ex: Various Artists compilations) | `false` | -| TLSCert | `ND_TLSCERT` | Path for the TLS certificate file, which should include the [signature chain](https://pkg.go.dev/net/http#Server.ServeTLS) if any | _Empty_ (disable TLS) | -| TLSKey | `ND_TLSKEY` | Path for the TLS key file | _Empty_ (disable TLS) | -| TranscodingCacheSize | `ND_TRANSCODINGCACHESIZE` | Size of transcoding cache. Set to `"0"` to disable cache | `"100MB"` | -| UILoginBackgroundUrl | `ND_UILOGINBACKGROUNDURL` | Change background image used in the Login page | _random music image from this [Unsplash.com][unsplash] collection_ | -| UIWelcomeMessage | `ND_UIWELCOMEMESSAGE` | Add a welcome message to the login screen | _Empty_ | -| UnixSocketPerm | `ND_UNIXSOCKETPERM` | Set file permissions for Unix Socket File.[\*][reverse-proxy-auth] | `"0660"` | +| In config file | As an environment variable | Description | Default Value | +|------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| AlbumPlayCountMode | `ND_ALBUMPLAYCOUNTMODE` | Change how album play count is computed. When set to `"normalized"`, album play count will be divided by the number of album tracks | `"absolute"` | +| AuthRequestLimit[\*][limit-login-attempts] | `ND_AUTHREQUESTLIMIT` | How many login requests can be processed from a single IP during the `AuthWindowLength`. Set to `0` to disable the limit rater | `5` | +| AuthWindowLength[\*][limit-login-attempts] | `ND_AUTHWINDOWLENGTH` | Window Length for the authentication rate limit | `"20s"` | +| AutoImportPlaylists | `ND_AUTOIMPORTPLAYLISTS` | Enable/disable `.m3u` playlist auto-import | `true` | +| DefaultPlaylistPublicVisibility | `ND_DEFAULTPLAYLISTPUBLICVISIBILITY` | Set imported playlists as public by default | `false` | +| ArtistArtPriority[\*][artistcoverart] | `ND_ARTISTARTPRIORITY` | Configure the order to look for artist images. | `artist.*, album/artist.*, external` | +| Backup.Path | `ND_BACKUP_PATH` | Path to store backups. Set to `""` to disable backups | `""` (disabled) | +| Backup.Schedule | `ND_BACKUP_SCHEDULE` | Schedule for automatic backups. Use [Cron syntax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron#CRON_expression) | `""` (disabled) | +| Backup.Count | `ND_BACKUP_COUNT` | Number of backups to keep | `0` (disabled) | +| CoverArtPriority[\*][albumcoverart] | `ND_COVERARTPRIORITY` | Configure the order to look for cover art images. Use special `embedded` value to get embedded images from the audio files | `cover.*, folder.*, front.*, embedded, external` | +| CoverJpegQuality | `ND_COVERJPEGQUALITY` | Set JPEG quality percentage for resized cover art images | `75` | +| DefaultDownsamplingFormat | `ND_DEFAULTDOWNSAMPLINGFORMAT` | Format to transcode to when client requests downsampling (specify maxBitrate without a format) | `opus` | +| DefaultLanguage | `ND_DEFAULTLANGUAGE` | Sets the default language used by the UI when logging in from a new browser. This value must match one of the file names in the [resources/i18n][i18n]. Ex: for Chinese Simplified it has to be `zh-Hans` (case sensitive) | `"en"` | +| DefaultTheme | `ND_DEFAULTTHEME` | Sets the default theme used by the UI when logging in from a new browser. This value must match one of the options in the UI | `Dark` | +| EnableArtworkPrecache | `ND_ENABLEARTWORKPRECACHE` | Enable image pre-caching of new added music | `true` | +| EnableCoverAnimation | `ND_ENABLECOVERANIMATION` | Controls whether the player in the UI will animate the album cover (rotation) | `true` | +| EnableDownloads | `ND_ENABLEDOWNLOADS` | Enable the option in the UI to download music/albums/artists/playlists from the server | `true` | +| EnableExternalServices | `ND_ENABLEEXTERNALSERVICES`. | Set this to `false` to completely disable ALL external integrations, including the [anonymous data collection][insights] and the nice login background images) | `true` | +| EnableFavourites | `ND_ENABLEFAVOURITES` | Enable toggling "Heart"/"Loved" for songs/albums/artists in the UI (maps to "Star"/"Starred" in Subsonic Clients) | `true` | +| EnableGravatar | `ND_ENABLEGRAVATAR` | Use [Gravatar](https://gravatar.com/) images as the user profile image. Needs the user's email to be filled | `false` | +| EnableLogRedacting | `ND_ENABLELOGREDACTING` | Whether or not sensitive information (like tokens and passwords) should be redacted (hidden) in the logs | `true` | +| EnableMediaFileCoverArt[\*][mediafilecoverart] | `ND_ENABLEMEDIAFILECOVERART` | If set to false, it will return the album CoverArt when a song CoverArt is requested | `true` | +| EnableReplayGain | `ND_ENABLEREPLAYGAIN` | Enable ReplayGain options in the UI | `true` | +| EnableSharing | `ND_ENABLESHARING` | Enable the Sharing feature | `false` | +| EnableStarRating | `ND_ENABLESTARRATING` | Enable 5-star ratings in the UI | `true` | +| EnableTranscodingConfig[\*][transcoding] | `ND_ENABLETRANSCODINGCONFIG` | Enables transcoding configuration in the UI | `false` | +| EnableUserEditing | `ND_ENABLEUSEREDITING` | Enable regular users to edit their details and change their password | `true` | +| FFmpegPath | `ND_FFMPEGPATH` | Path to `ffmpeg` executable. Use it when Navidrome cannot find it, or you want to use a specific version | _Empty_ (search in the PATH) | +| GATrackingID | `ND_GATRACKINGID` | Send basic info to your own Google Analytics account. Must be in the format `UA-XXXXXXXX` | _Empty_ (disabled) | +| HTTPSecurityHeaders.CustomFrameOptionsValue | `ND_HTTPSECURITYHEADERS_CUSTOMFRAMEOPTIONSVALUE` | Allows the `X-Frame-Options` header value to be set with a custom value. Ex: `"SAMEORIGIN"` | `"DENY"` | +| IgnoredArticles | `ND_IGNOREDARTICLES` | List of ignored articles when sorting/indexing artists | `"The El La Los Las Le Les Os As O A"` | +| ImageCacheSize | `ND_IMAGECACHESIZE` | Size of image (art work) cache. Set to `"0"` to disable cache | `"100MB"` | +| Jukebox.Enabled | `ND_JUKEBOX_ENABLED` | Enable Jukebox mode (play audio on server's hardware) Click [here][jukebox-mode] for details | `false` | +| Jukebox.AdminOnly | `ND_JUKEBOX_ADMINONLY` | By default, Jukebox mode is only available to Admins. Set this option to `false` to allow any valid user to control it | `true` | +| Jukebox.Devices | _(cannot be set as an environment variable)_ | List of devices that can be used by the Jukebox. Click [here][jukebox-config] for details | _Empty_ (auto detect) | +| Jukebox.Default | `ND_JUKEBOX_DEFAULT` | Device to use for Jukebox mode, if there are multiple Jukebox.Devices entries. Click [here][jukebox-config] for details | _Empty_ (auto detect) | +| LastFM.Enabled | `ND_LASTFM_ENABLED` | Set this to `false` to completely disable Last.fm integration | `true` | +| LastFM.ApiKey[\*][lastfm-integration] | `ND_LASTFM_APIKEY` | Last.fm API Key | _Empty_ | +| LastFM.Secret[\*][lastfm-integration] | `ND_LASTFM_SECRET` | Last.fm API Secret | _Empty_ | +| LastFM.Language | `ND_LASTFM_LANGUAGE` | [Two letter-code for language][language-codes] to be used to retrieve biographies from Last.fm | `"en"` | +| ListenBrainz.BaseURL | `ND_LISTENBRAINZ_BASEURL` | Set this to override the default ListenBrainz base URL (useful with self-hosted solutions like Maloja[\*][maloja] | `https://api.listenbrainz.org/1/` | +| ListenBrainz.Enabled | `ND_LISTENBRAINZ_ENABLED` | Set this to `false` to completely disable ListenBrainz integration | `true` | +| MaxSidebarPlaylists | `ND_MAXSIDEBARPLAYLISTS` | Set the maximum number of playlists shown in the UI's sidebar. Note that a very large number can cause UI performance issues. | `100` | +| MPVPath | `ND_MPVPATH` | Path to `mpv` executable. Used for [Jukebox mode][jukebox-mode] | _Empty_ (search in PATH) | +| MPVCmdTemplate | `ND_MPVCMDTEMPLATE` | Cmd template used to construct the call of the `mpv` executable. Used for [Jukebox mode][jukebox-cmd] | `mpv --audio-device=%d --no-audio-display --pause %f --input-ipc-server=%s` | +| PasswordEncryptionKey[\*][encrypt-passwords] | `ND_PASSWORDENCRYPTIONKEY` | Passphrase used to encrypt passwords in the DB. Click [here][encrypt-passwords] for details | - | +| PlaylistsPath | `ND_PLAYLISTSPATH` | Where to search for and import playlists from. Can be a list of folders/globs (separated by `:` (or `;` on Windows). Paths **MUST** be relative to `MusicFolder` | `".:**/**"` (meaning `MusicFolder` and all its subfolders) | +| PreferSortTags | `ND_PREFERSORTTAGS` | Use Sort_* tags to sort columns in the UI. | `false` | +| Prometheus.Enabled | `ND_PROMETHEUS_ENABLED` | Enable extra endpoint with [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/overview/) metrics. | `false` | +| Prometheus.MetricsPath | `ND_PROMETHEUS_METRICSPATH` | Custom path for Prometheus metrics. Useful for blocking unauthorized metrics requests. | `"/metrics"` | +| RecentlyAddedByModTime | `ND_RECENTLYADDEDBYMODTIME` | Uses music files' modification time when sorting by "Recently Added". Otherwise use import time | `false` | +| ReverseProxyUserHeader[\*][reverse-proxy-auth] | `ND_REVERSEPROXYUSERHEADER` | HTTP header containing the user name from an authenticating proxy. Click [here][reverse-proxy-config] for details. | `"Remote-User"` | +| ReverseProxyWhitelist[\*][reverse-proxy-auth] | `ND_REVERSEPROXYWHITELIST` | Comma separated list of IP CIDRs (or when listening on a UNIX socket the special value `@`) which are allowed to use reverse proxy authentication. Empty means "deny all". Click [here][reverse-proxy-config] for details. Note: This option is unnecessary for most reverse proxy setups, only for *authenticating* reverse proxies. | _Empty_ | +| Scanner.Extractor[\*][extractors] | `ND_SCANNER_EXTRACTOR` | Select metadata extractor implementation. Options: `taglib` or `ffmpeg` | `"taglib"` | +| Scanner.GenreSeparators | `ND_SCANNER_GENRESEPARATORS` | List of separators to split genre tags | `";/,"` | +| Scanner.GroupAlbumReleases | `ND_SCANNER_GROUPALBUMRELEASES` | "true" groups albums with the same Artist + Album Title as one album; "false" splits re-issues (=different Release Date) into separate albums | `false` | +| ScanSchedule | `ND_SCANSCHEDULE` | Configure periodic scans using ["cron" syntax](https://crontab.guru). To disable it altogether, set it to `"0"` | `"@every 1m"` | +| SearchFullString | `ND_SEARCHFULLSTRING` | Match query strings anywhere in searchable fields, not only in word boundaries. Useful for languages where words are not space separated | `false` | +| SessionTimeout | `ND_SESSIONTIMEOUT` | How long Navidrome will wait before closing web ui idle sessions | `"24h"` | +| ShareURL | `ND_SHAREURL` | Base URL for shared links. Useful when your server address is not a public (ex: when using Tailscale). See discussion [here][share-url] | _Empty_ (use server address) | +| SmartPlaylistRefreshDelay | `ND_SMARTPLAYLISTREFRESHDELAY` | How often to refresh Smart Playlists. | `"5s"` | +| Spotify.ID[\*][spotify-integration] | `ND_SPOTIFY_ID` | Spotify Client ID. Required if you want Artist images | _Empty_ | +| Spotify.Secret[\*][spotify-integration] | `ND_SPOTIFY_SECRET` | Spotify Client Secret. Required if you want Artist images | _Empty_ | +| SubsonicArtistParticipations | `ND_SUBSONICARTISTPARTICIPATIONS` | When requesting artist's albums, include albums where the artist participates (ex: Various Artists compilations) | `false` | +| TLSCert | `ND_TLSCERT` | Path for the TLS certificate file, which should include the [signature chain](https://pkg.go.dev/net/http#Server.ServeTLS) if any | _Empty_ (disable TLS) | +| TLSKey | `ND_TLSKEY` | Path for the TLS key file | _Empty_ (disable TLS) | +| TranscodingCacheSize | `ND_TRANSCODINGCACHESIZE` | Size of transcoding cache. Set to `"0"` to disable cache | `"100MB"` | +| UILoginBackgroundUrl | `ND_UILOGINBACKGROUNDURL` | Change background image used in the Login page | _random music image from this [Unsplash.com][unsplash] collection_ | +| UIWelcomeMessage | `ND_UIWELCOMEMESSAGE` | Add a welcome message to the login screen | _Empty_ | +| UnixSocketPerm | `ND_UNIXSOCKETPERM` | Set file permissions for Unix Socket File.[\*][reverse-proxy-auth] | `"0660"` | #### Notes @@ -212,7 +212,8 @@ make it all uppercase. Ex: `ND_LOGLEVEL=debug`. See below for all available opti [spotify-integration]: /docs/usage/external-integrations/#spotify [lastfm-integration]: /docs/usage/external-integrations/#lastfm [encrypt-passwords]: /docs/usage/security/#encrypted-passwords -[reverse-proxy-auth]: /docs/usage/security/#reverse-proxy-authentication +[reverse-proxy-auth]: /docs/usage/security/#reverse-proxy-authentication "Reverse Proxy Authentication" +[reverse-proxy-config]: /docs/usage/reverse-proxy [albumcoverart]: /docs/usage/artwork/#albums [artistcoverart]: /docs/usage/artwork/#artists [mediafilecoverart]: /docs/usage/artwork/#mediafiles diff --git a/content/en/docs/Usage/reverse-proxy.md b/content/en/docs/Usage/reverse-proxy.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..412b061 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/en/docs/Usage/reverse-proxy.md @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +--- +title: "Reverse proxy authentication" +linkTitle: "Reverse proxy authentication" +date: 2024-04-27 +weight: 60 +description: > + Delegate authentication to another system +--- + +## Configuration + +By default, reverse proxy authentication is disabled. To enable the feature, configure a trusted reverse proxy with the `ReverseProxyWhitelist` option. This option takes a comma-separated list of either: +* An IPv4 or IPv6 range in CIDR notation. +* An `@` (at sign) when listening on a UNIX socket (see the `Address` option). + +When enabled via the `ReverseProxyWhitelist` option, Navidrome validates the requests' source IP address against the ranges configured in `ReverseProxyWhitelist`. If no range matches the address, reverse proxy authentication is not used even if the reverse proxy user header is present (see below), and falls back to a standard authentication mechanism. For requests received through a UNIX socket, IPs can't be validated and Navidrome will use the reverse proxy user header if and only if `ReverseProxyWhitelist` contains `@`. + +With reverse proxy authentication enabled, Navidrome gets the username of the authenticated user from incoming requests' `Remote-User` HTTP header. The header can be changed via the `ReverseProxyUserHeader` configuration option. + +If a user is successfully authenticated by the proxy but does not exist in the Navidrome DB, it will be created with a random password. + +You might also be interested in the `EnableUserEditing` option, which allows disabling the User page that lets users change their Navidrome password. + +### Sharing endpoint + +If you plan to use the Sharing feature, where you can create unauthenticated links to parts of your library, you'll need to whitelist the `/share/*` URLs. + +### Subsonic endpoint + +The subsonic endpoint also supports reverse proxy authentication, and will ignore the subsonic authentication parameters (`u`, `p`, `t` and `s`) if the reverse proxy user header is present. If the header is absent or has an empty value, Navidrome will fall back to the standard subsonic authentication scheme. + +If your reverse proxy does not support the standard subsonic authentication scheme, or if the subsonic clients you want to use don't support an alternate authentication mechanism also supported by your proxy (such as BasicAuth), you can still configure your proxy to bypass authentication on `/rest/*` URLs and let Navidrome perform authentication for those requests. In that case, your users will have to update their (initially random) password in Navidrome, to use it with their subsonic client. + +{{< alert title="Note" >}} +Most reverse proxies and authentication services don't support the subsonic authentication scheme out of the box. + +A handful of clients claim to support BasicAuth (e.g. DSub and Symfonium on Android, and play:Sub on iOS), but even then it might not work as you expect (as it is not standardized by the subsonic specification): you will likely need to generate a subsonic error response instead of a proper BasicAuth authentication failure response. Otherwise, some clients might display an unexpected error such as "server unreachable" when the credentials are incorrect, and other clients might refuse to connect altogether even with valid credentials. +{{< /alert >}} + +### Navidrome Web App + +The Navidrome web app uses a mix of internal and subsonic APIs, and receives subsonic credentials from the server to use for requests against the subsonic API. As the credentials received from the server likely won't match those in your dedicated authentication service, you need to handle subsonic requests from the Navidrome web app (identified as the subsonic client `NavidromeUI` via the `c` query parameter) in a special way. You can either: +* Ignore the subsonic authentication parameters and authenticate those requests the same way as non-subsonic requests. This relies on the fact that requests to the subsonic API will look the same to the proxy as requests to the internal API (e.g. same session cookies). +* Bypass authentication on your proxy for those requests and let Navidrome handle it. This relies on the fact that the web app receives the subsonic credentials from the server when it loads, and it can load only if the proxy has already authenticated the user. + +Note that if you don't intend to support third-party subsonic clients, you can simply place the subsonic endpoint behind the same protection rule as the rest of the application, i.e. you don't need any special handling to bypass authentication. + +## Security + +Make sure to check the reverse proxy authentication section in the dedicated [Security Considerations](../security#reverse-proxy-authentication) page. + +## Examples + +For the examples below, it is assumed that you are familiar with the various products in use, i.e. reverse proxy, authentication service but also Navidrome. + +The examples focus on the integration between the products, and provide configuration snippets stripped down to the relevant parts, which you can adapt to the specifics of your deployment. + +### Caddy with forward_auth + +In this example, Navidrome is behind the [Caddy](https://caddyserver.com) reverse proxy, and [Authentik](https://goauthentik.io) is used to authenticate requests, with the help of Caddy's [forward_auth](https://caddyserver.com/docs/caddyfile/directives/forward_auth) middleware. + +`Caddyfile` excerpt stripped down to the relevant parts: +```Caddyfile +example.com + +reverse_proxy /outpost.goauthentik.io/* http://authentik:9000 + +@protected not path /share/* /rest/* +forward_auth @protected http://authentik:9000 { + uri /outpost.goauthentik.io/auth/caddy + copy_headers X-Authentik-Username>Remote-User +} + +# Authentik uses the Authorization header if present, so should be able to +# authenticate subsonic clients that support BasicAuth. Requests from the +# Navidrome Web App will be authenticated via the existing session cookie. +# If you want to have Navidrome authenticate subsonic requests, remove this +# forward_auth block. +@subsonic path /rest/* +forward_auth @subsonic http://authentik:9000 { + uri /outpost.goauthentik.io/auth/caddy + copy_headers X-Authentik-Username>Remote-User + + # Some clients that claim to support basicauth still expect a subsonic + # response in case of authentication failure instead of a proper basicauth + # response. + @error status 1xx 3xx 4xx 5xx + handle_response @error { + respond < + + + SUBSONICERR 200 + } +} + +reverse_proxy navidrome:4533 +``` + +Note that if you want to whitelist the unprotected paths as part of your Authentik configuration instead of doing it in Caddy, the `copy_headers` subdirective [won't work as expected](https://caddy.community/t/stop-copying-empty-forward-auth-header/17485): Authentik won't set the `X-Authentik-Username` header for whitelisted paths, but Caddy will still copy the header with an incorrect value. In order to make it work, you need a workaround: + +```Caddyfile +forward_auth http://authentik:9000 { + uri /outpost.goauthentik.io/auth/caddy + # copy_headers subdirective removed +} + +# Only set the Remote-User header if the request was actually authentified (user +# header set by Authentik), as opposed to whitelisted (user header not set). +@hasUsername `{http.reverse_proxy.header.X-Authentik-Username} != null` +request_header @hasUsername Remote-User {http.reverse_proxy.header.X-Authentik-Username} +``` + +### Traefik with ForwardAuth + +In this example, Navidrome is behind the [Traefik](https://traefik.io) reverse proxy, and [Authelia](https://www.authelia.com) is used to authenticate requests, with the help of Traefik's [ForwardAuth](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/middlewares/http/forwardauth/) middleware. Each service has its own subdomain. Docker Compose is used to deploy the whole thing. + +The error response rewriting for subsonic authentication failure is not implemented, which means that subsonic clients are expected to handle correctly BasicAuth error responses (HTTP 401 with `WWW-Authenticate` header). + +`docker-compose.yml` excerpt stripped down to the relevant parts: +```yaml +services: + authelia: + image: authelia/authelia:4.38.8 + labels: + # The login page and user dashboard need to be reachable from the web + traefik.http.routers.authelia.rule: Host(`auth.example.com`) + traefik.http.routers.authelia.entrypoints: https + # Standard authentication middleware to be used by web services + traefik.http.middlewares.authelia.forwardauth.address: http://authelia:9091/api/verify?rd=https://auth.example.com/ + traefik.http.middlewares.authelia.forwardauth.authResponseHeaders: Remote-User + # Basicauth middleware for subsonic clients + traefik.http.middlewares.authelia-basicauth.forwardauth.address: http://authelia:9091/api/verify?auth=basic + traefik.http.middlewares.authelia-basicauth.forwardauth.authResponseHeaders: Remote-User + + navidrome: + image: deluan/navidrome:0.52.0 + labels: + # Default rule which uses Authelia's web-based authentication. If you enable + # navidrome's Sharing feature, you can configure Authelia to bypass + # authentication for /share/* URLs, so you don't need an extra rule here. + traefik.http.routers.navidrome.rule: Host(`music.example.com`) + traefik.http.routers.navidrome.entrypoints: https + traefik.http.routers.navidrome.middlewares: authelia@docker + # Requests to the subsonic endpoint use the basicauth middleware, unless + # they come from the Navidrome Web App ("NavidromeUI" subsonic client), in + # which case the default authelia middleware is used. + traefik.http.routers.navidrome-subsonic.rule: Host(`music.example.com`) && PathPrefix(`/rest/`) && !Query(`c`, `NavidromeUI`) + traefik.http.routers.navidrome-subsonic.entrypoints: https + traefik.http.routers.navidrome-subsonic.middlewares: authelia-basicauth@docker + environment: + # Navidrome does not resolve hostnames in this option, and by default + # traefik will get assigned an IP address dynamically, so all IPs must be + # trusted. + # This means that any other service in the same docker network can make + # requests to navidrome, and easily impersonate an admin. + # If you assign a static IP to your traefik service, configure it here. + ND_REVERSEPROXYWHITELIST: + # Since authentication is entirely handled by Authelia, users don't need to + # manage their password in Navidrome anymore. + ND_ENABLEUSEREDITING: false +``` + +If you want to add support for the subsonic authentication scheme in order to support all subsonic clients, you can have a look at the Traefik plugin [BasicAuth adapter for Subsonic](https://plugins.traefik.io/plugins/6521c6de39e2d7caa2181888/basic-auth-adapter-for-subsonic) which transforms subsonic authentication parameters into a BasicAuth header that Authelia can handle, and performs the error response rewriting. diff --git a/content/en/docs/Usage/security.md b/content/en/docs/Usage/security.md index 08b04b8..1b24c16 100644 --- a/content/en/docs/Usage/security.md +++ b/content/en/docs/Usage/security.md @@ -26,28 +26,33 @@ behind a reverse proxy (Ex: Caddy, Nginx, Traefik, Apache) for added security, i There are tons of good resources on the web on how to properly setup a reverse proxy. When using Navidrome in such configuration, you may want to prevent Navidrome from listening to all IPs configured -in your computer, and only listen to `localhost`. This can be achieved by setting the `Address` flag to `localhost` +in your computer, and only listen to `localhost`. This can be achieved by setting the `Address` flag to `localhost`. ## Reverse proxy authentication -When reverse proxy authentication is used, the verification is done by another system. By checking a specific HTTP header, -Navidrome assumes you are already authenticated. This header can be configured via `ReverseProxyUserHeader` configuration -option. By default, the `Remote-User` header is used. +When reverse proxy authentication is enabled, Navidrome trusts the reverse proxy user header (configured with the `ReverseProxyUserHeader` option, by default `Remote-User`). -By default, Navidrome denies every attempt. Authentication proxy needs to be whitelisted in CIDR format, using -`ReverseProxyWhitelist`. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. +In principle, the reverse proxy user header is ignored if requests don't come from a reverse proxy trusted with the `ReverseProxyWhitelist` option. This check can however be fooled by requests with a forged source IP address if the reverse proxy can be bypassed (e.g. sent by a compromised service running next to Navidrome). -**NOTE**: if you are listening on a UNIX socket, Navidrome will allow any connection to authenticate, as there is no -remote IP exposed. Make sure to properly protect the socket with user access controls. +### Listening on a UNIX socket -If you enable this feature and use a Subsonic client, you must whitelist the Subsonic API URL, as this authentication -method is incompatible with the Subsonic authentication. You will need to whitelist the `/rest/*` URLs. +If you are listening on a UNIX socket (`Address` option) and enable reverse proxy authentication (`ReverseProxyWhitelist` configured with the special value `@`), any process able to write to the socket can forge authenticated requests. -If a user is successfully authenticated by the proxy, but it does not exist in the Navidrome DB, it will be created with -a random password. The user can change this password if they plan to use a Subsonic client. +Make sure to properly protect the socket with user access controls (see the `UnixSocketPerm` option). -If you plan to use the Sharing option, where you can create unauthenticated links to parts of your library, you'll -need to whitelist `/share/*` URLs. +### Reverse proxy with a dynamic IP address + +Navidrome does not support resolving hostnames in the `ReverseProxyWhitelist` configuration option. + +In scenarios where the reverse proxy has a dynamic IP address, for example when you use docker, you might consider using `` to allow requests from the reverse proxy. This essentially disables the check, so you have to make sure that only the reverse proxy can send requests to Navidrome. + +In particular with docker and docker-compose, without extra configuration containers are usually placed on the same default network and can therefore freely communicate. + +### Potential HPP vulnerability + +When reverse proxy authentication is enabled, Navidrome currently does not disable the other authentication methods. This could potentially create an HTTP Parameter Pollution vulnerability if the reverse proxy is misconfigured, or due to a bug or oversight in Navidrome. + +You should make sure that the reverse proxy user header is always set for requests against protected endpoints. As a rule of thumb, for a reverse proxy authentication setup, the only endpoints that are not protected are `/rest/*` (depending on whether your proxy can handle the subsonic authentication scheme) and `/share/*`. ## Transcoding configuration @@ -69,5 +74,5 @@ don't forget to remove this option or set it to `false`. To protect against brute-force attacks, Navidrome is configured by default with a login rate limiter, It uses a [Sliding Window](https://blog.cloudflare.com/counting-things-a-lot-of-different-things/#slidingwindowstotherescue) algorithm to block too many consecutive login attempts. It is enabled by default and you don't need to do anything. -The rate limiter can be fine tuned using the flags `AuthRequestLimit` and `AuthWindowLength` and can be disabled by +The rate limiter can be fine tuned using the flags `AuthRequestLimit` and `AuthWindowLength` and can be disabled by setting `AuthRequestLimit` to `0`, though it is not recommended.