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94 lines (72 loc) · 4.32 KB

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94 lines (72 loc) · 4.32 KB

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JavaScript library for the Metaverse Blockchain



Generate new backup words

const { HDWallet } = require('./lib')

console.log(HDWallet.generateMnemonic()) // default english
// fold tail simple strike dress salt away satisfy sorry relief silent beyond route olympic carpet motor liquid together knife hollow original jelly antenna project

// 碍 掩 涉 礼 思 杂 舞 谷 部 们 鼻 翻 行 杯 江 副 双 机 龙 幼 印 压 桥 浆

// 酷 飲 無 敏 陪 充 齒 紳 烏 腦 晶 抹 逮 濱 布 乘 概 層 沫 飾 籠 蓄 陶 騙

// cascade oiseau moelleux flocon vision farouche blanchir abyssal ligoter défensif malaxer fiole corniche miette aquarium torpille cachette opaque chose extensif gratuit méditer respect étoffer

// maldad pulpo lástima pálido típico aprender agitar enorme pintor pesca tapete náusea envío pezuña avance flujo forma agonía sodio botín juzgar orca espuma óptica

// いれもの たわむれる ねんちゃく らくだ うくれれ ひほう しゃうん きさい ひれい まぬけ みかた ぐこう じどう くしょう ばいばい つごう よろしい うせつ ざっそう ねんきん すべる こぐま えきたい ずっと

// 기침 암시 남산 공통 독일 통로 영웅 정장 그룹 옷차림 전세 출판 강남 수컷 아시아 명의 수건 법적 냉면 집안 정지 꽃잎 병아리 공통

Validate backup words

console.log(HDWallet.validateMnemonic('fold tail simple strike dress salt away satisfy sorry relief silent beyond route olympic carpet motor liquid together knife hollow original jelly antenna project'))
// true


Encode attachments

const { AttachmentMSTTransfer } = require('./lib')

const attachment = new AttachmentMSTTransfer(

// <Buffer 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 07 4d 56 53 2e 48 55 47 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>

Decode attachments

console.log(Attachment.fromBuffer(Buffer.from('010000000200000002000000074d56532e4855470100000000000000', 'hex')))
// AttachmentMSTTransfer { type: 2, version: 1, symbol: 'MVS.HUG', quantity: 1 }

console.log(Attachment.fromBuffer(Buffer.from('01000000000000000', 'hex')))
// AttachmentETPTransfer { type: 0, version: 1 }


// decode from buffer
const output = Output.fromBuffer(Buffer.from('00e1f505000000001976a914e7da370944c15306b3809580110b0a6c653ac5a988ac0100000000000000', 'hex'))

// create ETP outputs
const etpOutput = new OutputETPTransfer('MGqHvbaH9wzdr6oUDFz4S1HptjoKQcjRve', 100000000)

// get json format
// { 
//    value: 100000000,
//    script: 'OP_DUP OP_HASH160 [ e7da370944c15306b3809580110b0a6c653ac5a9 ] OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG',
//    attachment: AttachmentETPTransfer { type: 0, version: 1 } 
// }

// encode output
// <Buffer 00 e1 f5 05 00 00 00 00 1a 19 76 a9 14 61 fd e3 bd 4e 69 55 c9 9b 16 de 2d 71 e2 a3 69 88 8a 1c 0b 88 ac 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
// 00e1f505000000001a1976a91461fde3bd4e6955c99b16de2d71e2a369888a1c0b88ac0100000000000000