In alphabetical order and with no explanation, I would like to thank the following people for their feedback or input (sometimes unwitting) when putting this talk together. Any faults are my own, any praise is largely due to them.
- JJ Asghar
- Mallory Bowes-Brown
- Travis Campbell
- Jennifer Davis
- Scott Hain
- Boyd Hemphill
- Karl Katzke
- Chris Lavery
- Laura Santamaria
- Mandi Walls
In last name alphabetical order, I would like to thank the following people for their inspiration over the years in my efforts to wrestle with the concept and practice of running and participating in on-call rotations. If I'm calling someone out here and in a link below, it's only because I referenced that particular resource while putting the talk together versus absorbed knowledge they shared over many years. I may go back at some point and find useful links from each of these folks to add in case it helps someone build their own body of knowlege about this topic. If you think someone should be listed here and they're not, I may have learned from them and forgotten to add their name to this list. Feel free to add a section below called "Other folks to check out" in a PR.
TODO: add Incident Response folks I've forgotten at the moment
- John Allspaw
- Kevin Behr
- Silvia Botros
- Ryn Daniels
- Laurie Denness
- Julia Evans
- Liz Fong-Jones
- Jason Hand
- Sean Horn
- Karl Katzke
- Gene Kim
- Tom Limoncelli
- Charity Majors
- Dave Mangot
- Christa Meck
- J. Paul Reed
- Baron Schwartz
- George Spafford
- Cindy Sridharan