it's about Problem Solving
Programming is a tool for Problem Solving
Input => Algorithms => Output
Decimal System:
101 => 1*100 + 0*10 + 1*1 = 101
Binary System:
101 => 1*2^2 + 0*2^1 + 1*2^0 = 5
(in decimal) -
Transistors On/Off for Binary System
Mapping: ASCII for Letters => Unicode
Algorithms: Recipes to do something
first write in Pseudocode
later translate into real code
Source Code => Compiler => Machine Code
use the Debugger!
Plaintext + Key => Ciphertext
Ciphertext + Key => Plaintext
Memory = like Lockers => PC has to look into it first
sorted vs. unsorted
Big O Notation:
- constant: c
- logarithmic: log n - binary search in sorted list
- linear: n - linear search
- linearithmic: n log n - merge sort
- quadratic: n^2 - bubble, selection, insert sort
- exponential: c^n - travelling salesman (dynamic programming)
- factorial: n! - travelling salesman (brute force)
Linear Search: one for one, from left to right: O(n)
Binary Search: search in the middle, half it every time: O(log n)
Insertion Sort: insert into right spot on sorted side
Selection Sort: select the smallest number
Bubble Sort: bubbling highest number up: O(n^2)
Merge Sort: Left Half, Right Half, Merge: O(n log n)
Recursion: Function calls itself until basecase
Heap, Stack
Garbage Values: old functions from the Stack
Pointer, Pointee, Assignment
char *
Hexadecimal: 0-f, 2 blocks of 2^4 bits => decimal: 255 => binary: 1111 1111 => hexa: 0x ff
- struct to create new data structure
- Linked List for dynamic memory allocation
- Stack: LIFO
- Queue: FIFO
- Tree
- Hash Table: Array with Linked List
- Trie: constant time
- set of conventions for communication
- Routing, TCP, IP
- Server: piece of software, that listens for http requests and responds to them
=> IP and TCP Port
- Source Code => Compiler => Byte Code => Interpreter
- named paramters/arguments
- no more pointers
- for in loop
- Flask as web microframework