Second Anemometer #45
Hello, I'm using your extension and it's working great. have my weather station mounted away from the house with its anemometer. I have a second anemometer from my old weather station and a Davis Sensor Transmitter 6331. The second anemometer is mounted on top of the roof. I'd like to display both wind speeds. It doesn't look like I have the option of adding wind2 to the mappings because a second wind measurement isn't supported. Is that correct? If I want to add wind2 it's going to be a big deal because a column will have to the added to the database because wind2 isn't an option either. Thanks for your help. |
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I'm afraid adding a second wind measurement is not really possible. One one hand this driver does some extra work to figure out maximum wind gusts and their direction, on the other hand WeeWX also does some magic like calculation wind vectors etc.. In both cases, adding a second wind measurement is unfortunately not easily possible. |
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I'm afraid adding a second wind measurement is not really possible. One one hand this driver does some extra work to figure out maximum wind gusts and their direction, on the other hand WeeWX also does some magic like calculation wind vectors etc..
In both cases, adding a second wind measurement is unfortunately not easily possible.