The following steps are necessary to upgrade the UMLS version. The $VERSION
these steps is a string yyyyXX
, e.g. 2022aa
- Download$VERSION/umls-$ and extract, or
read API_KEY VERSION=2023AA URL=$VERSION/umls-$ wget -O $(basename $URL) "$API_KEY&url=URL"
- Setup data
unzip umls-$ $VERSION-full/'*'-meta.nlm cd $VERSION-full for f in *.nlm; unzip $f for table in MRCONSO MRREL; zcat $table.RRF.??.gz > $table.RRF for table in MRDEF MRSAB MRSTY; zcat $table.RRF.gz > $table.RRF UMLSMETA=$(pwd)
- Add transitive closures for UMLS
cd src/main/resources/umls-transitive-closure cargo run --release -- --mrconso $UMLSMETA/MRCONSO.RRF --mrrel $UMLSMETA/MRREL.RRF --sabs "$(cat sabs.txt)" --write-auis --output $UMLSMETA/TC.RRF
- Create database
-- CREATE USER codemapper WITH LOGIN; -- \password codemapper DB=umls$(echo $VERSION|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database $DB" sudo -u postgres psql $DB < src/main/resources/umls-tables.sql
- Copy RRF data into table, drop dummy column
If certain lines have formatting problems and are dispensable:
cd ~postgres import_table() { table=$1 echo Import table $table ... cat | sudo -u postgres psql $DB \ -c "\COPY $table FROM STDIN WITH DELIMITER AS '|' NULL AS '' CSV QUOTE AS E'\b' ESCAPE '\'" case "$table" in MR*) echo sudo -u postgres psql $DB \ -c "ALTER TABLE $table DROP COLUMN dummy" ;; esac } for table in MRCONSO MRREL; ( zcat $UMLSMETA/$table.RRF.??.gz | import_table for ) $table table in MRDEF MRSAB MRSTY TC; ( zcat $UMLSMETA/$table.RRF.gz | import_table $table )
sed -i '$d' $UMLSMETA/$table.RRF
- Create indices
sudo -u postgres psql $DB < src/main/resources/umls-indexes.sql
- Add transitive closures for SNOMED-CT
cd comap/src/main/resources/snomedct-transitive-closure version=202309 sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database snomedct_us_$version" sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database snomedct_spa_$version" # US VERSION=US1000124_20230901T120000Z URL=$ wget -O $(basename $URL) "$API_KEY&url=$URL" # Spa VERSION=20230930T120000Z URL=$ wget -O $(basename $URL) "$API_KEY&url=$URL" # export CLASSPATH=.../SNOMEDCT-TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE/target/classes ./ SnomedCT_ManagedServiceUS_PRODUCTION_*.zip snomedct_us_$version ./ SnomedCT_InternationalRF2_PRODUCTION_*.zip SnomedCT_SpanishRelease-es_PRODUCTION_*.zip snomedct_spa_$version ``` - follow instructions in `src/main/resources/snomedct-transitive-closure/`
for db in $DB snomedct_us_$version snomedct_spa_$version; do
sudo -u postgres psql -c "grant connect on database $db to codemapper"
sudo -u postgres psql $db -c "grant usage on schema public to codemapper"
sudo -u postgres psql $db -c "grant select on all tables in schema public to codemapper"
- Reflect the version update in the variables
. This will result in an update ofsrc/main/resources/
. - Set permissions
grant usage on schema public to codemapper; grant select on all tables in schema public to codemapper;