In an OTAP environment, we want to automate the task of installing database object of a release.
A release could include:
- packages
- views
- triggers
- functions
- procedures
- synonyms
- types
Our demands:
- the filename of the object should correspond with the object name
- the version of the db object should be equal or higher than the current version
Not in the scope:
- ALTER statements
- DML statements
- Install APEX apps and JavaScript/CSS files
- Add to SQLcl as custom command
- Collect all database objects in the release
- Check if the release complies with our demands
- Install the database objects in the correct schema
- Recompile invalid objects
- Create a logfile with a summary
command.js: Register a custom command
file.js: collect all files in release directory
dbobject.js: Perform checks on file content
This can be done with common SQLcl: @<filename>
Execute statement: dbms_utility.compile_schema
output.js: Redirect OutputStream to a logfile
So we need three JavaScript libraries to create this script:
- command.js
- file.js
- dbobject.js
- output.js
I've chosen to work in several layers. This keeps things nice and tidy.
1: add_install_command.js
Purpose: configure the 'install' command for SQLcl
2: command.js
Purpose: adds a new custom command
3: releases.js
Purpose: list all posible releases to install
4: release.js
Purpose: code to install a release
// file: add_install_command.js
// Runs on startup
va gCommand = "install";
var releases = loadWithGlobal("releases.js");
var release = loadWithGlobal("release.js");
var command = loadWithGlobal("command.js", ctx);
// Possible commands
// install list: list the possible releases
// install check <release>: check if the release complies
// install release <release> start the installation
handle: {
command: gCommand,
info: "Install new releases.\nTo list all releases type install list\nTo install a release type install <release>",
actions: [
name: "list",
action: releases.list
name: "check",
action: release.check
name: "release",
action: release.install
// file: release.js
(function() {
var dbobject = loadWithGlobal("dbobject.js");
var output = loadWithGlobal("output.js");
function check(release) {
function install(release) {