- This is a smart contract that allow a buyer to be able to buy electricity with subscription (streaming) plan.
- Libraries and smart contracts of below are used for implementing this smart contract.
- Streamr (for subscription)
- Provable Things (for oracle of electricity price)
- ① A producer create the electricity as a product.
At that time,- a product ID for the electricity is published.
- Subscription fees and subscription period are defined by a producer.
- ② A buyer buy the electricity as a product which they prefer by paying for subscription fees.
- ③ Once subscription period is expired, a buyer can extend subscription period by paying for subscription fees again.
- Version for following the Streamer smart contract
- Solidity (Solc): v0.5.16
- Truffle: v5.1.60
- web3.js: v1.2.9
- openzeppelin-solidity: v2.5.0
- ganache-cli: v6.9.1 (ganache-core: 2.10.2)
- Install npm modules in the root directory
$ npm install
- Install npm modules in the
$ cd ethereum-bridge
$ npm install
$ npm run migrate:local
- 1: Start ganache-cli
$ ganache-cli
- 2: Start ethereum-bridge
$ node bridge -H localhost:8545 -a 1
- 3: Execute test of the smart-contracts (on the local)
Test for the ElectricityPriceOracle contract
$ npm run test:oracle
(truffle test ./test/test-local/ElectricityPriceOracle.test.js) -
Test for the StreamingElectricityMarketplace contracts
$ npm run test:streaming
($ truffle test ./test/test-local/StreamingElectricityMarketplace.test.js)
- Streamr
- Marketplace smart-contract(Solidity v0.5.16):https://github.com/streamr-dev/marketplace-contracts
- Doc(Data Union):https://streamr.network/docs/data-unions/intro-to-data-unions
- Devpost(Hacker Guide):https://oceandec.devpost.com/details/hackerguide
- Slide:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QjBD3s-2fS-CrETtPAHrSR4PuFFSRFvvimJOCQbmvGI/edit#slide=id.g875ff90d1f_0_0
- Streamr Data Challenge 2021:https://www.streamrdatachallenge.com
- Provable Things
https://github.com/provable-things/ethereum-api/blob/master/oraclizeAPI_0.5.sol -
https://github.com/provable-things/ethereum-bridge -
Testing Provable's Diesel Prices Example
- DieselPrice.sol
https://github.com/provable-things/ethereum-examples/blob/master/solidity/truffle-examples/diesel-price/contracts/DieselPrice.sol - Test(diesel-price-test.js)
- DieselPrice.sol
- Energy Web Foundation (EWF)
Data for your contracts: Oracles with Oraclize https://energyweb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EWF/pages/558432257/Data+for+your+contracts+Oracles+with+Oraclize
Method for getting the Electric Price:
- FuelPrice.sol: https://github.com/ngyam/tutorial-oraclize/blob/master/contracts/FuelPrice.sol
- Test of FuelPrice.sol: https://github.com/ngyam/tutorial-oraclize/blob/master/test/response.js
Test query tool (provided by the Provable Things):