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solution • React JSX templates

Martin Dubé edited this page Mar 4, 2024 · 16 revisions

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React JSX templates

React Lexicon

Independent and reusable bits of code. They serve the same purpose as JavaScript functions, but work in isolation and return HTML. Components come in two types, « Class » components and « Function » components.
Refers to the HTML <head> section that contains <meta> datas for SEO but also global <link type="stylesheet"> files and component relative CSS <style> loaded in the page.
Acronyme for « JavaScript XML ». JSX allows us to write HTML in React. JSX makes it easier to write and add HTML in React. This is a commonly used as file extension for React templates.
Props are arguments passed into React components. Props are passed to components via HTML attributes. props stands for properties.



  1. Any HTML element can be used within JSX,
  2. JSX requires all (HTML) tags to be closed either by a dedicated closing tag <*>…</*> OR by a self-closing orphan tag <* … />.
  3. HTML tag attributes MUST be « camelCase » and CAN NOT contain JavaScript reserved words.
    • HTML class="…" is className="…" in JSX,
    • HTML onclick=(…) is onClick={…} in JSX.
  4. In JSX, JavaScript expressions can be evaluated when within curly brackets {…} but JavaScript statements (like if) are invalid.
  5. Style attributes must be in object notation and values wrapped in signgle-quotes instead of a plain string within double-quotes of the HTML
    • HTML : <div style="margin: 10px; padding: 5px">…</div>
    • JSX : <div style={{margin: '10px'; padding: '5px'}}>…</div>

React Components

Functional component

This is simply a normal JavaScript function

Function FunctionalComponentExample() {
  return <p>This string is a functional component</p>;

Arrow function example as functional component

const Phrase = () => <p>This string is an arrow functional component</p>;

Styled components

Since it is a bad practice write CSS inside an Object, we avoid using HTML’s inline style attributes on components.

Instead using a styled-component is the preferable practice since this allow us to rely on props flexibility commonly refereed to as « CSS-in-JS ». In these case props allow us to set parameters for our component to follow style guides from designers.


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