diff --git a/.github/logo_dark.svg b/.github/logo_dark.svg
index 96320bb..650a09d 100644
--- a/.github/logo_dark.svg
+++ b/.github/logo_dark.svg
@@ -13,68 +13,159 @@
+ Login attempt
+ for user
+ from IP
+ failed
+ Mark Twain
+ Colour mode changed to
+ Dark Mode
+ , triggering
+ notification
+ alert
+ Invoice.pdf
+ Emilia Clarke
+ successfully exported by
+ with elevated privileges
+ Task #
+ reassigned from
+ to
+ for completion by
+ 789
+ Bruce Wayne
+ Clark Kent
+ end of day
+ User account for
+ created successfully with
+ privileges
+ Linda Davis
+ admin
+ Scheduled maintenance started on Server
+ at
+ , expected to complete by
+ style="white-space: pre"
+ >
+ DEF321
+ 02:00
+ 05:00
+ font-family="Neonderthaw"
+ font-size="307"
+ letter-spacing="0em"
+ style="white-space: pre"
+ >
+ diary
diff --git a/.github/logo_light.svg b/.github/logo_light.svg
index e3ca4df..5ef4094 100644
--- a/.github/logo_light.svg
+++ b/.github/logo_light.svg
@@ -13,68 +13,159 @@
+ Login attempt
+ for user
+ from IP
+ failed
+ Mark Twain
+ Colour mode changed to
+ Light Mode
+ , triggering
+ notification
+ alert
+ Invoice.pdf
+ Emilia Clarke
+ successfully exported by
+ with elevated privileges
+ Task #
+ reassigned from
+ to
+ for completion by
+ 789
+ Bruce Wayne
+ Clark Kent
+ end of day
+ User account for
+ created successfully with
+ privileges
+ Linda Davis
+ admin
+ Scheduled maintenance started on Server
+ at
+ , expected to complete by
+ style="white-space: pre"
+ >
+ DEF321
+ 02:00
+ 05:00
+ font-family="Neonderthaw"
+ font-size="307"
+ letter-spacing="0em"
+ style="white-space: pre"
+ >
+ diary