diff --git a/packages/entrykit/src/useRecord.ts b/packages/entrykit/src/useRecord.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e7642e760..0000000000
--- a/packages/entrykit/src/useRecord.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-import { Table } from "@latticexyz/config";
-import { UseReadContractParameters, UseReadContractReturnType, useReadContract } from "wagmi";
-import IStoreReadAbi from "@latticexyz/store/out/IStoreRead.sol/IStoreRead.abi.json";
-import {
- decodeValueArgs,
- getKeySchema,
- getKeyTuple,
- getSchemaPrimitives,
- getSchemaTypes,
- getValueSchema,
-} from "@latticexyz/protocol-parser/internal";
-import { Hex } from "viem";
-import { show } from "@ark/util";
-// TODO: move to our own useQuery so we can control the query key
-export function useRecord
- table,
- key,
- ...opts
-}: Omit<
- UseReadContractParameters,
- "abi" | "functionName" | "args"
-> & {
- readonly table?: table;
- readonly key?: getSchemaPrimitives>;
-}): UseReadContractReturnType<
- typeof IStoreReadAbi,
- "getRecord",
- readonly [Hex, readonly Hex[]],
- show>
-> {
- return useReadContract(
- table && key && opts.query?.enabled !== false
- ? {
- ...opts,
- abi: IStoreReadAbi,
- functionName: "getRecord",
- args: [table.tableId, getKeyTuple(table, key)],
- query: {
- ...opts.query,
- select: (data) => ({
- ...key,
- ...decodeValueArgs(getSchemaTypes(getValueSchema(table)), {
- staticData: (data as [Hex, Hex, Hex])[0],
- encodedLengths: (data as [Hex, Hex, Hex])[1],
- dynamicData: (data as [Hex, Hex, Hex])[2],
- }),
- }),
- },
- }
- : {},
- );