Implementation of famous Kuramoto coupling model [1,2]. Current version (0.3) provides:
- Harmonic coupling terms.
- Perturbations of any type, with few predefied, can be activated.
Class executing dynamical Bayesian inference of time-evolving coupled system in presence of noise [3,4]. Algorithm based on set of papers (e.g. see below) and MatLab code provided by one of the authors (
[1] Kuramoto, Y. (1984). Chemical Oscillations, Waves, and Turbulence (Vol. 19).
[2] Acebron, J. A. et al (2005). The Kuramoto model: A simple paradigm for synchronization phenomena. Reviews of Modern Physics, 77(1), 137–185.
[3] A. Duggento et al., “Dynamical Bayesian inference of time-evolving interactions: From a pair of coupled oscillators to networks of oscillators,” Phys. Rev. E, 2012.
[4] Tomislav Stankovski et al., "A tutorial on time-evolving dynamical Bayesian inference" Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 223, 2014.