description |
How to Connect Pinot with Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) |
This wiki documents how to connect Pinot deployed in Amazon EKS to Amazon Managed Kafka.
Please follow this AWS Quickstart Wiki to run Pinot on Amazon EKS.
Please go to MSK Landing Page to create a Kafka Cluster.
{% hint style="info" %} Note:
- For demo simplicity, this MSK cluster reuses same VPC created by EKS cluster in the previous step. Otherwise a VPC Peering is required to ensure two VPCs could talk to each other.
- Under Encryption section, choose**
Both TLS encrypted and plaintext traffic allowed
** {% endhint %}
Below is a sample screenshot to create an Amazon MSK cluster.
After click on Create button, you can take a coffee break and come back.
Once the cluster is created, you can view it and click View client information
to see the Zookeeper and Kafka Broker list.
Sample Client Information
Until now, the MSK cluster is still not accessible, you can follow this Wiki to create an EC2 instance to connect to it for topic creation, run console producer and consumer.
In order to connect MSK to EKS, we need to allow the traffic could go through each other.
This is configured through Amazon VPC Page.
- Record the Amazon MSK
from the Cluster page, in the above demo, it'ssg-01e7ab1320a77f1a9
. - Open Amazon VPC Page, click on
on left bar. Find the EKS Security group:eksctl-${PINOT_EKS_CLUSTER}-cluster/ClusterSharedNodeSecurityGroup.
{% hint style="info" %} Please ensure you are picking ClusterShardNodeSecurityGroup {% endhint %}
- In SecurityGroup, click on MSK SecurityGroup (
), then Click onEdit Rules
, then add aboveClusterSharedNodeSecurityGroup
) to it.
- Click EKS Security Group
), add In bound Rule for MSK Security Group (sg-01e7ab1320a77f1a9
Now, EKS cluster should be able to talk to Amazon MSK.
To run below commands, please ensure you set two environment variable with ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING
(Use plaintext) from Amazon MSK client information, and replace the Variables accordingly.
You can log into one EKS node or container and run below command to create a topic.
E.g. Enter into Pinot controller container:
kubectl exec -it pod/pinot-controller-0 -n pinot-quickstart bash
Then install wget
then download Kafka binary.
apt-get update
apt-get install wget -y
tar -xzf kafka_2.12-2.2.1.tgz
cd kafka_2.12-2.2.1
Create a Kafka topic:
bin/ \
--create \
--topic pullRequestMergedEventsAwsMskDemo \
--replication-factor 1 \
--partitions 1
Topic creation succeeds with below message:
Created topic "pullRequestMergedEventsAwsMskDemo".
Once topic is created, we can start a simple application to produce to it.
You can download below yaml file, then replace:
-> MSK Zookeeper String${BROKER_LIST_STRING}
-> MSK Plaintext Broker String in the deployment${GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}
-> A personal Github Personal Access Token generated from here, please grant all read permissions to it. Here is the source code to generate Github Events.
{% file src="../../.gitbook/assets/github-events-aws-msk-demo (2).yaml" %} github-events-aws-msk-demo.yaml {% endfile %}
And apply the YAML file by.
kubectl apply -f github-events-aws-msk-demo.yaml
Once the pod is up, you can verify by running a console consumer to read from it.
{% hint style="info" %} Try to run from the Pinot Controller container entered in above step. {% endhint %}
bin/ \
--bootstrap-server ${BROKER_LIST_STRING} \
--topic pullRequestMergedEventsAwsMskDemo
This step is relatively easy.
Since we already put table creation request into the ConfigMap, we can just enter into pinot-github-events-data-into-msk-kafka
pod to execute the command.
- Check if the pod is running:
kubectl get pod -n pinot-quickstart |grep pinot-github-events-data-into-msk-kafka
Sample output:
pinot-github-events-data-into-msk-kafka-68948fb4cd-rrzlf 1/1 Running 0 14m
- Enter into the pod
podname=`kubectl get pod -n pinot-quickstart |grep pinot-github-events-data-into-msk-kafka|awk '{print $1}'`
kubectl exec -it ${podname} -n pinot-quickstart bash
- Create Table
bin/ AddTable \
-controllerHost pinot-controller \
-tableConfigFile /var/pinot/examples/pullRequestMergedEventsAwsMskDemo_realtime_table_config.json \
-schemaFile /var/pinot/examples/pullRequestMergedEventsAwsMskDemo_schema.json \
Sample output:
Executing command: AddTable -tableConfigFile /var/pinot/examples/pullRequestMergedEventsAwsMskDemo_realtime_table_config.json -schemaFile /var/pinot/examples/pullRequestMergedEventsAwsMskDemo_schema.json -controllerHost pinot-controller -controllerPort 9000 -exec
Sending request: http://pinot-controller:9000/schemas to controller: pinot-controller-0.pinot-controller-headless.pinot-quickstart.svc.cluster.local, version: Unknown
{"status":"Table pullRequestMergedEventsAwsMskDemo_REALTIME succesfully added"}
- Then you can open Pinot Query Console to browse the data