description |
The Docker instructions on this page are still WIP |
So far, we setup our cluster, ran some queries on the demo tables and explored the admin endpoints. We also uploaded some sample batch data for transcript table.
Now, it's time to ingest from a sample stream into Pinot. The rest of the instructions assume you're using Pinot in Docker.
First, we need to setup a stream. Pinot has out-of-the-box realtime ingestion support for Kafka. Other streams can be plugged in, more details in Pluggable Streams.
Let's setup a demo Kafka cluster locally, and create a sample topic transcript-topic
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Docker" %} Start Kafka
docker run \
--network pinot-demo --name=kafka \
-e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=manual-zookeeper:2181/kafka \
-d wurstmeister/kafka:latest
Create a Kafka Topic
docker exec \
-t kafka \
/opt/kafka/bin/ \
--zookeeper manual-zookeeper:2181/kafka \
--partitions=1 --replication-factor=1 \
--create --topic transcript-topic
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Using launcher scripts" %} Start Kafka
Start Kafka cluster on port 9876
using the same Zookeeper from the quick-start examples
bin/ StartKafka -zkAddress=localhost:2123/kafka -port 9876
Create a Kafka topic
Download the latest Kafka. Create a topic
bin/ --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9876 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic transcript-topic
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
If you followed the Batch upload sample data, you have already pushed a schema for your sample table. If not, head over to Creating a schema on that page, to learn how to create a schema for your sample data.
If you followed Batch upload sample data, you learnt how to push an offline table and schema. Similar to the offline table config, we will create a realtime table config for the sample. Here's the realtime table config for the transcript table. For a more detailed overview about table, checkout Table.
{% code title="/tmp/pinot-quick-start/transcript-table-realtime.json" %}
"tableName": "transcript",
"tableType": "REALTIME",
"segmentsConfig": {
"timeColumnName": "timestampInEpoch",
"timeType": "MILLISECONDS",
"schemaName": "transcript",
"replicasPerPartition": "1"
"tenants": {},
"tableIndexConfig": {
"loadMode": "MMAP",
"streamConfigs": {
"streamType": "kafka",
"stream.kafka.consumer.type": "lowlevel",
"": "transcript-topic",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "kafka:9092",
"realtime.segment.flush.threshold.rows": "0",
"realtime.segment.flush.threshold.time": "24h",
"realtime.segment.flush.threshold.segment.size": "50M",
"": "smallest"
"metadata": {
"customConfigs": {}
{% endcode %}
Now that we have our table and schema, let's upload them to the cluster. As soon as the realtime table is created, it will begin ingesting from the Kafka topic.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Docker" %}
docker run \
--network=pinot-demo \
-v /tmp/pinot-quick-start:/tmp/pinot-quick-start \
--name pinot-streaming-table-creation \
apachepinot/pinot:latest AddTable \
-schemaFile /tmp/pinot-quick-start/transcript-schema.json \
-tableConfigFile /tmp/pinot-quick-start/transcript-table-realtime.json \
-controllerHost manual-pinot-controller \
-controllerPort 9000 \
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Launcher Script" %}
bin/ AddTable \
-schemaFile /tmp/pinot-quick-start/transcript-schema.json \
-tableConfigFile /tmp/pinot-quick-start/transcript-table-realtime.json \
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Here's a JSON file for transcript table data:
{% code title="/tmp/pinot-quick-start/rawData/transcript.json" %}
{% endcode %}
Push sample JSON into Kafka topic, using the Kafka script from the Kafka download
bin/ \
--broker-list localhost:9876 \
--topic transcript-topic < /tmp/pinot-quick-start/rawData/transcript.json
As soon as data flows into the stream, the Pinot table will consume it and it will be ready for querying. Head over to the Query Console to checkout the realtime data