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"单向同步以更新跟踪服务中的章节进度。从它们的跟踪按钮为个别条目设置跟踪。", + "use_page_tap_zones": "使用页面点击区域", + "manage_trackers": "管理跟踪器", + "restore": "恢复", + "backups": "备份", + "by_scanlator": "按翻译者", + "by_name": "按名称", + "installed": "已安装", + "auto_scroll": "自动滚动", + "video_audio": "音频", + "player": "播放器", + "markEpisodeAsSeenSetting": "标记剧集为已看的时间点", + "default_skip_intro_length": "默认跳过介绍长度", + "default_playback_speed_length": "默认播放速度长度", + "updateProgressAfterReading": "阅读后更新进度", + "no_sources_installed": "未安装任何来源!", + "show_extensions": "显示扩展" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/modules/more/backup_and_restore/backup_and_restore.dart b/lib/modules/more/backup_and_restore/backup_and_restore.dart index 2edabeaa..210b6615 100644 --- a/lib/modules/more/backup_and_restore/backup_and_restore.dart +++ b/lib/modules/more/backup_and_restore/backup_and_restore.dart @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class BackupAndRestore extends ConsumerWidget { builder: (context, setState) { return AlertDialog( title: Text( - l10n.backup_options_subtile, + l10n.backup_options_subtitle, ), content: SizedBox( width: mediaWidth(context, 0.8), @@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ class BackupAndRestore extends ConsumerWidget { }, title: Text(l10n.backup_options), subtitle: Text( - l10n.backup_options_subtile, + l10n.backup_options_subtitle, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 11, color: secondaryColor(context)), ), ),